Release notes
december 19, 2024
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox 15 Desktop for owners of a pdfToolbox 15 Desktop license
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfToolbox SDK for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Process plans:
- Data loss problem fixed that could occur when Process Plans with File Pickup in combination with “Do not save modified input file” were used
november 21, 2024
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox 15 Desktop for owners of a pdfToolbox 15 Desktop license
- A
free of charge update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or
pdfToolbox SDK for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- New Properties
- Glyph without contour used for non white space character
- Enhanced Properties
- All barcode-related Checks: Revised and optimized analysis for improved recognition and higher speed
- Report PDF syntax issues: Reporting for invalid end-of-data (EOD) marker in inline images [FP78427]
- Desktop
- Password visibility can be toggled [FP78118]
- Process plans: Multiple steps can now be marked as a group and activated or deactivated together and assigned a variable
- Actions
- Visualizer: Support for RGBA (RGB with transparency) and GrayA (Gray with transparency) as output colorspace for PNG [CA1033733]
- Save as image: Support for CMYK + Alpha (CMYK with transparency) for TIFF [FP68656]
- Reports
- JSON v2: Duration of individual process plan steps and total duration added [FP77998]
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Library integrated (v18.0.5PlusP1c)
- Desktop
- Test mode: Problem solved, where the result preview was not properly generated after performing the "Add Processing Steps layer metadata" Fixup [FP78806]
- Acrobat Plug-in: Problem solved, where other 3rd-party Plug-ins could not be closed anymore when a PDF was processed by pdfToolbox [FP75289]
- Batch processing: Processing result in crashing application if "Do not save modified input file" was enabled
- Explore PDF: Problem solved, where analysis was not successful if certain data after EOF marker existed [FP78522]
- Explore PDF: Problem solved, where certain PDF with content stream issues was not analyzed properly [FP78687]
- Imposition editor: Problem solved, where certain corrupt imposition configuration files were not handled properly [FP77990]
- Layer explorer: Issue fixed, where the visibility of cascading layer groups could not be switched on or off properly
- Object inspector: Issue fixed, where inline images with content after EOD marker were not listed [FP78427]
- Variables: Problem solved, where "Open list of all base Checks" resulted in an error warning [FP78802]
- Variables: Issue fixed, where changes made via "Edit scripts" in Visual Studio Code were not saved after closing the Process plan [FP77714]
- Variables: Issue fixed, where unsupported characters could be used in an input field [FP78068]
- PDF Standards
- Convert to PDF/A-...: Problem solved, where in rare cases a date mismatch between Document Info and XMP Metadata was not adjusted [CA1033784]
- Fixups
- Adjust dot gain using script variables: Issue fixed, where using the default settings resulted in an error [FP78625]
- Convert colors: Problem solved, where the processing time increased significantly when page-based filters were used [FP78881]
- Convert colors: Problem solved, where certain objects were processed, even though they were not in scope of requested objects [FP77934; FP78104]
- Convert colors using DeviceLink:
- Issue fixed, where colorant values out of the allowed range were not handled properly [FP57049]
- Problem solved, where certain images using indexed CMYK were not converted correctly [FP69473]
- Issue fixed, where available DeviceLink profiles were not ordered properly [FP55270]
- Convert TrueType fonts to CFF (for font not matching PDF/A-2 requirements): Issue fixed, where the result PDF had certain font issues [FP78595]
- Create and apply shapes: Problem solved, where the stroked path was clipped if it exceeded the CropBox [FP78652]
- Create bleed by scaling: Problem solved, where result for "no distortion" option wasn't as expected [CA1022209]
- Create invisible text via OCR: Issue fixed, where invisible text was not positioned properly if MediaBox is larger than CropBox [FP66013]
- Create invisible text via OCR: Issue fixed, where an empty text block was generated although the PDF had no text [FP75033]
- Derive page geometry boxes from crop marks:
- Issue fixed, where TrimBox was set incorrectly on second page in a certain case [CA1033458]
- Problem solved, where BleedBox was not derived or set incorrectly for certain PDFs [CA1033728, FP77967]
- Issue fixed, where TrimBox was set incorrect when multiple marks present [FP78052]
- Downsample/recompress images: Issue fixed, where a destination resolution of "0" was not handled properly and resulted in a missing image [CA1033616]
- General font processing: Issue fixed, where certain, rare supplement encoding entries in CFF fonts were not regarded properly, resulting in a changed visual appearance of a glyph [FP78902]
- Generate bleed at page edges:
- Problem solved, where the "Derive offset from page" option produced an unexpected result in certain cases [FP76594, FP78581]
- Issue fixed, where bleed was not created properly if the PDF contained a certain structure [CA1033661]
- Issue fixed, where bleed objects were created although the requested width was defined as "0" [CA1032988]
- Generate bleed for irregular shapes:
- Issue fixed, where bleed was created inside of the die line for certain large-format PDFs [CA1033575]
- Generate bleed for irregular shapes: Problem solved, where Fixup was not sucessful if executable was run as "SYSTEM" user [CA1033805]
- Place circle|rectangle: Issue fixed, where created layers did not contain certain entries in the layer order array and therefore were not listed as layers in certain PDF viewers [FP78632; FP78897]
- Place text on path: Issue fixed, where a page scaling factor was not properly taken into account
- Protect object level metadata: Problem solved, where processing was not successful in a certain case [CA1033628]
- Re-encode image with indexed color space:
- Problem solved, where processed image appeared darker in a certain case [CA1027574]
- Issue fixed, where certain bitmap images were not converted properly [FP62298, CA1027947]
- Remove annotations: Problem solved, where processing resulted in an error due to certain, incomplete annotation entries [CA1030926]
- Remove pages: Issue fixed, where page labels were not properly restored when pages were deleted [CA1030869]
- Scale pages: Problem solved, where "Fit from outside (cut page)" didn't reduce the size of TrimBox and BleedBox when needed [CA1029956]
- Set layer default to ON/OFF: Problem solved where processing was not executed properly [FP78185]
- Set line width: Problem solved, where not all path segments of certain line constructs were changed [CA1029832; CA1031847]
- Subset fonts: Issue fixed, where processing could change the visual appearance of a particular glyph in a certain case [FP78360]
- Trim clipped vector paths: Issue fixed, where Checks from the "Page description" group were not available as "Apply to" filter [CA1033686]
- All rendering-based Fixups: Improved error message when required memory size could not be allocated [FP76575]
- Checks
- Character code can not be mapped to Unicode: Issue fixed, where certain CMap entries were not properly taken into account [CA1033547, CA1033594, CA1033698]
- Find barcodes:
- Issue fixed, where barcode recognition took quite long on certain large pages [CA1033036]
- Problem solved, where an unnecessary high amount of memory was used (Linux only) [FP78564]
- Improved recognition of certain, low quality scanned barcodes [FP58706]
- Issue fixed, where an inverted barcode could not be found in certain cases [FP77084]
- Image bytes uncompressed: Issue fixed, where the number of bytes was not properly reported in certain cases
- Object is inside CropBox: Issue fixed, where certain objects were incorrectly detected [CA1032791]
- Annotation inside BleedBox/TrimBox Problem solved, where annotations were not detected correctly in some cases [CA1024291]
- Is color image: Improved detection of images with only 1 bit per color component but a color space with more than 1 color component [CA1032337, CA1031863]
- Actions
- ToPDF:
- Problem solved, where the resolution of JPEG images was not maintained in certain cases [FP77933, FP78302, FP78907]
- Issue fixed, where MS Publisher files were not converted by MS Office but via LibreOffice [CA1033721]
- Issue fixed, where a TIFF using "Old-style JPEG (in TIFF)" compression could not be converted
- E-invoice (ZUGFeRD): Problem solved, where XML schema for validation could not be found if the executable was called from a network path [CA1033554]
- Extract dieline: Page rotation factor is not always taken into account [CA1033479]
- Imposition: Problem solved where a sub-optimal looping over pages in a JavaScript-based imposition resulted in extremely high memory consumption [FP78313]
- Quick Fix: Set layer visibility: Issue fixed, where RegEx "does not match with" was not properly supported [FP77686]
- Visualizer: Issue fixed, where certain result images in created PDFs did not properly work in some viewers [FP78663]
- Reports
- XML: Issue fixed, where the report contained for a PDF with an embedded file was incomplete [CA1033595]
- XML: Schema (XSD) adapted, as certain entries were not clearly defined [FP77546]
- Server
- Job view: Problem solved, where starting or stopping a job did not maintain the scrolling position [FP78200]
- Several Fixups will now report a more detailed error message if an invalid RegEx is used [CA1033344]
- Problem solved, where processing failed due to missing dependencies in certain RHEL (and SLES) based Linux distributions [e.g. an AlmaLinux docker environment] [CA1033769]
- Process plans:
- File pickup: Problem solved, where a wrong file was used if the input was not a PDF and no Fixups had been applied beforehand [FP78277]
- Visualizer (separation views): Issue fixed, where setting "Render all individual separations in their respective color" was not properly regarded
- General
- Native ARM support for installer on macOS [FP79048]
- RegEx used in Checks and Fixups: Problem solved, where certain incorrect RegEx syntax was not reported properly during execution [CA1033344]
- Adjusted version info in "info.plist" to match specified scheme by Apple (macOS only) [FP78667]
- Rendering: Problem solved, where certain colored PDFs were displayed as gray, caused by a specific RGB-ICC profile as transparency blend color space [CA1033649, FP78297]
- Rendering: Issue fixed, where certain, slightly corrupt PDF could no longer be rendered [FP78559]
- Profiles: Problem solved, where a certain kfpx file reported a hash error during import [FP78783]
- "ZuGFeRD" renamed to "e-invoice"
juli 18, 2024
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox 15 Desktop for owners of a pdfToolbox 15 Desktop license
- A
free of charge update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or
pdfToolbox SDK for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Desktop
- Test mode: Several smaller improvements, e.g. loupe now shows page geometry boxes and page content is displayed in bleed preview
- Manage Libraries: Support for n-channel ICC profiles
- Process plans
- Compare: A compare report can now also be created if no differences were found [FP77465]
- Action "Split or reorder" now supports output options like folder, prefix and suffix
- New Fixups
- Adjust dot gain using script variables
- Create spot color plate based on ink amount using script variables
- Place file on page [CA1032298, CA1033402]
- Enhanced Fixups
- Remove printer marks: New setting "Objects outside TrimBox" [CA1028061, CA1030705]
- Create and apply shapes: New option to keep existing alternate spot color definition [FP74482]
- Set page geometry boxes (based on page content): Support for page-range Checks [FP63269]
- Convert colors: Support for page-based Black Point Compensation entries (requires PDF 2.0)
- New Properties
- Size of image
- Size of page object
- Color distance between barcode / matrix code and background
- Bounding box of effectively used page area
- New or enhanced predefined Profiles and Process plans
- Library: PDF Standards:
- Verify compliance with PDF/A-2u: Adjusted algoritm for allowed ToUnicode values [FP74044]
- PDF/UA-1 validation: Element does not use standard tag: Improved detection of recursive RoleMaps
- Library: Prepress, Color and Transparency:
- Added 34 new Profiles for validation and conversion accordingly to the Ghent Workgroup "GWG 2022 R1 Specification":
- Digital Print
- Large Format Printing (LFP)
- Newspaper and Magazine Ads
- Packaging Flexo / Gravure / Offset
- SheetCMYK / SheetSpot
- WebCMYK / WebSpot
- Actions
- To PDF: Automatic fallback for office files to use OpenOffice/LibreOffice if no MS Office is available (Windows only) [FP54688]
- SaveAsImage New optional parameter to define working color spaces for RGB, CMYK and Gray on CLI [FP51617]
- --logexecution: Support for defining a custom output folder [CA1033429]
- General
- Desktop
- Manage Libraries: Problem solved, where importing of a JavaScript based runlist was not properly done [FP77406]
- Process plan editor: Problem solved, where un-protecting a protected Process plan wasn't possible anymore [FP76360, FP76499]
- Process
plan editor: Problem solved, where a defined Variable from certain
process plan steps was not properly exported [FP77138, FP77401]
- Profile editor: Issue fixed where a Profile without a name could be created [FP77756]
- Object inspector: Problem solved, where certain PDF files could not be analyzed [CA1033239, CA1033482]
- Output preview: Issue fixed, where selected RGB or Gray ICC profiles had no effect on displayed color swatches
- Output preview: Problem solved, where a PDF/X-5n could not be rendered properly [FP68178]
- Switchboard: Generate bleed: Issue fixed, where bleed was not created correctly [FP77696, FP76697, FP77042, FP77238, FP77437]
- Switchboard: Impose: Issue fixed, where importing a sheetconfig with syntax issues resulted into an unexpected result
- Switchboard: Issue in batch processing fixed, where certain
functions were not properly executed when files were processed on a
network path (Windows only) [FP76983]
- Layer explorer: Issue
fixed, where a wrong display value for Processing Steps metadata
"Positions > CodingMarking" was used [FP77305]
- Visualizer: Issue fixed, where view was not refreshed when page or document was changed [FP75428]
- Fixups
- Crop
to visible based on rendered page: Issue fixed, where CropBox was set
larger than MediaBox and an unnecessary ArtBox was introduced
- Crop
to visible based on rendered page: Problem solved, where the option
"ignore objects using Registration color" was not properly regarded in
some cases [CA1027164, CA1030546]
- Create and apply shapes:
- Issue
fixed, where an open path object was not joined for the created Shape
using the option "From joined vector paths" [CA1033235]
- Problem solved, were a stroked shape was not correct when certain rendering resolution was used [CA1033367]
- Problem solved, where page was not sufficiently enlarged [CA1031419, FP75848]
- Issue fixed, where shape from joined vector path was not created as expected in certain case [CA1031498]
- Issue fixed, where shape was slightly misaligned for certain page with large dimension [FP76038]
- Problem solved, where after clipping thin white lines appeared in existing page content [FP77056]
- Create link for page objects: Issue fixed, where new link annotations were not positioned on top of existing link annotations
- Create
bleed for irregular shapes: Problem solved, where shape generation was
not properly executed for certain multi-page PDFs [CA1033428]
- Create bleed for irregular shapes: Issue fixed, where page scaling factors were not properly regarded
- Create invisible text via OCR: Problem solved, where an improperly nested CropBox/MediaBox had an incomplete result [FP62342]
- Derive
page geometry boxes from crop marks: Reviewed and optimized analysis to
detect more variants of crop marks [FP7137, FP21571, FP17912, FP21077,
FP30987, FP52238, FP61575, FP63193, FP63629, FP64901, FP73582, FP76423,
FP76514, CA1030373, CA1032395]
- Discard hidden layers: Problem solved, where removing a layer could result in missing resources [FP61033]
- Downsample/recompress images:
- Issue fixed, where a FixFailure was reported for ZIP compressed images and re-compression [CA1029723, CA1033472]
- Issue fixed, where an JPEG2000 image with smask could not be converted [FP60689]
- Issue fixed, where a smask was not properly handled [FP70689]
- Problem solved, where re-compression was not properly executed on a certain, very large PDF [CA1033109]
- Issue
fixed, where processing took very long on a certain file with a very
high number of very small images (Windows only) [CA1031829]
- Remove empty layers: Problem solved, where certain layer-related entries remained in PDF [CA1032936]
- Flatten transparency: Issue fixed, where the time out setting was not regarded with certain PDFs [FP76436]
- Generate bleed at page edges:
- Problem solved, where the resulting PDF was not fully correct for certain PDFs and if bleed was set to overprint [FP76417]
