callas in 2022 and what awaits next?

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In 2022, we delivered value to our customers in the form of one major version i.e. callas pdfToolbox 14 and multiple minor and maintenance releases. callas pdfToolbox 14 introduced:

  • Protected Profiles
  • pdfToolbox for use in the cloud
  • Improved JavaScript experience
  • Multiple new features in Preflight reporting
    Amongst other cool features and improvements.

In case you want to revisit the big picture, I wrote a blog about it days before the launch. On a more granular level, you can find all the features, improvements and fixes made to pdfToolbox 14 in the release notes.

In industry news, we touched base and prepared you for the upcoming discontinuity of Type1 fonts, as announced by Adobe. We wrote a blog about the repercussions of this and how you can be best prepared for when it happens. If you haven’t made changes in your files that contain Type1 fonts, you might want to give this blog a thorough read.

One of my favourite metric to look at and learn from is what our documentation readers are reading or searching for. When it comes to ‘search’, Process Plans top the chart followed by Actions, JavaScript and Imposition. Honestly, this is far from being a shocker to us at callas, and I think the users would agree that these functionalities make the backbone of our products. On the other hand, ‘Create an HTML template for invoices’ was the top viewed article of 2022.

2023 will bring new training material, not only for our new users but also for our partners who can use the material to further train their users and new employees. While pdfToolbox 15 is shining bright on our roadmap, we are looking forward to your questions and feature requests (If I were you, I would ‘save the date’ for our next PDF Camp and bring all my questions there). As usual, the work doesn’t end for us and like every year, we are back at our seats listening to everything that you have to say. Stay healthy and I am looking forward to seeing all of you soon.

Meet us at the following event:
PDF Camp Berlin, 27 - 28/04/2023

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