- Issue fixed where an unnecessary TR2 entry was inserted [FP77486]
- Issue fixed, where deriving the bleed offset automatically did not properly work [FP76594]
- Spotify: Issued fixed, where spot color library was not completely included in an exported Profile in some cases [FP77338]
- Subset
fonts: Issue fixed, where .notdef glyph used for space characters
became visible in certain viewers if its Unicode referenced non-breaking
space character [FP76876]
- Place content on page: Issue fixed,
where layers were not merged although name, default visibility and
Process Steps metadata were matching
- Place content on page: Issue fixed, where the "Order" array of already existing Layers was not properly maintained [CA1032253]
- Font
processing: Problem solved, where certain result fonts triggered a
warning for an unavailable font in certain PDF viewers [CA1033213,
- Recompress JPEG2000 images as JPEG: Issue fixed, where certain JPEG2000 image could not be converted [FP64642]
- Remove
printer marks: Problem solved, where objects were not removed on all
pages if referenced by more than one Form XObject [CA1031544]
- Properties
- Number
of hits in this check / Number of hits in this check in document:
Improved handling of defined limits to avoid unnecessary high memory
usage and to improve performance
- Find barcodes: Limit rendering
to CropBox even if a custom area is defined and exceeds it to avoid
unnecessary memory consumption [FP76799]
- Number of plates: Issue
fixed, where smooth shades using only black were reported as "more than
1 plate used" [FP19765, CA1021954]
- Text on page: Problem solved were multiple word repetitions occurred in the trigger value for OCR text [FP65713; FP77064]
- Has transfer function: Issue fixed, where a TR2 entry was also taken into account in some cases, although not relevant [FP77532]
- Sifter-based
properties: Issue fixed, where processing together with a "Convert
colors" Fixup within one Profile was not successful [FP76597, FP76903]
- Syntax
issues: Multiple defined "object streams" with identical order numbers
in PDF stream added to internal list of checks [CA1033431]
- Arbitrary
JavaScript controlled Check: Problem solved, where list values from a
predefined Check were not properly handled [FP75807]
- Actions
- Compare: A wrong path was written for a preview image in cals_params.js when used with a report template
- Duplicate pages: Issue fixed, where the transparency blend color space was not properly maintained [FP76346]
- Save as image:
- Problem solved, where rendering of a certain font was not possible [FP77270]
- Issue fixed, where conversion to TIFF using CMYK and multichannel resulted in an unexpected CMYK color shift [CA1033206]
- Issue fixed where rendering outside of the CropBox was no longer possible
- List Variables: Issue fixed, where certain Variable information was missing for a Process plan [CA1033257]
- QuickFix: ResavePDF: Problem solved, where wrong header was written in a certain cases [FP76675]
- QuickFix: Enlarge pages: Issue fixed, were certain pattern used in a smooth shade was not properly handled [CA1033177]
- Imposition:
Issue fixed where a page scaling factor was not properly regarded if
JavaScript-based imposition was applied [FP77661]
- To PDF for images:
- Problem solved, where PDF creation resulted in wrong dimension for certain JPEG [CA1030102, FP31134, FP54034, FP64150]
- Problem solved, where a certain way of placing text in a SVG resulted in an unexpected result [FP76914, FP77240]
- Issue fixed, where a CMYK TIFF was not completely converted to PDF [FP68946]
- Problem solved, where transparent regions from CMYK TIFF files became white [FP74524]
- Problem solved, where 8bit CMYK TIFF files with Photoshop alpha layers were not converted to PDF correctly [FP67874]
- Issue fixed, where conversion from TIFF with a smaller BBox than Path-to-clip resulted in a thin white line [CA1032876]
- Issue fixed, where conversion of certain high-resolution TIFF resulted in a slightly shifted result [FP4157]
- Issue fixed, where a multichannel TIFF could not be properly converted to PDF [FP28281]
- Problem solved, where a TIFF using the deprecated "Old-style JPEG (in TIFF)" compression could not be converted [CA1031774]
- Issue fixed, where an uncompressed grayscale TIFF using 8-Bit could not be converted properly [FP75240]
- Issue fixed, where conversion of a certain TIFF using 16-Bit resulted in gray tiles [FP73457]
- Issue fixed, where a CMYK TIFF using 8-Bit with JPEG compression was converted correctly [FP75281]
- Problem solved, where a TIFF containing an ICC profile with issues could not be converted [FP61561, FP64047]
- Issue
fixed, where a TIFF with Photoshop alpha layers exceeding the dimension
of the image itself was not handled properly [CA1029777]
- Problem
solved, where the dimension of a certain JPG image using a resolution
with decimal values was not properly maintained [FP47035, FP73807]
- To PDF: Problem solved, where a certain type of scaling in a CF2 file was not properly interpreted [FP76692]
- ZUGFeRD: Issue solved, where XMP entry for Version was set to "1p0" instead of "1.0" [CA1033016]
- Reports
template based report: Issue fixed, where visualizer images could not
be requested using the legacy manifest.xml entry (used up to and
including pdfToolbox 14) [FP77396]
- QuickCheck: Issue fixed, where ICC source profiles were not listed in the created report (Linux only) [CA1033276]
- XML/JSON: Explicit reporting of default color spaces
- JSON v2: Issue fixed, where no report was generated for password protected PDFs
- JSON v2: Issue fixed, where no report was generated for PDFs with an invalid colorspace type for an image mask
- JSON v2: Issue fixed, where embedded files with AF entry were not listed
- XML: XML schema (XSD) adjusted to cover output_intents entries [FP77546]
- Server
- Issue
fixed, where a specified limitation of parallel processes was
internally always set to 8 processes even the License Server was used
- To
PDF: Problem solved, where PostScript-to-PDF conversion could result in
unnecessary high memory consumption [CA1028600, FP77263]
- Profile
execution: Optimized handling for hits per document if no report option
is selected in order to increase performance [CA1033174]
- Distributed processing
- Problem solved, where result files of Actions using sub-folders were not transferred back to the Client
- Problem solved, where placing PDFs using the "Place content on page" Fixup was not properly done [FP77271]
- General
- Actions in ProcessPlan: Issue fixed, where a defined sub-folder structure was not regarded
- Process plans: A "File pick up" step now restores the original file name as well [FP76750]
- Process
plans: Problem solved, where a combination of "Rename PDF" and "Do not
save modified input file" resulted in an error [FP76767]
- Issue fixed, where a Process plan execution was not successful with the first runs but was successful later [CA1033239]
- Problem solved, where Profile execution was not successful if certain Fixups were using certain settings [CA1033292, FP77773]
maart 19, 2024
- An upgrade to pdfToolbox Server 15, pdfToolbox CLI 15 or pdfToolbox SDK 15 from earlier versions of these products requires a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA). Please contact your reseller for further information.
- Desktop
- Simplified Profile editor
- Profiles window: New possibility to select multiple Profiles and assign them to another group [FP75559]
- Object inspector: New functionality to derive a Check from object properties
- Object inspector: RGB color values are now also showing color values based on the (0…255) range [FP75360]
- Switchboard: New function "Enumerate XObjects" in group Layers visualizes the form XObject hierarchy using layers
- General PDF preview: All types of Output Intents are now taken into account and ICC profiles for all color spaces are listed as possible simulation profiles in output preview mode [CA1026640, FP72044]
- Variables: Ask at runtime dialogue support for JavaScript based configuration to order, hide or disable Variable input fields
- Visualizer: Very small objects view: "Thresholds" section has been added
- Testmode: Several new functionalities like Loupe, Layer view, Show custom area, Shape preview with original page content, Show hit results only
- Text editor for Variables and other config files: New sidebar with advanced settings menu
- Support for Desktop licensing via License Server [FP76002]
- Process plans
- New option: Do not save modified input file
- Actions in Process plans: Several new options for naming output files (e.g. prefix, creation of subfolders or overwriting of existing files)
- New Fixups
- Place text on path
- Split dieline at break points
- Flatten all form XObjects into page content streams
- Set page level transparency groups to non knockout [FP74786]
- Enhanced Fixups
- Convert colors: New advanced parameters to define the tolerance for RGB gray [FP70148]
- Convert colors: Support for page level Output Intents (only for PDF 2.0 files) [FP64975]
- Derive page geometry boxes from crop marks: New options to specify color space for crop marks
- Derive page geometry boxes from crop marks: New parameters to limit the search area within the page
- Derive page geometry boxes from crop marks: New option to only derive boxes if TrimBox is missing or equals MediaBox [FP35137, FP37895]
- Derive page geometry boxes from crop marks: Support for crop marks in images
- Derive page geometry boxes from crop marks: New parameter to specify if BleedBox shall be set [FP56205]
- Generate bleed at page edges: New option "Auto determine bleed generation offsets"
- Generate bleed at page edges: New option "Suppress empty color channels" for "CMYK, keep spot colors" [FP75251]
- Convert PDF internal names to UTF-8, while "Convert font names to UTF-8" and "Convert spot color names to UTF-8" have been deprecated
- Create and apply shapes: New create shape method "From joined vector paths" which connects vector path objects if endpoints are at the same position but not connected
- Generate bleed for irregular shapes: New option to create bleed at inner borders of a shape [CA1032858; FP72642]
- Generate bleed for irregular shapes: New option "Suppress empty color channels" for "CMYK, keep spot colors"
- New option "Smart resolution for page dimension > 75cm" for internal rendering reduces the rendering resolution for pages where at least one dimension exceeds internal thresholds: >75cm: 0.75; >150cm: 0.5; >200cm: 0.25; >400cm: 0.1. Affected:
- Convert page content into image
- Create and apply shapes
- Create spot color plate based on ink amount
- Crop to visible based on rendered page
- Generate bleed at page edges
- Generate bleed for irregular shapes
- Set page geometry boxes
- Downsample/compress bitmap images: Enabled page-based Checks for "Apply to" selection [FP75619]
- Downsample/compress color images: Enabled page-based Checks for "Apply to" selection [FP75619]
- Downsample/compress grayscale images: Enabled page-based Checks for "Apply to" selection [FP75619]
- Upsample/recompress color and/or grayscale images: Enabled page-based Checks for "Apply to" selection
- Upsample/recompress bitmap images: Enabled page-based Checks for "Apply to" selection
- New Properties
- Smallest size of quiet zone for bar-/matrixcodes
- Quiet zone has sufficient size for bar-/matrixcodes
- Number of narrow curves and sharp angles on path object
- Number of narrow curves and sharp angles all path objects on page
- Rotation of barcode / matrix code
- Create a hit (or not) for pages
- Create a hit (or not) for page areas
- Length of a stroked vector object [CA1033164]
- Angle of stroked vector object
- Corner radius of stroked vector object
- Is part of a Form-XObject
- Is part of a Type3 font CharProcs
- Is part of a tiling pattern content stream
- Page is knockout transparency group [FP74786]
- Specified DPart DPM property uses specified value
- Enhanced Properties
- All Barcode-related Checks: Reviewed and optimized analysis for improved recognition of codes on a page (e.g. inverted codes or above colored background) [CA1031990, FP70742, FP70793, FP73434]
- New option "Smart resolution for page dimension > 75cm" for internal rendering reduces the rendering resolution for pages where at least one dimension exceeds internal thresholds: >75cm: 0.75; >150cm: 0.5; >200cm: 0.25; >400cm: 0.1. Affected:
- Find barcodes
- Shape definition
- New option "Smart sample size for page dimension > 75cm" for internal rendering reduces the rendering resolution for pages where at least one dimension exceeds internal thresholds: >75cm: 0.75; >150cm: 0.5; >200cm: 0.25; >400cm: 0.1. Affected:
- Effective ink coverage
- Effective ink coverage in custom area
- Effective ink coverage for registration color
- Effective ink coverage for separated plates
- Effective total area coverage (TAC)
- Number of effectively non-empty plates
- Area effectively covered by ink amount above threshold
- New or enhanced predefined Profiles and Process plans
- Library: PDF Standards:
- PDF/A-2u: Outline non-Unicode text if it is below specified share of all text: Reviewed and optimized JavaScript Variables to ensure better results
- Convert to PDF/A-2…, PDF/A-3…, PDF/A-4…: Added "Convert PDF internal names to UTF-8", while "Convert font names to UTF-8" and "Convert spot color names to UTF-8" have been deprecated and removed
- Convert to PDF/X-4…, PDF/X-5n, PDF/X-6…: Added "Convert PDF internal names to UTF-8", while "Convert font names to UTF-8" and "Convert spot color names to UTF-8" have been deprecated and removed
- Convert to PDF/X-4… and PDF/A-2…: Added "Convert PDF internal names to UTF-8", while "Convert font names to UTF-8" and "Convert spot color names to UTF-8" have been deprecated and removed
- Convert to PDF/X-6… and PDF/A-4…: Added "Convert PDF internal names to UTF-8", while "Convert font names to UTF-8" and "Convert spot color names to UTF-8" have been deprecated and removed
- Fix problems in PDF tagging structure: Added "Convert PDF internal names to UTF-8", while "Convert font names to UTF-8" and "Convert spot color names to UTF-8" have been deprecated and removed
- Convert to PDF/A-2u: New text handling for image conversion: Set to "OCR for invisible text"
- Convert to PDF/A-3u: New text handling for image conversion: Set to "OCR for invisible text"
- Verify compliance with PDF/A-4e: Added "DeviceRGB used in an 3D annotation but no PDF/A OutputIntent"
- New or enhanced predefined Fixups
- Library: Prepress, Color and Transparency:
- Add crop and bleed marks: Will now use register color by default (separation "All")
- Convert PDF internal names to UTF-8
- Generate 2mm bleed at specified dieline (spot color)
- Remove layers and content that are initially invisible
- Flatten all Form XObjects into page content streams
- Settings updated to take advantage of "Smart resolution":
- Convert page content into CMYK image if number of vector objects is above 10000
- Convert page content into CMYK image if number of bitmap images is above 10000
- Convert page content into CMYK image if number of smooth shades is above 2000
- Convert pages with complex page descriptions into images
- Convert page content into CMYK image (150 ppi, high JPEG quality)
- Convert page content into CMYK image if size of content stream is greater than 5MB
- Generate 2mm bleed from page content
- Generate 3mm bleed at TrimBox, excluding specified spot color
- Generate 3mm bleed by stretching border area
- Crop all pages to visible based on rendered page
- Crop to visible based on rendered page (if TrimBox doesn't match specified size)
- Generate 5mm bleed at dieline (Processing Steps)
- Added the new advanced parameters to define the tolerance for RGB gray tolerance (light gray will use 1%, midtone gray 2% and dark gray 3% tolerance)
- Convert color to Coated GRACoL 2006 (convert spot colors to CMYK)
- Convert color to Coated GRACoL 2006 (keep spot colors)
- Convert color to Coated GRACoL 2013 (convert spot colors to CMYK)
- Convert color to Coated GRACoL 2013 (keep spot colors)
- Convert color to ISO Coated v2 (ECI) (keep spot colors)
- Convert color to Japan Color Coated 2001 (convert spot colors to CMYK)
- Convert color to Japan Color Coated 2001 (keep spot colors)
- Convert color to Japan Color Coated 2011 (convert spot colors to CMYK)
- Convert color to Japan Color Coated 2011 (keep spot colors)
- Convert color to PSO Coated v3 (ECI) (convert spot colors to CMYK)
- Convert color to PSO Coated v3 (ECI) (keep spot colors)
- Library: Shapes, Variables, JavaScript, Place content:
- Settings updated to take advantage of "Smart resolution":
- Generate 3 mm bleed by pixel repetition
- Generate 3 mm bleed by mirroring
- Create partial varnish for images
- Create varnish for printed content (excl. white areas)
- Create varnish for printed content (incl. white areas)
- Generate bleed by specified method
- Set TrimBox based on visible content
- Library: PDF Standards:
- Convert PDF internal names to UTF-8
- New or enhanced predefined Checks
- Library: Prepress, Color and Transparency:
- Page has more than 6 dieline corner issues
- Settings updated to take advantage of "Smart resolution":
- Effective ink coverage above specified value
- Effective CMYK ink coverage above 0%
- Effective ink coverage above 0%
- Library: PDF Standards:
- MCID IDs are not unique within content stream
- Actions
- Unified concept for units in Actions and limited to one unit setting per Action, which now also support Variables [FP62523, FP62569, FP63690, FP65143, FP74181]
- ToPDF: Support for CF2 files
- Booklet: New Parameter "Shingling offset" [CA1033060]
- Extract Dieline: Added the possibility to edit, duplicate, create new and import Checks for the filter functionality
- Image export: New Option "Do not embed ICC profile" to create uncalibrated image files [CA1028662, FP26060, FP23195, FP30710, FP53882, FP63982, FP70090]
- Quick Fix
- Reports
- HTML-template based Reports:
- Extended reporting of Process plans
- Additional views for small objects can be ordered via the manifest.xml [FP75702]
- Additional views for images below threshold resolution can be ordered via the manifest.xml [FP75702]
- Possibility to create certain visualizer images only for pages with issues via the manifest.xml [FP75702]
- Support for custom parameters in manifest.xml via an JavaScript object
- All settings changed via the manifest.xml can now also be adjusted via the new "" JavaScript object
- Improved reporting if a section (e.g. spot colors) has nothing to report [FP72090]
- Support for JSON v2 report to be requested via the manifest.xml
- New JSON v2 report, which lists contents similar to the XML report
- XML report: Embedded Output Intents on page level are now also reported (PDF 2.0)
- Booklet: New Parameter "Shingling offset" [CA1033060]
- SaveAsImage: New Option "Do not embed ICC profile" to create uncalibrated image files
- Extract XMP metadata: New additional output format XMP [CA1033089]
- General
- PDF/A fallback conversion: New option to derive text via OCR
- JavaScript Variables: JavaScript result object contains more Barcode related properties
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Library integrated (v18.0.4PlusP2r)
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Converter integrated (PostScript to PDF conversion; v3.2.0PlusP1e)
- Desktop
- Issues fixed, where certain windows were not properly displayed when initially opened using high DPI monitors on Windows
- Testmode will now also show if file has syntax issues [FP75711]
- Switchboard: Add border: Issue fixed, where MediaBox was created with double border size than CropBox [FP75779]
- Switchboard: Duplicate pages: Issue fixed, where the setting was not properly regarded in a certain case [FP75518]
- Fixups
- Create and apply shapes: Problems solved, where the shape had an insufficient dimension in vertical direction for very large pages [FP74675, FP76038]
- Create and apply shapes: Issue fixed, where clipping based on a custom box did not respect a page scaling factor or rotation key [FP61975, FP75474, FP75051]
- Create and apply shapes: Problem solved, where certain objects were not properly taken into account for shape creation when an inverted Check was used as a filter [CA1030171]
- Properties
- Text on page: Issue fixed, where search was not successful if RegEx was used (Linux only) [FP76112]
- Is in custom area: Problem solved, where a page scaling factor was not properly regarded
- Has layers: Issue fixed, where certain layer configuration fragments in a PDF resulted in a hit although no complete layer existed in the file
- Text cannot be mapped to Unicode: Adjusted recognition for glyphs using either the Private Use Area (PUA) or "zero" unicodes [CA1033102]
- Color space related properties: Improved reporting to avoid creating hits for form XObjects [FP75495]
- Actions
- MergePDF: Corrected the numerical order of the merged PDF files so that e.g 10 comes after 9 and not after 1
- ToPDF for PostScript files: Problem solved, where a bounding box was not respected [CA1032272]
- ToPDF for PostScript files: Issue fixed, where the name of an additional font folder could not exceed 9 characters [CA1030231, CA1032669]
- SaveAsImage: Problem solved, where a certain image-only PDF with large image could not be properly converted [CA1032617, FP73859]
- Imposition: Issue fixed, where using a custom sheet resulted in an error [FP74776]
- Split in half / Step and repeat: Problem solved, where even pages were not properly handled [FP74646, FP75442, FP75461, FP75726, FP75817, FP75991, FP76119]
- N-Up / Step and repeat: Problem solved, where defined unit from the UI was not properly regarded [FP65143]
- Actions in Process plans: Problem solved, where the output of a failed Action was handled as "success" and not as a "failure" [FP74854]
- Reports
- HTML-template based Reports: Problem solved, where the pagebox setting for inkcoverage in the manifest.xml was not regarded [FP75920]
- QuickCheck: Problem solved, where files using a PDF 2.0 based encryption algorithm could not be analyzed [CA1032217]
- Variables: Problem solved, where "variables.json" created by "log profile execution" or "ask at runtime" dialogue could not be used
- ZUGFeRD: Problem solved, where file name of embedded invoice xml was set incorrectly [CA1033016]
- General
- JavaScript Variables: Problem solved, where the JavaScript objects for "effective... "- page geometry boxes did not took the page rotation factor into account [FP75464]
- Process plan step "File pickup": Restores the return code as it was when the restored file was placed in the step from which it was retrieved
december 14, 2023
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox 14 Desktop for owners of a pdfToolbox 14 Desktop license
- A
free of charge update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or
pdfToolbox SDK for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Desktop
- Problem solved where certain combinations of region and language settings resulted in unstable behaviour (macOS only) [CA1032326; FP75186]
- Issue fixed where external variable script editing was no longer possible in VS Code (macOS only) [FP75135]
- Fixups
- Create and apply shapes: Issue fixed, where an invisible pattern became visible when a certain spot color was excluded [CA1032830]
- Place rectangle: Problem solved where rectangle was placed at offset position when radius was defined [CA1032941]
- Remove .notdef glyphs: Problem solved where missing but required CMap entry was not handled properly [CA1032893]
- Set colors: Issue fixed, where certain Properties like "is in custom area" could not be used in a Check [CA1032944]
- Set transparency blend color space: Issue fixed, where the blend color space was changed with the setting "is missing" even though the entry already existed [FP75258]
- Font processing: Problem solved, where some glyphs were removed if identical fonts were contained in the PDF in certain cases [FP74861]
- Actions
- To PDF: Problem solved, where conversion of TIFF files was not successful (Windows 32bit only)
- General
- Fast VDP mode: Problem solved, where single-page documents with multiple usage of Form XObjects were not properly processed [CA1032881]
november 16, 2023
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox 14 Desktop for owners of a pdfToolbox 14 Desktop license
- A
free of charge update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or
pdfToolbox SDK for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Desktop
- Switchboard: New functionality "Rasterize" in group "Pages"
- Switchboard: New functionality "Fill page (repeat)" in group "Arrange"
- Switchboard: "Import from library" option for runlist and sheetconfig files added
- Process plan editor: Transitions without an assigned destination step will be handled as connection to "End" [FP66937]
- Process plan editor: Enhanced highlighting of transitions and connected steps [FP66937]
- Process plans and Profile editors: Improved handling of custom Templates for Variables (Ask at runtime dialog)
- Explore DPart: Import of DPart structures into a PDF
- Support for High DPI monitors on Windows
- Action editor: "Import from library" option for runlist and sheetconfig files added
- Search Libraries: Imposition configuration files are now available as listed resources [FP71940]
- New or enhanced predefined Profiles
- Fix problems in PDF tagging structure: Added "Insert or repair IDTree in StructTreeRoot" Fixup
- PDF/UA-1 validation:
- Added "List encloses improper structure type"
- Added "Table encloses improper structure type"
- Adjusted "Annotations not inside Annot tag"
- Adjusted "Annotation lacks both Contents entry and Alt entry"
- Adjusted "Neither Scope nor Headers/IDs for TH cell" [CA1032688]
- PDF/A-1... validation:
- Adjusted "PDF contains data after end of file marker"
- Adjusted "Text cannot be mapped to Unicode" for PDF/A-1a
- PDF/A-2... validation:
- Adjusted "OutputIntent uses a referenced destination profile"
- Adjusted "No transparency group entry for transparent object and no PDF/A OutputIntent present"
- Adjusted "PDF contains data after end of file marker"
- Adjusted "Text cannot be mapped to Unicode" for PDF/A-2u
- PDF/A-3... validation:
- Adjusted "OutputIntent uses a referenced destination profile"
- Adjusted "No transparency group entry for transparent object and no PDF/A OutputIntent present"
- Adjusted "PDF contains data after end of file marker"
- Adjusted "Text cannot be mapped to Unicode" for PDF/A-3u
- PDF/A-4... validation:
- Added "DeviceRGB used in an 3D annotation but PDF/A OutputIntent not RGB"
- Added "Incorrect annotation type used: FileAttachment"
- Added "Embedded file has invalid MIME type entry"
- Adjusted "OutputIntent uses a referenced destination profile"
- Adjusted "No transparency group entry for transparent object and no PDF/A OutputIntent present"
- Adjusted "PDF contains data after end of file marker"
- Adjusted "Text cannot be mapped to Unicode"
- New or enhanced predefined Fixups
- Convert page content into CMYK image if size of content stream is greater than 5MB
- New or enhanced predefined Checks
- Content stream size of page greater than 5MB
- New Fixups
- Enhanced Fixups
- Convert colors: New advanced setting: "Decalibrate with filters"
- New Properties
- URI of action in link annotation [FP68840]
- Actions
- Quick
Fix: New option for Resave PDF: "Repair image streams (ZIP)" to repair
incorrect length entries and insert missing EOD (end of data) markers
[CA1032568; CA1032639; FP74023]
- Reports
- PDF Mask report: Support for highlighting of barcode / QR code hits added
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Library integrated (v18.0.4PlusP2f)
- Internal HTML converter updated to callas pdfChip (v2.5.084)
- Desktop
- Action editor: Reviewed, reordered and optimized display of possible options for several Action types
- Action editor: Issue solved, where naming was not checked for identical Actions and no auto-indexing took place upon import
- Action editor: Corrected swapped strings for custom box in image export [FP74181]
- Problems
solved in more than one monitor setups, where certain parts of the user
interface were displayed on the wrong monitor in certain cases
- Compare Profiles: Issue fixed, where comparing 2 specific Profiles was not successful
- General
font processing: Problem solved, where analysis was not successful due
to some rare and unusual Encoding entries [FP74269]
- JavaScript editor: Issue fixed, where installation of callas VSCode auto-complete component did not work (Windows only)
- Layer Exporer: Reviewed and revised handling of layers
- Process plans: Issue fixed, where a failing Fixup did not stopp processing in Desktop [FP74444]
- Process plans: Issues fixed, where changes to the plan were reported, although the plan was unchanged
- Problem solved, where update notification created an assertion when a proxy was used [FP74089]
- QuickFix editor: Issue solved, where naming was not checked for identical QuickFixes and no auto-indexing took place upon import
- Switchboard: Problem solved, where folders for failures were not properly created during batch processing [FP73553]
- Test mode: Problem fixed, where certain Quick Fix combinations with file pick up resulted in a warning message [FP74531]
- Test mode: Issue fixed, where hotkeys for zoom levels were not functional (Windows only) [FP71939]
- Variable editor: Several issues fixed, where "Show evaluation results" did not work as expected in certain cases
- Variable editor: Problem solved, where logging profile execution was not successful [FP74158]
- Fixups
- Convert colors:
- Issue fixed, where identical (legacy) configuration files became indexed during import of previously exported process plan
- Problem solved, where some Form XObjects were missing after processing in certain PDF files [CA1032716]
- Problem solved, where certain Default ColorSpace definitions were not properly decalibrated [FP73443]
- Convert page content into image:
- Issue fixed with JPEG compression, where process colors in DeviceN where not rendered
- Problem solved, where some page objects were visually changed if "Except page objects" filter was used [FP67080; FP71301]
- Problem solved where in certain cases some lines of pixels were not rendered [FP74646]
- Create and apply shapes:
- Issue fixed, where using a layer-based page filter resulted in unexpected behavior [FP74444]
- Problem solved, where a page rotation factor was not properly regarded [CA1032570]
- Issue fixed, where an additional rectangle path was added outside of the document area in certain cases [FP72887]
- Downsample/recompress
images: Issue fixed, where proportions of images were not maintained if
used together with a "Convert colors" Fixup in the same Profile
- Downsample/recompress images: Problem solved, where
certain images using a Mask or an SMark entry were not properly handled
[CA1032308; CA1032545; CA1032553; FP74510]
- Embed missing fonts:
Issue fixed, where font embedding replaced a certain glyph if the
respective glyph was not available in the font file [FP73453]
- Embed
missing fonts: Problem solved, where Unicode values from encoding
entries for glyphs were not maintained in certain cases [CA1032659]
- Generate
bleed for irregular shapes: Problem solved, where resulting bleed used
slightly wrong color [CA1032858; FP68973; FP72642]
- Generate bleed for irregular shapes: Issue fixed, where process colors were not properly handled in certain cases
- Map colors:
- Problem solved, where mapping of Gray to Separation Black resulted in an unexpected output [FP73701]
- Images will only be converted between color spaces if "Include intermediate color values" is enabled
- Issue fixed, where result was not properly displayed in certain PDF viewers after processing [CA1032715]
- Problem solved, where certain DeviceGray objects could not be mapped to spot color [CA1032712]
- Profile description for Output Intent: Issue fixed, where properties of ICC v4 profiles could not be determined [FP74319]
- Remove page objects completely outside page area: Problem solved with a certain file [CA1032654; FP74520]
- Set transparency blend color space: Issue fixed, where blend color space was not properly set in certain cases [FP73586]
- Subset fonts: Problem solved, where a "npspace" glyph was mistakenly replaced [FP74330]
- Checks
- Create invisible text via OCR: Problem solved, where processing was not successful on Linux in some cases [FP74099]
- ICCbased ...: Form XObjects no longer taken into account [FP73586]
- PDF file contains data after the end-of-file marker: Issue fixed, where a "Newline" (0A) was not regarded [CA1032852]
- Sifter-based Properties:
- Issue solved, where objects outside shapes were not properly detected with certain PDFs [CA1032698; FP74166; FP74187; FP74784]
- Issue fixed, where a file from previous processing could not be analyzed in certain cases [FP69716]
- Problem solved, where checking distances did not work properly [FP73788]
- Problem
solved, where a layer with an incomplete OCProperties entry was falsely
classified as invisible and therefore not regarded [CA10327726]
- Smallest distance from TrimBox: Problem solved, where the defined threshold was not properly regarded [CA1032065]
- Content stream analysis: Problem solved, where processing a certain PDF resulted in endless processing [FP73680]
- Actions
- Compare: If only one of the PDFs has an Output Intent, this Output Intent will now be used for both PDFs [FP74190]
- Extract dieline: Problem solved, where rectangular strokes were not exported as closed paths [FP72538]
- Overlay: Issue fixed, where layers were not properly handled [FP44717]
- To PDF:
- Problem solved where certain JPEG images were unproportionally scaled when converted to PDF [FP74437]
- Issue fixed, where certain TIFF files using Lab colors were only partially converted
- Problem solved, where 16Bit TIFF files with "NoMac" byte order were not properly converted [CA1032713; FP73200; FP74424]
- Quick Fix:
- General issue fixed, where certain dates were not properly handled [CA1032829]
- Apply rotate key: Issue fixed, where processing resulted in an error on certain PDFs [CA1032570]
- Set MediaBox to origin: Issue with UserUnit entry fixed [CA1032604]
- Resave PDF: Problem solved, where processing was not successful for a certain PDF with metadata issues [FP74242]
- Rotate pages: Problem solved, where result could not be displayed in certain PDF viewers [FP74605]
- Rotate pages: Issue fixed, where page scaling factor (UserUnit) was not properly maintained [FP73288]
- Split PDF / Split and merge PDF: Problem solved, where processing a file with font issues was not successful [FP74125]
- Split PDF / Split and merge PDF: Issue fixed, where certain PDFs used extraordinary long processing time [FP73432]
- Server
- Reports are created without overview according to settings [FP74332]
- Optimized implicit repair for files with syntax issues [CA1031639; FP73502]
- Reports
- Inventory report: Problem solved, where report was not properly created for one page PDFs in Desktop in certain cases
- JSON: Issue fixed, where some special characters (like umlauts) were escaped
- Quick Check: Issue fixed, where a configuration with CR line endings was not properly regarded [CA1032578]
- Distributed Processing
- Issue fixed, where graceful shutdown failed for Dispatcher/Satellite
- License Server
- When
used for Distributed Processing, options like --lspool and --lsmessage
used in the Client call will only be forwarded to the Satellite when the
Client also specifies a --licenseserver
- General
- JavaScript Variables: Problem with a certain combination of operators solved [FP73754]
- JavaScript Variables: Issue fixed, where xml.xpath did not work as expected for attributes [FP62815]
- Problem solved, where internal syntax optimization did not restor a specific structure of color spaces [FP73698]
- Problem solved, where file processing resulted in a syntax issue with certain PDFs [FP74598]
- Issue fixed, where incorrect Windows version was reported in some cases [CA1032618]
- Log Profile execution: Issue fixed, where the app.json file was empty for barcode / QR code Checks [FP73901]
juli 18, 2023
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox 14 Desktop for owners of a pdfToolbox 14 Desktop license
- A
free of charge update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or
pdfToolbox SDK for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Fixups
- Derive page geometry boxed from crop marks: Issue fixed, where boxes from certain marks were not correctly recognized [FP73640]
- Map spot and process colors: Problem solved, where image masks were no longer converted [FP73735]
- Checks
- Sifter-based properties: Problem solved, where processing was not correctly executed for certain PDFs [FP73638]
juni 29, 2023
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox 14 Desktop for owners of a pdfToolbox 14 Desktop license
- A
free of charge update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or
pdfToolbox SDK for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Desktop
- Process plans: Improved handling of Variables in input/pop-up fields
- Manage Libraries: Quick Check items are now listed in a separate Group
- Enhanced Fixups
- Convert page content into image: New color space options "CMYK,keep spot colors" and "Output Intent if present or CMYK"
- Convert page content into image: Sifter-based Checks can now be used in "Except page objects"
- New Properties
- Number of subsequent points with different location in sub path [FP72888]
- Page description is not valid: Pages are internally rendered and errors are reported in the trigger value [FP69734; FP72888]
- Enhanced Properties
- Properties determining the number of points or nodes in vector paths use improved algorithms [FP72954]
- Actions
- Apply structures: New action to apply DPart and bookmark structures
- Reports
- JSON report: Comments of Checks and Fixups used in a Profile have been added [FP73542]
- License Server
- Support for Cartridge pools for CLI (--lspool; requires License Server v1.2)
- Support for developer licenses for CLI (--lsdev)
- General
- "Relaxed rendering" supports rendering of PDF files with minor syntax issues [FP72888]
- New supported operating system: Linux ARM (e.g. Amazon Graviton) [FP70543]
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Converter integrated (PostScript to PDF conversion; v1.1PlusP4a)
- Desktop
- Action editor: Improved handling of imposition configuration files when updating or replacing files in a configuration
- Manage Libraries: Issue fixed, where number of library changes were not properly calculated when resources were copied [FR71863]
- Compare: Issue fixed, where loupe window was not properly synced in certain cases
- Quick Fix: Issue fixed, where adding an "Output Intent" setting was not possible in an empty Library
- Fixups
- Convert colors: Problem solved, where decalibrating RGB images resulted in unexpected output [FP69017]
- Convert colors: Issue fixed, where conversion of certain black DeviceN objects to RGB or gray was not properly done [FP53165; FP59242]
- Create and apply shapes: Issue fixed, where using a custom box on a page with UserUnit resulted in an incorrect shape [CA1032493]
- Create link: Issue fixed, where link annotations were created twice in some cases (Linux Only) [FP65713]
- Convert page content into image:
- Problem solved, where conversion to RGB did not respect overprint settings [FP73213]
- Problem solved, where excluding certain objects resulted in a unexpected visual change [FP65768]
- Issue fixed, where not converted objects were kept but also rendered [CA1032470; FP67218]
- Problem solved, where defined compression setting was not properly regarded [CA1032466]
- Map colors: Issue fixed, where multiple conversion settings were not properly taken into account [FP73355]
- Remove objects outside page area: Issue fixed, where removal of objects was not properly done [CA1032492]
- Remove objects outside page area: Problem solved, were objects inside were removed in certain cases [CA1032544]
- Set overprint and knockout: Issue fixed, where changes were reported although the Fixup was set to "Unchanged" when an "Apply to" filter was used [FP67034]
- Trim clipped vector paths: Problem solved, where processing resulted in a changed visual appearance with a perticular PDF [CA1032258]
- Checks
- Font not valid: Issue solved, where CID-Fonts were falsely reported as not embedded as CID [FP73468]
- Find barcode: Issue fixed, where the same barcode was found twice in some cases [CA1032265]
- Number of hits per page: Problem solved, where analysis took unnecessarily long [CA1032433]
- Sifter-based properties: Problem solved, where visible objects were falsely classified as invisible in certain cases [FP66159; FP69594; FP73261]
- Sifter-based properties: Issue fixed, where an object covered by the opaque part of an image with SMask was not identified as invisible
- Actions
- Visualizer: Content outside of the CropBox will no longer be displayed e.g. in the safety zone view
- Save as image: Content outside of the CropBox will no longer be rendered, even if the rendering rectangle is enlarged or set to the MediaBox
- Save as image: Problem solved, where content was not rendered if defined PDF dimension exceeded 14400pt [CA1032259]
- To PDF: Problem solved, where 16-bit CMYK TIFF with spot or alpha channels were not properly converted [CA1032261; FP73200]
- To PDF: Problem solved, where certain types of CMYK TIFF files using JPEG compression were not properly converted to PDF [FP69255; FP72101; FP72232]
- To PDF: Issue fixed, where a certain Word document using the wrong MIME type could not be converted to PDF [CA1032436]
- CreateCustomDict: Issue fixed, where Variables used for name or comment were not properly regarded [FP73090]
- Reports
- Template-based report: Issue fixed, where wrong ink coverage values were reported [FP73232]
- QuickCheck: Issue fixed, where the "open" status for bookmarks was not reported
- License Server
- Problem solved, where requesting a licenses from a License Server without a matching Cartridge was not properly executed
- General
- Problem solved, where a particular image without resolution entry in a PDF was not properly handled [CA1032551]
mei 11, 2023
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox 14 Desktop for owners of a pdfToolbox 14 Desktop license
- A
free of charge update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or
pdfToolbox SDK for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Desktop
- User interface for Process plans, Actions etc.: Improvements regarding display of content and usability [FP56043; FP65165]
- Arbitrary JavaScript controlled Check/Fixup: Separate tabs for script and resources
- Test mode: Shortcuts for displaying page geometry boxes added [FP71939]
- Imposition: New import function for config files and PDF sheetconfig templates
- Process plan: Improved automatic scrolling when (multiple) objects are selected and moved [FP66937]
- Process plan: Auto-complete of the "app" object is also available when editing JavaScript in VS Code as external editor
- Enhanced predefined Profiles
- PDF/A-4... validation: Adjustments made to match veraPDF requirements:
- Binary comment in the file header is missing or does not comply PDF/A requirements
- ToUnicode CMaps using incorrect values
- Additional action (AA) entries
- Detection of certain encryption settings in a PDF [CA1032376]
- Enhanced Fixups
- Create and apply shapes: New option to enlarge page size if needed [CA1031419]
- Create and apply shapes: New option to suppress separations from rendering [FP65812]
- Map spot and process colors: New option "Convert to alternate color" [FP64780]
- Map spot and process colors: New option for "Adjust spot colors" to map spot color tint values proportionally [FP71149]
- Map colors: DeviceGray images can be mapped to a spot color [FP71858]
- Map colors: Improved processing speed for documents with high number of pages [CA1029678]
- Enhanced Properties
- Font not valid: "Embedded CID-Font not embedded as CID" added [CA1024021]
- Sifter-based properties: Enhanced recognition for object detection [FP69419]
- Actions
- SaveAsImage: Support for pagebox / custom rectangle for image format PDF [FP23454; FP68014]
- Support for Amazon Linux 2023 LTS
- Reports
- Custom PDF Report: New parameter "listpages" in manifest.xml to suppress ink coverage information on page level
- Quick Check: Extended information for images properties on page- and document-level [FP71205]
- General
- Page selectors now support an end page in multipage expressions [CA1031848]
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Library integrated (v18.0.4PlusP1u)
- Internal HTML converter updated to callas pdfChip (v2.5.083)
- Desktop
- Report dialog: Issues fixed, where not all step types of a Process plan were reported or Process plans included in Process plans were reported incorrectly
- Report dialog: Issue fixed, where Variable values were not displayed properly
- Plug-in: Problem solved, where flatten transparency was not successful (Windows only) [FP71814]
- Plug-in: Issue fixed, where the Action "Resample to JPEG2000" could not be used
- Explore PDF: Issue fixed, where font size for content stream display was too small
- Manage Libraries: Issue fixed, where Variable keys were not shown with their complete length [FP55085]
- Problem solved, where an ICC profile using JPEG compression for its data stream was not handled properly and no syntax issues were reported
- Fixups
- Adjust dot gain: Problem solved, where values of indexed color spaces were mistakenly changed [FP71374]
- Bring to front: Issue fixed, where content was not handled properly when the document used a certain, unproportionally scaled transformation matrix [CA1032359]
- Convert colors: Problem solved, where certain inherited color space definitions were not handled properly [FP71924]
- Create and apply shapes:
- Issue with certain custom box definitions fixed
- Issue fixed, where a shape based on a vector path was not properly created if "Reduce to outer borders" was activated [CA1031498}
- Problem solved, where an existing page scaling factor (UserUnit) was not taken into account [FP72361]
- Issue fixed, where a defined image resolution affected the shape generation although "from vector paths" was selected [CA1032215]
- Problem solved, where large PDF files were not processed successfully when a high rendering resolution was requested [CA1032250]
- Issue fixed, where shape was not properly created if a page rotation key was present [FP69186]
- Create bookmarks from headings: Issue fixed, where empty bookmarks were created [FP70994]
- Flatten transparency: Problem solved, where processing resulted in occasional failures in rare cases [CA1031821]
- Generate bleed from page content: Problem solved, where certain settings of the page selector resulted in unexpected output [FP71782]
- Generate bleed for irregular shapes: Issue fixed, where unexpected visual result from vector path was created in certain cases [FP57630]
- Map spot and process colors: Issue fixed, where not all spot color occurrences were processed [FP62294]
- Resolve ICCbased default color spaces into object color spaces: Issue fixed, where processing was not successful in certain case [FP69606]
- Remove invisible objects: Problem solved where visible objects were affected in certain cases [FP69016]
- Remove page objects completely outside page area: Problem solved, where pattern objects were not handled properly in some cases [FP57374; FP62316; FP71155]
- Set keywords entry: Issue fixed, where entries were not properly harmonized with those existing in XMP metadata [FP52071; CA1031127; CA1032136]
- Subset fonts: Problem solved, where diacritical points of glyphs were not maintained in certain cases [FP68942]
- Subset fonts: Problem solved, where a Type 1 font glyph with ID 0 was removed in some cases [FP68941]
- Trim clipped vector paths: Problem solved, where Fixup was not executed in certain cases when option "Form XObjects" was activated [CA1032366]
- Checks
- Device independent via color space in group entry: Problem solved, where objects were not properly detected
- Effective ink coverage: Issue fixed, where ink coverage outside page area was reported, although no visible content present there [CA1032257]
- Sifter-based properties: Problem solved, where a certain combination of multiple Checks in 1 Profile resulted in incorrect hits [FP72705]
- Sifter-based properties: Issue fixed, where PDFs with certain empty content stream commands could not be analyzed properly [FP70870; CA1032398]
- Smallest distance from TrimBox|BleedBox: Issue fixed, where using a comma as decimal delimiter resulted in a broken Check configuration [FP59385]
- Will display when document is opened: Issue fixed, where visibility was not correctly determined in some cases [CA1032254]
- Actions
- Imposition: Issue fixed, where a negative shingling value was not taken into account [FP72685]
- JavaScript-based imposition: Problem solved, where no UserUnit entry was added when maximum size of 14400 pt was exceeded [CA1032331]
- Save as image: Problem solved, where certain, large PDF files could not be rendered to JPEG in higher resolutions [FP70219; FP70739]
- SplitPDF: Fixed return codes for password protected PDFs [CA1032161]
- To PDF: Problem solved, where certain layer sizes and compression in a TIFF resulted in an improper behavior [FP72316]
- To PDF: Problem solved, where vertical alignment of "Times", "Helvetica" and "Courier" fonts in HTML files did not match expected output after conversion to PDF (macOS only) [FP52559]
- Quick Check: Missing input tag with file details added to StdOut
- Reports
- HTML-template based Reports: Minor issue with step icons fixed
- HTML-template based Reports: Issue fixed, where overview page did not show total amount of Fixups
- HTML-template based Reports: Issue fixed, where "show="0"" parameter was not respected [FP72090]
- Layer reports: Problem fixed, where report creation was not successful when Sifter check had to be reported [CA1032371; FP71984; FP72680]
- Optimize PDF: Problem solved, were a complete optimization took inadequate long [CA1032264]
- Problem solved, where names of sequence steps, which were defined by Variables were not regarded in reports [FP68341]
- Quick Check: Issue fixed, where certain DeviceN constructs with spot colors and "None" were not properly listed [CA1032291]
- Quick Check: Problem solved, where a certain kind of recursive structure in the content stream was not properly handled [FP72812]
- General
- Protected Profiles: Problem solved, where protected Profiles could not be executed [CA1032232]
- Issue fixed, where activation requests were falsely indicated as failed [FP35231; FP65154]
- Process plans: Problem solved, where an incorrect return code was reported (3 or 8 = error), although this was not the result of the last step [FP71756]
- Problem solved, where a certain font data structure could result in an improper behavior [CA1032231; FP71999]
- Problem solved, where certain formatting of inline images resulted in a changed visual appearance [FP71647]
januari 24, 2023
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox 14 Desktop for owners of a pdfToolbox 14 Desktop license
- A
free of charge update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or
pdfToolbox SDK for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Desktop
- New function to bulk-export Profiles as separate kfpx files or into a zipped archive file (e.g. for distribution via GitHub)
- Protected Profiles: Several minor improvements regarding handling and usage
- New Fixups
- Create link for page objects (identified by a Check) [FP65713]
- Create link at page area [FP65713]
- Enhanced Fixups
- Convert page content into image: Possibility to limit rasterization based on Processing Steps added [CA1032125]
- Create and apply shapes: Support for beveled corners [CA1031870]
- New Properties
- Glyph uses overlapping path objects [CA1031932; CA1032003; FP27205]
- Text is un-proportionally scaled [FP70746]
- Text is fake italic using skewing [FP70746]
- Enhanced Properties
- Sifter-based Checks: Reviewed and optimized analysis, e.g. for cropped objects to increase processing speed [FP65044; FP65294]
- Actions
- JavaScript-based imposition: SHEET_DEF_TRIMBOX is now available as possible parameter to be able to define a TrimBox [FP68772]
- ToPDF:
New topdf_parameter option "WholeSpreadsheetLayout" on CLI to enforce
the whole spreadsheet in its original format [CA1031794]
- Quick Fix
- Search and replace text: New parameter giving external fonts precedence to the ones that are embedded
- Search and replace text for VDP: New parameter giving external fonts precedence to the ones that are embedded
- General
- Process plans: Duration of previous steps are now available in JS-Variables and JSON reports
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Library integrated (v18.0.4PlusP1n)
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Converter integrated (PostScript to PDF conversion; v1.1PlusP3r)
- Internal HTML converter updated to callas pdfChip (v2.5.080)
- Desktop
- Windows installer: Problem solved, where Plug-in was installed in older versions than Acrobat DC [FP70538]
- QuickFix UI: Issue fixed, where QuickFix type sorting did not take localization into account [FP70790]
- Results dialog: Issue fixed, where result list did not scroll to the last step [FP65526]
- Fixups
- Flatten transparency:
- Problem solved, where text vanished in certain cases (Windows only) [FP69113]
- Problem solved. where a bitmap image became clipped [FP69113]
- Issue fixed, where text used as a clipping path resulted in vanishing objects [CA1031993]
- Problem solved, where some glyphs were not properly maintained during processing [FP65562; FP71571]
- Font
to outline:
- Problem solved, where processing specific TrueType fonts
could result into distorted glyphs [FP50175; FP55477; FP68146; FP69208;
FP69505; FP70142]
- Problem solved, where glyphs from certain Type 3 fonts were not properly converted [CA1028912; FP58310]
- Issue fixed, where processing resulted in displaced diacritical marks for some composite glyphs [FP69208]
- Embed missing fonts: Problem solved, where an incorrect ToUnicode-CMap could result into false glyph assignments [CA1031998]
- Create
and apply shape: Problem solved, where processing was not successful
when a certain resolution for some PDFs was used [CA1031291]
- Convert
colors: Problem solved, where DeviceN objects with multiple "None"
colorants and Black were not properly handled when converted to RGB
[FP61770; FP70262; FP70606]
- Downsample/recompress images: Issue fixed, where DeviceN CMYK images were not compressed as JPEG as requested [FP60717]
- Map colors: Issues fixed, where especially the conversion to Gray did not always create the expected results
- Checks
- Smallest distance from Trimbox: Problem solved, where strokes were not properly measured in some cases [FP61479]
- Effective
ink coverage in custom area: Issue fixed, where analysis was not
properly done when "Sample size" was the same as "Width" [FP70808]
- Find barcode: Problem solved, where processing was not successful in certain cases [FP70793]
- Find barcode: Issue fixed, where a barcode was not found when the "Barcode value" property was negated [FP70793]
- Sifter-based
Checks: Problem fixed, where objects were not properly detected
although reaching into a custom shape in certain cases [FP71006;
- Actions
- To PDF: Problem solved, where a
SoftMaskImage in a PostScript file was not properly regarded during
conversion to PDF [CA1031459]
- Save as image: Corrected naming of quality setting [FP70635]
- Save
as image: Problem solved, where a defined pagebox for rasterization was
ignored on some PDFs when converted to TIFF with certain resolution
- JavaScript-based imposition: Problem solved, where variables were not passed through to imposition engine on CLI [FP70532]
- Process plans
- Compare: Issue fixed, where in a Process Plan a compare report was created even if there were no differences [FP68727]
- Improved import handling for Process plans which differ only by their layouts
- Problem solved, where the overwrite option for reports was not properly regarded [FP70444]
- Quick Fix
- Search and replace for VDP: Problem solved, where processed PDF contained syntax issues in certain case [FP70873]
- Set page geometry boxes: Issue fixed, where result could not be processed properly with specific PDF [FP69545]
- List Variables: Issue fixed, where Variables in objects of nested Process plans were not listed [CA1031571]
- General
- JavaScript Variables: Issue fixed, where the position of a found barcode was not available in the JS result object [FP65713]
- JavaScript
Variables: Issue fixed, where a JavaScript controlled Check with at
least one global Variable resulted into an empty Ask-at-runtime dialog
- License Server
- Problem solved,
where checking for the License Server after each Process plan step could
result into a terminated process if License Server could not be reached
[FP67389; FP71141]
System requirements
- Mac: MacOS X (Intel or ARM / M1), version 10.13 or newer, 64-bit-compliant
september 30, 2022
- An upgrade to pdfToolbox Server 14, pdfToolbox CLI 14 or pdfToolbox SDK 14 from earlier versions of these products requires a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA). Please contact your reseller for further information.
- Desktop
- Switchboard: New functionality "Replace text" in group "Text"
- Profile, Check and Fixup steps: New possibility to limit processing using page selector settings
- Protected Profiles: Allows making content of a Profile or Process plan inaccessible and to limit the use to certain serial numbers
- New "Fast fix" for single Fixups and Quick Fixes in Desktop, which will limit the extent of post-processing analysis of the resulting PDF
- Fixup settings: New "Duplicate" button for settings
- Action editor for imposition: Direct access to editor and related functionalities
- Test mode: Preview for extracted text for Quick Fix "Search and replace text" and "Search and replace text for VDP" in Process plan context
- Test mode: New "Short overview (faster)" mode, which will limit the extent of post-processing analysis of the resulting PDF
- Switchboard: Extract dieline has been extended to work with a user selected page geometry box
- Switchboard: Impose: RunLists and SheetConfig files can be deleted and other minor usability improvements
- Impose RunList debugger: Now lists console.log() statements for JavaScript-based runlists
- Test mode: Optional "Preflight only pages" to limit processing to the defined page range
- JavaScript Variables editor: Support for using VS Code as external editor
- JavaScript Variables editor: Extended functionality to evaluate the results in a context with e.g. a previous step in a Process plan
- JavaScript Variables editor: Auto complete for JavaScript objects, Variables, Quick Check parameters and other minor usability improvements
- Profile window: "Search Libraries" has been replaced with "Import from Library", which offers more functionalities
- Process plans
- Process plan steps Checks, Fixups, Profiles: Introduced a page selector input field per step [FP67632]
- New Action type: Extract dieline
- "Fast VDP mode" checkbox for Process Plans: Form XObject will be analyzed and processed only once, even if used multiple times within the PDF (designed especially for variable and transactional PDF files)
- Checks: The severity of a hit can now be set
- Compare PDF: Enhanced handling, so reports will be created only if differences were found [FP68727]
- Processing: Optimized application of running a generic post check (e.g. will not happen in Process plans with just an Action)
- Preliminary process plans can be saved
- Extended settings for JSON reports
- New or enhanced predefined Profiles
- All "GWG 2022"-based Profiles targeting "Packaging Gravure": Adjusted recognition for allowed color spaces
- All "GWG 2022"-based Profiles targeting "WebSpot": Adjusted recognition regarding spot color naming
- PDF/UA-1 validation: Improved reporting for untagged PDFs [FP68324]
- PDF/A-4... validation: Added "CMYK source profile identical with blend color space profile"
- PDF/A-4... conversion: Added "Remove all alternate images" and "Discard image interpolation flag" Fixups
- Convert to PDF/X-... (Japan Color 2011 Coated)
- Convert color to Japan Color Coated 2011 (convert spot colors to CMYK)
- Convert color to Japan Color Coated 2001 (keep spot colors)
- Embed Output Intent Japan Color 2011 Coated
- Extended and enhanced Fixups
- Create and apply shapes: New "Apply to pages" filter in all "Create shape" methods to create different shapes e.g. for even and odd pages [FP64197; CA1030598]
- Create and apply shapes: New Option "Existing transparent page content overlaps opaquely" which puts the existing page content into an isolated group XObject
- Map colors: Introduced individual tolerance per source colorant for better adjustment. Old tolerance settings will be applied for each colorant separately now [CA1022449; CA1031354; FP53858; FP54090; FP58197]
- Add white background: New Option "Existing transparent page content overlaps opaquely" which puts the existing page content into an isolated group XObject [FP68320]
- Set transparency blend color space: New options to limit to certain color spaces [FP68044]
- Insert page: New page content filter to limit the type of objects to be duplicated
- Remove page objects outside: Changed object recognition to Sifter technology for better analysis [CA1026869; CA1030849; CA1031669; CA1031766; FP46932; FP50227; FP53544; FP53819; FP58548; FP61468; FP64974; FP61666; FP61672; FP69158; FP69233; FP69635]
- Processing Steps can be selected in the UI for the following Fixups:
- Convert colors
- Crop to visible based on rendered page
- Generate bleed at page edges
- Generate bleed for irregular shapes
- Map spot and process colors
- Remove objects
- Set Overprint and Knockout
- New Properties
- CMYK object redefined to ICCbased CMYK via its transparency group
- Effective total area coverage (TAC) [FP64078]
- Area effectively covered by ink amount above threshold
- Create a hit (or not): Allows to set to create a hit or a trigger value e.g. based on a previously determined result (e.g. from a Quick Check or JavaScript-Variable)
- Determine JPEG quality factor [CA1031362]
- Enhanced Properties
- Object uses Cyan|Magenta|Yellow|Black: ICCbased colors can optionally be taken into account (without applying color management)
- Object uses Cyan|Magenta|Yellow|Black with a percentage of: ICCbased colors can optionally be taken into account (without applying color management)
- Actions
- Visualizer: Safety view: Color for TrimBox harmonized to other usages and highlighting for BleedBox added
- Impose: New SheetConfig "25x38 inch, 8up US Letter"
- Quick Fix
- Reports
- HTML-template based Reports: Completely redesigned and restructured default template, various additional views can be ordered via the manifest.xml (see online docu for further details)
- JSON report:
- New mode "compact" to write report in single-line mode
- New mode to request analysis for ink coverage
- A Quick Check can optionally be requested, the results of which are then included in the report
- Extended sequence step information for process plans
- XML report: Extended sequence step information for process plans
- Fast VDP mode: New optional parameter "--fastvdpmode" for Profile execution: Form XObject will be analyzed and processed only once, even if used multiple times within the PDF (designed especially for variable and transactional PDF files)
- General
- Log Profile execution: Lists type of step and logging path into process.log
- XML & JSON reports with an appropriate message will now also be generated for encrypted or patially parseable PDFs [FP59022]
- Generic syntax checks now have a custom ID (e.g. in reports or app.doc.results)
- Performance optimizated initialization for PDF files with huge numbers of pages
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Library integrated (v18.0.4PlusP1e)
- Internal bar code detection library updated to latest version
- Internal HTML converter updated to callas pdfChip (v2.5.076)
- Desktop
- Problems solved, where certain parts of the user interface were vanishing if window was moved to a second screen in certain cases (MacOS only) [CA1031345; FP66959; FP68206; FP69274; FP69435; FP70001]
- Process plans: Improved automatic scrolling when mouse is outside canvas [FP66937]
- RunList editor: Issue fixed, where no proper ask at runtime dialog was shown in test mode
- Fixups
- Downsample/recompress images: Issue fixed, where page numbers with a FixFailures were reported zero-based (and not starting with "1")
- Downsample/recompress images: Problem solved, where invalid images were falsely flagged as successfully processed [FP69980]
- Convert page content into image: Problem solved, where hidden text was taken into account [FP69417]
- Convert page content into image: Problem solved, where a certain type of smooth shade was not properly converted [FP69599; FP69925; FP69987]
- Flatten transparency: Issue fixed, where processing took unnecessary long on specific PDFs [CA1030865]
- Flatten transparency: Problems solved, where defined timeout was not properly respected [FP68592]
- Flatten annotations or form fields: Problem solved, where certain annotation appearances could result into an improper result [CA1031691; CA1031756]
- Set transparency blend color space: Changed "All" to "All excluding soft masks"
- Map colors: Limited conversion of images to mapping within the same color space [FP48912]
- Map colors: Reviewed and optimized object recognition using the "Apply to" filter [CA1026860]
- Checks
- Find bar codes: Optimized recognition of bar codes [CA1030800]
- Context aware object detection (Sifter): Problem solved, where MediaBox was not extended, if created shape exceeded this box [CA1031802]
- Context aware object detection (Sifter): Problem solved, where an excessive usage of extremely small patterns resulted in a long processing duration [FP69419]
- Arbitrary JavaScript controlled Check: Problem solved, where execution failed although successful in the past [FP69921]
- Actions
- AddXMP: Problem solved, where certain XMP structure could not be properly handled [CA1029394]#
- Extract content: Issue fixed, where created XML report for text split UTF-8 glyphs into two entries (Linux only) [FP70188]
- Extract text: Problem solved, where processing failed with specific PDF [CA1030894]
- Split layers: Issue fixed, where file naming based on layer names did not work if filename contained "." [FP49501; FP69603]
- Extract dieline: Problem solved, where creation did not properly work for certain CropBox/MediaBox combinations [CA1030864]
- To PDF: Problem solved, where content of specific TIFFs file was not properly converted [CA1029317]
- To PDF: Problem solved, where a specific PSD file resulted in an improper behavior [FP69870]
- N-up: Issue fixed, where page content was not properly positioned if page scaling factor (UserUnits) had to be added or adjusted [CA1031402]
- Impose: Issue fixed, where page content was not properly positioned if a page scaling factor (UserUnits) had to be added or adjusted [FP68009]
- Save as image: Problem solved, where a certain usage of a transformation matrix resulted into black image using "no simulate overprint" [CA1031477]
- Add grommets: Issue fixed, where userUnits were not taken into account [FP66328]
- Quick Fix: Reviewed handling of multiple instructions within one Quick Fix to avoid conversion of one object multiple times
- General
- Embedded file handling: Problem solved where conversion to PDF/A-2 failed on certain PDF [CA1029445]
- JavaScript-based Variables: Issue fixed, where the app.doc.pages area did not contain a page property to identify the page
- Page selector: Problem solved, where a defined page range with values out of possible range for current document was handled as an empty page range [CA1031720]
- Reports
- XML: Issue fixed, where certain UTF-8 glyphs resulted into issues during report generation (MacOS only) [FP62319]
- XML: Issue fixed, where Quick Fixes in a Process Plan were not properly listed [FP68341]
- Quick Check: Problem solved, where creation failed when the input filename contained an umlaut in some cases (Linux Only) [FP69481]
- Server
- Problem solved, where job name with command glyphs (e.g. a "tab") resulted in a locked situation in some cases [FP69125]
- JSON report is now available as report type
System requirements
- Mac: MacOS X (Intel or ARM / M1), version 10.12 or newer, 64-bit-compliant
april 13, 2022
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox 13 Desktop for owners of a pdfToolbox 13 Desktop license
- A
free of charge update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or
pdfToolbox SDK for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Desktop
- Editor for resource files: New test button for immediate execution and possibility to save current state while editing [FP67501]
- Ask-at-runtime dialog: Sidecar files as used in pdfToolbox Server can now be imported as well [FP67377]
- New Profiles
- Added 34 new Profiles for validation and conversion accordingly to the Ghent Workgroup “GWG 2022 Specification”
- Digital Print
- Large Format Printing (LFP)
- Newspaper and Magazine Ads
- Packaging Flexo / Gravure / Offset
- SheetCMYK / SheetSpot
- WebCMYK / WebSpot
- New Fixups
- Trim
clipped vector paths: Reduces filled and stroked vector objects to the
dimension of a defined box [CA1030021; FP59332; FP60226]
- Extended Fixups
- Place content: Support for transparency parameters [FP67863]
- Enhanced predefined Fixups
- Add link to URL: Improved RegEx for recognition of web addresses [CA1031072]
- New Checks
- Equivalent but not identical spot color names - on Document and Page level
- Total amount of process color ink for fill / Total amount of process color ink for stroke
- Enhanced Checks
- Text on page: Positions of found text will now be reported (e.g. in trigger values or JavaScript Variables) [FP65897]
- License Server
- Support configuration file with defined IPs for the automatic use of License Servers added
- Support for some non-PDF processing actions added (like --listvariables) [FP67818]
- Improved
handling for lost connections of the client to the License Server (now
processing continues and will properly terminate as soon as License
Server is available again) [FP67389]
- PDF Standards
- Conversion to PDF/A-...: Problem solved,
where a PDF without any XMP metadata could not be properly converted to
PDF/A in certain cases [FP66490]
- Conversion to PDF/A-2/-3/-4: XFA resource entries will now be removed by default
- Conversion
to PDF/X-4: Issue fixed, where missing document title caused reporting
in a FixFailure, although PDF was PDF/X compliant afterwards [FP48942:
- Validation for PDF/UA-1: Issue fixed, where the type of an annotation was not properly regarded in certain cases [FP67862]
- Desktop
- Several
usability features added, like list of open files in "Window" menu,
possibility to copy some contents in result dialog, improved shortcut
handling across open windows, filter for referenced and not referenced
objects for Checks and Fixups
- Visualizer: Issue fixed, where total ink coverage was not shown anymore in certain views [FP67456; FP68408]
- Acrobat
Plug-in: Issue fixed, where Plug-in component was also loaded in
Acrobat Reader (only Acrobat Pro is supported; Windows only) [FP67374]
- JavaScript and text editor: Issue fixed, where settings were not saved [FP62841]
- Switchboard - Decorate: Problem solved, where adding empty pages resulted in an error (non-english UI only) [FP67514]
- Fixups
- Add
missing SPACE glyphs: Problem solved, where corrupt PostScript code in
font resulted in incorrect UniCode representation for text [FP67980]
- Adjust
or remove annotations: Issue fixed, where annotation remained inside
page if executed together with "Scale pages" Fixup [FP67553]
- Arbitrary
JavaScript controlled Fixup: Issue fixed, where predefined Variable
values (like "font_family") could not be used as parameter values in
- Bring to front: Problems solved, where overprint
settings and scaling of handled content was not properly maintained in
certain cases [FP66890]
- Convert colors: Problem solved, where 1-Bit DeviceGray images were not properly converted to CMYK [FP60358]
- Convert
colors: Problem solved, where smooth shade became duplicated if Fixup
"Map spot and process colors" was executed within same Profile in
certain cases [FP65384]
- Downsample/recompress images: Problem
solved, where recompression of inline images using 8 bits per component
resulted into a scrambled appearance [FP67448]
- Downsample/recompress images: Problem solved, where images used as pattern were not downsampled [FP67305]
- Downsample/recompress images: Issue fixed, where downsampling resulted into an improper result in rare cases [FP65244]
- Fix
glyph width information: Problem solved, where using a "nbspace"
without a "space" glyph in the font caused problems when file is
flattened [FP67070]
- Font processing: Problem solved, where the
length of a UTF-8 compliant font name with a unique suffix caused issues
in later processing [FP65098]
- Font processing: Problem solved
where "Make font names unique" together with "Subset fonts" failed for
certain Type 1 font with issues [FP67650]
- Font to outline: Problem solved, where processing was not successful in some rare cases [FP63990]
- Generate
bleed at page edges: Problem solved, where a CustomBox defined outside
the page area resulted into an aborted processing [CA1031319]
- Generate bleed at page edges: Issue fixed, where corners where no longer created with certain settings [FP67397]
- Remove invisible image data: Problems solved, where content was visual changed in some cases [FP63243; FP64044; FP66821]
- Remove objects: Issue fixed, where not all specified objects were removed during first attempt [FP65537]
- Resolve ICCbased default color spaces into object color spaces: Problem solved, were processing failed in rare cases [FP67775]
- Set transparency blend color space: Problem solved, where soft masks were properly excluded [CA1031288; FP50367]
- Checks
- Added boolean operators to several Properties, which were not configurable before [FP68324]
- Font is not valid: Issue fixed, where a font with an invalid array was not properly detected [CA1021489]
- Font is not valid (strict): Issued fixed, where an incorrect version number in a font was not reported [CA1031294]
- Include other Check: Problem solved, where a hit was created, although the included Checks did not fire [FP64716]
- Problem solved, where generic setting "Ignore objects outside ..." was no more regarded in certain cases [FP67735]
- Problem solved, where a barcode was found randomly when different rasterization settings were used in separate Checks [FP68217]
- Report PDF syntax issues: Issue fixed, where page description errors were not reported in certain cases [FP66631]
- Text on page: Issue fixed, where specific text on page was not properly found [CA1029820]
- Actions
- Compare: Issue fixed, where Compare.log was not listing all values correctly [FP67446]
- ExtractContent: Issue fixed, where defined --pagerange was no longer respected [FP67801]
- Impose: Problem solved, where processing failed in some rare cases [FP58059]
- Impose: Tagging structure will be completely removed during processing [FP66353; FP68185]
- JavaScript-based Impose: Issue fixed, where a defined clipping mode was not working as expected [FP68463]
- ToPDF: Problem solved, where an embedded CFF font in a PostScript file caused an error in some cases [CA1028844]
- ToPDF: Problem solved, where a corrupt font cache could cause a very high memory consumption when processing files [FP66235]
- ToPDF: Problem solved, where certain CMYK JPEG images became inverted [FP49215; FP61916; FP67874]
- Process plans
- Rename PDF: Problem solved, where created filenames were not consistent between CLI and Desktop [FP64920]
- General
- Problem
solved, where Variables used in JavaScript-based Checks were not
properly respected if such a Check was referenced inside a Sifter Check
- Problem solved, where overwriting the input file with the resulting PDF could result into an error [CA1031328]
- Issue fixed, where a defined --maxmemory could result into issues with font embedding in certain cases [FP67989]
- Improved performance for certain Processing Steps related Checks based on "Print Surface"
- Problems solved, where an inherited rotate entry was not properly handled in certain cases [FP66160; FP68060]
- Issue fixed, where Black when used in a softmask (which do not render directly) was reported as an existing plate [CA1031269]
- General review of internal logic for Checks (e.g. "Fire if any condition is met" and "Invert Check result" etc.)
- Variables
- Problem solved, where results from a previous Fixup or Check step were not contained in app.doc.result [FP68018]
- Distributed processing
- Issue fixed, where defining a pagerange was not properly handled [FP67515]
- License Server
- Issue fixed, where no fallback to local licenses took place if IP addresses were not properly configured in the UI [FP67156]
- Reports
- Quick Check: Issue fixed, where negative values of BBox positions had no leading zero [CA1031432; FP65789]
- Quick Check: Problem solved, where a certain kind of inline image was not properly handled [CA1031265]
- JSON: Problem solved, where hits for document properties directly requested in Profile settings were not reported [FP67658]
- JSON: Fixed issue, where trigger values did not have a unique ID and therefore the context could be unclear
- HTML-based
template reports: Issue fixed, where some reports with additional views
resulted in mixed pages for overview report [FP67546]
- XSLT: Issue fixed, where creation without a defined output method resulted into an error [FP67662]
- Issue
fixed, where a wrong return code was issued for invalid PDF, which
resulted into false file handling in Server in some cases [FP67913]
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Converter integrated (PostScript to PDF conversion; v1.1PlusP3k)
januari 07, 2022
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox 13 Desktop for owners of a pdfToolbox 13 Desktop license
- A
free of charge update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or
pdfToolbox SDK for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Desktop
- Editor for JavaScript-based runlists: Functionality to insert e.g. app.doc Variables added [FP66075]
- Extended Fixups
- Convert colors using n-channel profile: New option to include softmasks [FP66248]
- Convert colors using DeviceLink: New option to include softmasks [FP66248]
- Convert colors using n-channel DeviceLink profiles: New option to include softmasks [FP66248]
- Actions
- Extract dieline: Support for page selection added [CA1031166]
- Split PDF: Added possibility to define multi packages to split expressions (e.g. "2x3,2x2") [FP55574]
- Variables
- Value of CLI parameter --jobid is now availabe as app.env.jobID object inside of JavaScript Variables [FP66816]
- Ask-at-runtime: Custom templates can now also be defined for Process plans
- Reports
- QuickCheck: Reporting for "Plates" added [CA1030678]
- Desktop
- Process plans: Problem solved, where a defined report template could be lost after re-saving in certain cases [FP66987]
- Imposition: Issue fixed, where modified JavaScript-based runlists were not properly saved [FP66712; FP66936]
- Standalone: Issue fixed, where the page size shown in the footer was not correct in some cases [FP66769; FP66769; CA1031143]
- Fixups
- Convert
fonts to outlines: Issue fixed, where Properties from the document,
colors or page description area were not allowed in apply to filter
Checks [FP48039]
- Resolve ICCbased default color space into
object color space: Issue fixed, where certain default color spaces were
not resolved [FP67169]
- Remove invisible image data: Problem
solved, where images inside page area could be affected in certain cases
[FP64807; CA1031066]
- Map colors: Problem solved, where RGB
image data could be modified when mapping certain colorant combinations
into into spot color [CA1026277; CA1031180]
- Convert colors: Problem solved, where R=G=B areas in transparent RGB image became darker in special cases [FP65480]
- Set
MediaBox to origin: Issue fixed, where origin was not corrected in
certain cases, when page box was swapped into negative area already
- Downsample/recompress images: Problem solved, where
pure recompression without downsampling could result into improperly
handled images in certain cases [FP66830]
- Create an invisible
text copy for all text: Issue fixed, where marked font was highlighted
as a thin line in some PDF viewers (e.g. Chrome browser) [CA1030381]
- Checks
- Report
PDF syntax errors: Improved recognition for FormXObject using a Dict
instead of a Stream (which could into RIP errors) [FP66839]
- Image is not valid: Improved recognition for invalid /DecodeParams entries in streams [FP66753]
- Actions
- Impose: Problem solved, where processing with a JavaScript-based runlist could result into an error [FP67000]
- Impose: Problem solved where defined clip mode not respected [FP67122]
- Impose: Fixed issue, where a rotation of 180 degrees were not properly regarded when using a JavaScript-based runlist [FP67128]
- MergePDF: Issue fixed, where an AcroForm entries from merged PDFs were not properly maintained [CA1028474; CA1030338; CA1031087]
- General
- Font
handling: Problem solved, where some unusual referencing of resource
dicts was not properly maintained and resulted in a visual difference
- File processing: Problem solved, where missing
resources for Marked Content could result into visual differences
certain cases [CA1030984]
- Reports
- HTML-template based Reports: Problem solved, where the report could not be made fully localizable using a CustomDict [CA1031151]
- HTML-template
based Reports: Issue fixed, where creating visualizer images via the
manifest.xml was not successful anymore [FP66935]
- HTML-template based Reports: Problem solved, where combination with Layer report did not work properly [FP66756]
- XML: Issue fixed, where created report contained incomplete strings for certain Asian languages (e.g. Thai) [FP66790]
- XML:
Issue fixed, where creating a report resulted into an error if no
trigger values existed due to inverted Check results [FP67026]
december 06, 2021
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox 13 Desktop for owners of a pdfToolbox 13 Desktop license
- A
free of charge update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or
pdfToolbox SDK for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Fixups
- Place text: Convert colors: Problem solved, where a Type 3 font was not properly handled in certain cases [FP66672]
- General
- Problem solved, where processing of nested Process plans was not successful [CA1031142]
november 22, 2021
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox 13 Desktop for owners of a pdfToolbox 13 Desktop license
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfToolbox SDK for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Fixups
- Place text: Problem solved, where a page label could not be derived from certain PDF structure [FP66621]
- Actions
- Save As Image: Issue fixed, where rendering of PDFs with an extreme high number of spot colors resulted in a very long processing time [CA1030956]
- Save As Image: Issue fixed, where processing a pixel size larger than 32.767 was not successful in certain cases [FP59980]
- General
- Problem solved, where Variables in Fixups migrated from "Set page geometry box" into the new Fixup format were not properly handled
november 12, 2021
- An upgrade to pdfToolbox Server 13, pdfToolbox CLI 13 or pdfToolbox
SDK 13 from earlier versions of these products requires a Software
Maintenance Agreement (SMA). Please contact your reseller for further
- Edit Profiles:
Defined Checks and Fixups from other Libraries can easily imported
into the current Library while editing
- Edit Fixups:
Several editors for config files added
- Switchboard:
- New:
- Several editors for config files added
- Arrange -
Impose: Imposition scheme (runlist) and sheet configuration
- Arrange:
Page sizes
- Layers -
Split layers: Improved support for Processing Steps layers
- Pages -
Generate bleed: BleedBox will always be corrected based on the
generated bleed width for both mirroring methods
- Process plan
- Added
default values to several step types to facilitate the configuration
- Several
usability improvements like better visualisation of transitions, the
possibility to save the current state in between [FP65534; FP65323]
- Defined
Profiles, Checks etc. from other Libraries can easily imported into
the current Library while editing
- A Quick Fix or Action can be directly exported as kfpx and will imported as a single step Process plan
- Search all Libraries view: New option to import a Profile, Check etc. into the current Library via the menu
- Delete
Profiles/Process Plans with all their objects
- Standalone:
New marquee zoom functionality (CTRL + mouse)
- General
- Unified
concept for defining page areas to harmonize configuration
possibilities in Checks and Fixups
- Process
- Create PDF
copy: New option to create temporary copies, so that the copy is
deleted after processing
- Compare:
Support for threshold for contiguous areas (mm)
- Compare:
Support for selecting Processing Steps types used for comparison
- Compare:
Support for page selector (separately for input and output file)
- Add Files:
Support for page selector
- Split
layers: Improved support for Processing Steps layers
- New report
type JSON added for all suitable transitions
- Reports:
Various new options like subfolders, suffix, ink coverage etc. can be
defined depending on the respective report type
- Variables
- JavaScript
Variables: Type of environment of script and homeDir available in
- JavaScript Variables: Find barcode
Check: Position of a Bar-/QR-Code is now supplied in
- New and
enhanced predefined Profiles and Process plans
- Library:
Prepress, Color and Transparency:
- Generate 3
mm bleed (pixel repetition on pages with text objects close to
Trimbox, else mirroring): BleedBox will always be corrected based on
the generated bleed width
- Library:
Shapes, Variables, JavaScript, Place content
- New Fixups
- Enhanced
- New and
enhanced predefined Fixups
- Library:
Prepress, Color and Transparency:
- Library:
Shapes, Variables, JavaScript, Place content
- New predefined
- Library:
Prepress, Color and Transparency:
- Enhanced
- Line width:
Lines with a width of "0" (which usually are displayed as 1
pixel lines) will now be taken into account
- Text on page:
Positions of found text made available in details of hits [FP65897]
- Text on page:
Optimized recognition of special glyphs like e.g. "."
(period) in the search term [FP64301]
- New predefined
- Library:
Prepress, Color and Transparency:
- All pages
except first and last two
- Actions
- New:
- Unembed all
- Resample to
- Tiling by
- Tiling by
- Visualizer
(safety zone)
- Visualizer
(gamut views)
- Visualizer
(small objects)
- Visualizer
(ink coverage)
- Visualizer
- Visualizer
(image resolution)
- Compare:
Support for threshold for contiguous areas (mm)
- Compare:
Support for selecting Processing Steps types used for comparison
- Compare:
Support for page selector (separately for input and output file)
- Compare: Added
optional logging functionality to enable access to details similar to
those in the UI
- Split layers:
Improved support for Processing Steps layers
- ToPDF:
Conversion of office files using OpenOffice/LibreOffice will maintain
existing form fields [FP64501]
- Impose:
JavaScript based runlist
- Impose:
Shingling by scaling
- Image export:
Support for defining a custom box for rendering
- Image export:
Support for page selector
- EPS export:
Support for defining a custom box for cropping
- EPS export:
Support for page selector
- Duplicate
page: Support for page selector
- Predefined
- SaveAsImage:
New optional parameter for parallel processes of page rendering (e.g.
- Quick Fix: A
pre-configured quickfix.json sample has been added to the
installation package
- Compare:
Support for threshold for contiguous areas (--contareathreshold)
- Compare:
Support for selecting Processing Steps types used for comparison
- Compare:
Support for page selector (separately for input and output file)
(--pagerange_compare; --pagerange_input]
- EnumerateProfiles: Support for Process plans
- Profile
execution: New report type JSON (--report=JSON)
- Split layers: Improved support for Processing Steps layers
- Pagerange
supports page selector for Profile execution and suitable Actions
- MaxMemory:
Maximum size of memory in MB to be used during processing made
available for Windows and Linux (--maxmemory) [FP64720]
- Improved file
optimization to repair more issues in the PDF structure automatically
- Internal HTML
converter updated to callas pdfChip (v2.4.072)
- PDF Standards
PDF/A-1 conversion:
Existing page scaling factors (UserUnit) will no longer be removed
automatically [CA1030627]
- PDF/A-1 validation: Check if size of
MediaBox exceeds 14.400 pt in either direction [CA1030627]
- Fixups
- Generate
bleed at page edges: Problem solved, where a specified custom box was
not properly handled if its size was bigger than the MediaBox
- Generate bleed at page edges: Problem solved, where processing could become unstable under certain circumstances [CA1030768]
Organize pages:
Several usability improvements and optimized preview handling
- Edit Fixups: Optimized update handling
for displayed content based on selected pop-up entry
- Page sizes: Relaxed behavior for
invalid entries in the respective config file
- Process plan editor: Available reports
per sequence type reviewed and corrected
- Update notification: Improved message
for updates if no internet connection is available [FP64095]
- Update notification: Direct link to
release infos [FP65505]
- Output preview: Problem solved, where
determining the ink coverage resulted into an error with certain
mouse positions [FP64857; FP65690]
- Ask-at-runtime: Format of exported
JSON for Variables harmonized to those created during logging
- Switchboard - Decorate: Reviewed and
optimized processing to improve duration
- Acrobat Plug-in
Problem solved, where
the XMP Metadata explorer resulted in an unstable behavior in certain
- Issue fixed, where barcode detection
could result in an improper behavior if search area was outside
MediaBox [FP65597]
- Visualizer functionality enabled
- Issue fixed, where color mapping was
not successful [FP65397]
Process plan
Compare: Settings
from compare step will be used for generated compare report
- Compare report has been deprecated as
report type for all step types except "Compare PDFs"
- Problem solved, where imposition
resulted in an unexpected result when a negative origin was used in
some cases [CA1030783]
- Rename PDF: Reviewed and optimized
handling of filenames [FP64920]
- Pick up PDF: Reviewed and optimized
handling of files and filenames will be restored, if file has been
renamed in previous step
- Fixups
Place content:
Problem solved, where logging execution resulted into an invalid
prepared profile if a Variable was used for referencing a template
- Create bleed for irregular shapes:
Issue fixed, where longer processing time could be observed compared
to previous versions (MacOS + Linux only) [CA1030808]
- Map colors: Issue fixed, where
intermediate color values were not properly mapped, if other color
pixels were in the same image [CA1030732]
- Adjust or remove annotations: Problem
solved, where flatten annotations resulted in a distorted result for
some rare cases [FP53348; FP66047]
- Subset fonts: Problem solved, where
processing resulted in high memory consumption and long processing
time in rare cases [FP65453]
- Embed Output Intent with specified
parameters: Issue fixed, where no ICC profile could be selected by
using a path [FP64093 ]
- Checks
Text on page: Limited
reported text in trigger values to matching string [FP64301; FP66007]
- Find barcodes: Adjusted defaults for
active Bar-/QR-Codes types
- Find barcodes: Problem solved, where
small QR-Codes were not found in some cases [FP65310]
- ICC profile is not valid: Problem
solved, where invalid ICC profiles was not properly detected if used
in alternate colorspace in certain cases [FP65204]
- Sifter-based Checks: Issue solved,
where checking could result into an error in certain cases [FP65991]
Compare: UserUnits
will be taken into account for report type images
- N-up and StepAndRepeat: Problem
solved, where no page scaling factor (UserUnit) was inserted in
resulting PDF if sheet size exceeded 14.400 pt [CA1030729]
- ToPDF: Problem solved, where
conversion failed for GIF if filename contains special characters
(Windows only) [CA1030743]
- ToPDF: Problem solved, where only a
part of a RGB-TIFF with alpha channel was visible after conversion to
PDF [CA1030581]
- ToPDF: Issue fixed, where a certain
TIFF could not be processed anymore [CA1030210]
- Quick Fix
Issue solved, where
JSON configuration saved as UTF8 with BOM was not accepted
- License Server
- Issue fixed, where requesting an activation from a License Server without a matching cartridge took unnecessary long
Problem solved, where Checks from standard validations were not
included in created XML [CA1030981]
- Improved progress update when
executing Process plans [FP65276]
- SecurePDF: Adjusted usage to enable
setting an open password:
- Set open password (--openpassword)
- Set permissions password
- General
General file
processing: Problem solved, where glyphs are moved at the bottom in
seldom cases [CA1030698]
- Fixed issue, where processing (like
PDF/A validation and conversion) had an increased duration compared
to previous version [CA1030865]
- Fixed issue, where Boolean values for
Variables where not properly handled under certain circumstances
augustus 11, 2021
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox 12 Desktop for owners of a pdfToolbox 12 Desktop license
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfToolbox SDK for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- PDF Standards
- PDF/A-1 conversion: Optimized handling of annotations to avoid unnecessary removal of AcroForm dictionary entries
- Fixups
- Generate bleed at page edges: Problem solved, where a specified custom box was not properly handled if its size was bigger than the MediaBox [CA1030682]
- Generate bleed at page edges: Problem solved, where processing could become unstable under certain circumstances [CA1030768]
- Checks
- Names of (process) plates / spot color plates: Issue fixed, where settings in lists were not properly handled [FP63968]
- Server
- Problem solved, where processing could result in erratic interconnection errors on certain Windows installations [FP59756]
juni 30, 2021
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox 12 Desktop for owners of a pdfToolbox 12 Desktop license
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfToolbox SDK for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- New Fixups
- Resolve ICCbased default color spaces into object color spaces
- Actions
- PDF Standards
- PDF/A-1 conversion: Adjust or remove annotations: Setting for transparent objects extended to flatten those objects directly into page content [CA1028938; CA1030263]
- Predefined Process plans
- Check and fix bleed: Minor adjustment to cover smooth shade objects [FP64367]
- Fixups
- Downsample/recompress images: Problem solved, where processing was hanging in some special cases [FP64608]
- Downsample/recompress images: Issue fixed, where file size increased if executed together with "Remove invisible image data" [CA1030417]
- Generate bleed:
- Problems solved, where bleed was not properly rendered for pages with UserUnits [CA1030575]
- Problem solved, where objects on invisible layers were not ignored [CA1030382]
- Issue fixed, where defined spot color was not excluded in certain cases for "mirror page objects" [CA1030462]
- Problem solved, where bleed as mirrored page objects were not properly created for pages with UserUnits when "except spot" was used [CA1030575]
- Set page scaling factor: Problem solved, where an already existing page scaling factor (UserUnit) was taken into account [CA1030600; FP64657]
- Embed Output Intent with specified parameters: Issue fixed, where the ICC profile could not be selected from the file system via a Variable in the Desktop version [FP64093]
- Adjust dot gain: Issue fixed, where the .crv file could not be selected from the file system via a Variable in the Desktop version [CA1030395]
- Map colors / Convert colors: Problem solved, where vector objects were converted in special cases, although not in scope [CA1030353; CA1030416; FP64549]
- Scale pages: Adjusted handling of page scaling factors (UserUnits), which will now be set to 1 if the resulting size does not require this entry [FP63218]
- Scale pages / Scale page content only: Added "Apply to" filter (e.g. for page ranges) and made multiple configurable [FP34704; FP46026; FP48227; FP53742; FP61585]
- Spotify: Problem solved, where using the "Browse" button in the ask-at-runtime dialog for the spot color library resulted in an error
- Create bookmarks from headings: Issue, fixed, where bookmark hierarchy was wrong after processing in certain cases
- Map spot and process colors: Problem solved, where spot color using indexed DeviceN with "None" colorants became invisible, although not in scope [FP63166]
- Convert fonts to outlines: Problem solved, where processing resulted in an error if Type3 font was used in a certain manner [CA1030526]
- Convert colors: Issue fixed, where transparency blend color space was tagged with ICC profile in certain cases, although not necessary [FP64476]
- Set page geometry boxes (based on page content): Issue fixed, where TrimBox was not set correctly if UserUnits were used [FP64252]
- Remove objects: Adjusted recognition for objects grouped by FormXObjects to ensure only objects used once are removed (e.g. if outside CropBox) [CA1029102; CA1029653]
- Remove objects: Problem solved, where combined fill and stroke vector objects were not properly handled [CA1028805]
- Checks
- Names of (process) plates / spot color plates: Issue fixed, where settings in lists were not properly handled [FP63968]
- PDF/UA validation: Issue fixed, where a special, invalid PDF tagging structure could result in an unstable behavior [FP63578]
- Object is invisible: Issue fixed, where an object was falsely flagged as invisible [FP51352; FP55212]
- Ignore objects outside ...: Issue solved, where clipped parts of objects were taken into account [FP64182]
- Effective ink coverage for separated plates: Adjusted behavior of operators: "less than / less than or equal to" will ignore 0%, while "highest value is less than / highest value is less than or equal" will consider 0%
- Find barcodes: Problem solved, where a barcode could not be found in certain cases [CA1030536]
- Process plans
- Optimized execution of a generic post check as the last step only in cases when a report etc. is requested
- Actions
- Place grommets: Issue solved, where an existing page scaling factor (user unit) was not taken into account [FP64130]
- Impose: Support for setting a slot as an isolated transparency group setting during dynamic imposition [FP64882]
- Save as image: Problem solved, where rendering to MultiChannel using the MediaBox resulted in a failure in some cases [CA1023759]
- Save as image: Problem solved, where rendering was not successful in a certain size was chosen [FP35113; FP60074; CA1030412]
- QuickFix: Problem solved, where setting the page geometry boxes with 2 settings was not successful [FP64213; FP64503]
- QuickCheck: Issue solved, where stopping processing after the defined timeout took rather long [CA1029997]
- ToPDF: Issue fixed, where certain structures in a TIFF file could result in extremely long processing time and an exhausting cache folder [CA1030656]
- Reports
- PDF reports: Issue fixed, where highlighting did not use the correct colors for highlighting [FP60552; CA1030164]
- Desktop
- Problem solved, where Checks could not be edited or created in the Japanese user interface [FP64730]
- Ask-at-runtime: Import for Variables now supports variables.json created by log Profile execution [CA1029289]
- Plug-in
- Problem solved, where installation of the Plug-in was not successful in some cases (Windows only) [FP64178]
- Issue fixed, where an attempt was made to load the Plug-in in the Acrobat sandbox mode
- General
april 23, 2021
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox 12 Desktop for owners of a pdfToolbox 12 Desktop license
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfToolbox SDK for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Checks
- Number of hits in this check: Problem solved, where number of hits were not determined properly [CA1030410]
- Include other check: Problem solved, where certain kind of nesting of Checks did not result in the expected hit [FP64080]
- Actions
- QuickCheck: Problem solved, where Form XObjects could result into an invalid result [FP64055; FP64048]
februari 03, 2021
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox 12 Desktop for owners of a pdfToolbox 12 Desktop license
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfToolbox SDK for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- New predefined Profiles
- Convert to PDF/X-1a (US Web Coated (SWOP) v2)
- Convert to PDF/X-3 (US Web Coated (SWOP) v2)
- Convert to PDF/X-4 (US Web Coated (SWOP) v2)
- Convert to PDF/X-6 (US Web Coated (SWOP) v2)
- New Fixup
- Remove color space from transparency group entries
- Extended Fixups
- Map spot and process colors: New option to define a spot color tint value [CA1029943]
- Set rendering mode for text: New options: "Line width for stroke" and "Line join for stroke"
- Convert page content into image: New option: "Keep text as clipped images (uses original fonts)"
- New Properties
- Objects close to each other (Sifter based)
- Number of nodes on page [CA1030013]
- Extended Properties
- Effective ink coverage: based Properties: New operators "highest/lowest value lower/greater than" [FP62651]
- Desktop
- Process plan UI: Several improvements (e.g. editing Variables in Actions, auto-scroll when drawing a transition, usage for Actions etc.)
- Process plans can now also be set to hidden in list of Profiles [FP61460]
- Variables: Improved handling when "Esc" is pressed during editing [FP61829]
- Actions
- Impose: Page scaling factors (UserUnits) are now taken into account
- Extended Actions in Process plans
- Compare PDF: Area threshold to define minimum area with differences required to generate a hit
- Internal HTML converter updated to callas pdfChip (v2.3.070)
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Converter integrated (PostScript to PDF conversion; v1.1PlusP3e)
- Desktop
- Compare: Issue fixed, where custom values were not remembered [CA1022451]
- Compare: Issue fixed, where a page scaling factor (UserUnits) was not properly taken into account in certain cases
- Object inspector: Issue fixed, where a page scaling factor (UserUnits) was not taken into account for some object details in some cases
- Switchboard: Extract dieline: Support Variables in Checks added [FP62200]
- Export Profiles for previous version: Adjustments to fix some backward compatibility issues [FP62307]
- Testmode: Issue fixed, where a Process plan in a Process plan resulted in an error warning in some cases [FP62427; FP62570]
- Problem solved, where editing a Fixup from within a Process plan could results into an unstable behavior or mixed display of entered text [FP62866]
- PDF Standards
- Validation for PDF/A-4.. and PDF/X-6..: Some minor adjustments to clarify reporting
- Convert to PDF/A-4e: Adjusted handling for annotations to avoid removal of 3D annotations [CA1030074]
- Process Plans
- Actions: Issue fixed, where negative values for e.g. offsets were not properly handled [FP62549]
- Actions: Issue fixed, where no Pop-up for simulation profile was available for Image export [FP62308]
- Actions: Problem solved, where input values of page numbering were not interpreted as expected (e.g. "First page" had to be "0", now it is "1")
- User interface: Issue fixed, where selected zoom was not kept when the window was resized [FP62751]
- Reports: Issue fixed, where the report type "PDF overview" could not be selected multiple times per setting
- Actions + QuickFix: Issue fixed, where the "More details" button created an error message in non-English environments [FP62550; FP62658]
- Fixups
- Downsample/recompress images: Problem solved, where using the "Upsampling" algorithm created corrupt images [FP32839; CA1030008]
- Convert colors: Problem solved, where result contained corrupt images in certain cases [FP59623]
- Repair invalid bookmark hierarchies: Problem solved, where bookmark destinations were changed in certain cases [CA1030041]
- Insert pages: Problem solved, where a missing "Resource" dict resulted in issues in other processing applications [FP62852]
- Set page geometry boxes: Issue fixed, where the generic even/odd page filter did not work properly [FP62428]
- Condense into single spot color: Problem solved, where specified color was removed from the PDF in certain cases [FP61492]
- Create links for text: Issue fixed, where processing could lead to a high memory consumption in certain cases
- Create invisible text via OCR: Fixed issue, where invisible text was not properly placed on rotated pages in some cases
- Convert colors: Problem solved, where result was not as expected when "Convert colors using DeviceLink profiles" was also included in the same Profile [CA1029280; FP60335]
- Convert spot color names to UTF-8: Problem solved, where conversion did not work as expected in some cases [FP60511]
- Checks
- Find barcodes:
- Issue fixed, where "PDF 417" barcodes were seldom detected
- Problem solved, where barcodes with the symbology "RSS Expanded" were not properly detected
- Issue fixed, where "Bar Width Reduction" measurements did not match the expected values [CA1029932]
- Issue fixed, where wrong bounding box for "EAN 13 + 2" was reported
- Optimized reporting if multiple barcode properties are combined in a Check to avoid unnecessary redundancy in reporting
- Issue fixed, where a barcode check did not derived a proper result anymore [FP62402]
- Text on page: Issue fixed, where RegEx icon was missing [FP62840]
- Text on page: Problem solved, where some operators were not properly handled [FP62839]
- Font processing: Problem solved, where a Type0 fonts sharing the same CID font was not properly handled [CA1029907]
- Font processing: Problem solved, where processing certain Type3 fonts could cause font issues in the PDF [CA1029470]
- Actions
- PostScript:
- Problem solved, where conversion with raster images resulted in random performance issue on Windows [CA1027172}
- Problem solved, where no ToUnicode was inserted when an Identity-V CMap was used [CA1027909]
- Issue fixed, where a Font was replaced with Courier although the font was available in rare cases [CA1028521]
- Issue fixed, where processing was not successful with a certain PS file [CA1028445]
- Compare PDF: Issue fixed, where a compare report wasn't created in a Process plan step
- Overlay: Issue fixed, where handling of Variables wasn't correct
- Reports
- Problem solved, where creating a custom HTML template report from a Process plan step failed [CA1029852]
- Quick Check: Problem solved, where certain type of inverted requests in the config file took unexpected long with complex PDFs [FP61985]
- HTML-template based Reports: Issue fixed, where certain kind of expressions in the manifest.xml where not properly interpreted [FP62857]
- --logexecution: Issue fixed, where Variables in a Profile could caused in an error 1000 [FP62884]
- --logexecution: Issue fixed, where Process.log listed unnecessary errors for Variables of different types [FP58289]
- General
- Problem solved, where a PDF with invalid marked content definition could not be processed anymore after layer were added [CA1029914]
- Compare: Corrected return/error code when used as Process plan step [FP62851]
- QuickCheck: Issue fixed, where the return/error code was not correct if input file does not exist [FP62825]
- Problem solved, where MacOS version info was not correct reported for MacOS BigSur [FP62551]
- Problem solved, where a PDF file couldn't be converted to PDF/A-1b without APDFL optimization [CA1030022]
november 24, 2020
- An upgrade to pdfToolbox Server 12, pdfToolbox CLI 12 or pdfToolbox SDK 12 from earlier versions of these products requires a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA). Please contact your reseller for further information.
- PDF/X-6 Support
- PDF/A-3 Support
- PDF/VT-3 Support
- Quick Fix: Perform high-performance corrections as CLI action or as Process plan step
- Adjust page tree
- Adjust spot colors
- Apply Rotate key
- Auto-correct page geometry boxes
- Duplicate pages
- Embed Output Intent
- Enlarge pages
- Flip pages
- Inject DPart
- Insert empty pages
- JavaScript based configurations
- Merge spot colors
- Remove all Output Intents
- Remove pages
- Remove page geometry boxes
- Rename spot colors
- Rotate pages
- Scale page content only
- Scale pages
- Set MediaBox to origin
- Set layer visibility
- Set page geometry box
- Set page geometry box by dimensions
- Set Processing Steps metadata for layer
- Desktop
- Actions for Process plans can now be created and edited directly using a new user interface
- Listing of page geometry boxes in separate Pop-up in page size display in footer
- Visualizer: Heatmap views for ink coverage below/above per separation
- Visualizer: Heatmap views for out of gamut comparison
- Visualizer: Page border/Bleed area views: merged into one new view, where security width can be adjusted
- Compare: New comparison methods "Delta E" and "Delta C" (both for 1976 and 2000 specifications)
- Compare: Resolution and navigation keys added along with zoom functionality [FP25739; FP30051; FP32420]
- Optimization of PDFs when saved can now be adjusted in the user preferences
- License Server: Settings for Server can now be defined in the user interface
- New "Free tools" in Standalone, which can be used without activation
- Export Profiles for a previous pdfToolbox version
- Process plans
- New step type "Add files" for adding additional documents as file attachments to the PDF
- New step type "Compare PDFs" which allows an automated comparison of files (based on rendered pages)
- New "Quick Fix" for performing high-performance corrections are available as new step type
- General
- Page scaling factors (UserUnits) are now taken into account for all reported values (e.g. text sizes, line widths, image resolutions, ...) [FP26307; FP51807; FP56594; CA1028939; FP57968; FP58614]
- Optimization of PDF structure when saved will no longer optimize fonts
- New Profiles and Process plans
- Library: PDF Standards
- Convert to PDF/A-4, A-4e, A-4f (without fallback conversion)
- Convert to PDF/X-6 (for Coated GRACoL 2006, Coated GRACoL 2013, ISO Coated v2, Japan Color 2001 (Coated), PSO Coated v3)
- Convert to PDF/X-1a, X-4, X-6 (Coated GRACoL 2013)
- Verify compliance with PDF/A-4, A-4e, A-4f
- Verify compliance with PDF/X-6, X-6n, X-6p
- Verify compliance with PDF/VT-3
- PDF/A-2u: Outline non-Unicode text if it is below specified share of all text
- Library: Prepress, Color and Transparency
- Create DPart record information from headings
- White underlay for print content on transparent foil
- White underlay for print content on transparent foil (with bleed)
- Enhanced Profiles and Process plans
- Library: Prepress, Color and Transparency
- New Fixups
- Create spot color page based on ink amount: Creates a spot colored image on top of the current page content based on the ink amount
- Arbitrary JavaScript controlled Fixups: Allows for using JSON structures to select and parameterize any available Fixup
- Set color: Changes the color for all identified objects
- Create invisible text via OCR: Pages are rendered internally and an OCR is performed (languages installed by default: English and German), more information:
- Create links for text: Sets a link to a specified URL at each text object which matches the defined string
- Enhanced Fixups
- Generate bleed at page edges: New method "stretch border area", which is using page content to create a un-proportional stretched image for the created bleed
- Generate bleed at page edges: New sub dialog for all geometrical settings
- All Fixups are now taking page scaling factors into account automatically, the option "Factor in scaling factor" has therefore been removed
- Convert page content into image: New option to filter objects, which shall not be used for rendering
- Fixups setting page geometry boxes: MediaBox is set to 0/0 by default now [FP45010]
- New and enhanced predefined Fixups
- Library: Prepress, Color and Transparency
- Convert gray CMYK images to grayscale
- Convert gray RGB images to grayscale
- Make rich black
- Generate 3mm bleed by stretching border area
- Convert alternate color space for spot colors to CMYK (Coated GRACoL 2013)
- Convert color to Coated GRACoL 2013 (convert spot colors to CMYK)
- Convert color to Coated GRACoL 2013 (keep spot colors)
- Embed Output Intent Coated GRACoL 2013
- Set Overprint Mode for ICCbased CMYK to 0
- Library: PDF Standards
- Make invisible text via OCR
- New Properties
- General: Support for "Output Intent Scope" added in Check sidebar (PDF 2.0 feature)
- Several new Properties for page box dimensions containing all units (old, separate Properties per value will become converted into the new ones)
- Content stream size of page + Content stream size of most complex page: Determine stream sizes of pages or find the page with the largest size
- Several new and modified Properties for PDF/X-6, PDF/A-4 and PDF/VT-3 (some with new PDF 2.0 features)
- Has Processing Steps metadata
- Find barcodes: Identifies any number of barcodes or matrix codes in specified area
- Size of stroked vector object [FP61233]
- Enhanced Properties
- All Checks are now taking page scaling factors into account automatically, the option "Factor in scaling factor" has therefore been removed
- New and enhanced predefined Checks
- Library: PDF Standards
- Uses ICCbased CMYK: Adjusted settings
- Text objects that cannot be mapped to Unicode
- Library: Prepress, Color and Transparency
- Object uses black only
- Uses ICCbased CMYK
- Gray CMYK images using CMY with 2% tolerance
- Gray RGB images with 2% tolerance
- New and predefined Quick Fixes
- Library: Prepress, Color and Transparency
- Apply rotate key
- Duplicate all pages
- Embed Output Intent PSO Coated v3 (ECI)
- Embed Output Intent US Web Coated
- Inject PDF/VT DPart data (blocks of 4 pages)
- Insert empty page after each page
- Remove all Output Intents
- Rotate pages by 90 degrees counter-clockwise
- Scale pages to A4
- Set MediaBox to origin
- Set Processing Steps metadata for layer
- New in Switchboard
- PDF Standards: PDF/X-6
- Text: OCR
- Large format printing: Pole banner to create certain kinds of hemstitch banner
- Actions
- Quick Fix: Perform several high-performance corrections (available on CLI and as Process plan step)
- Compare: New comparison methods "Delta E" and "Delta C" (both for 1976 and 2000 specifications)
- Visualizer: Heatmap views for ink coverage below/above per separation
- Visualizer: Heatmap views for out of gamut comparison
- Visualizer: Default output format is now images, PDF report has been deprecated
- Visualizer: Page border/Bleed area views: merged into one new view, where security width can be adjusted
- Reports
- XML: New structure for triggers in the reports: they will now be listed as "value" and (if useful) as additional "detail"
- XML: New listing of "effective" page box dimensions, which include existing page scaling factors
- XML: New listing of several barcode or matrix codes details when barcode-related Property has been executed
- Server
- Reports in Server: Possibility to select templates for overview reports per severity added [FP60229]
- Extract dieline: The CropBox will be used for resulting dimension and new option --pagebox for selecting another box [CA1029822]
- Quick Fix: Perform several high-performance corrections (--quickfix)
- Reports: New option to define a "suffix" for created reports (suffix=___> [FP60229]
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Library integrated (v18.0.3PlusP1c)
- Internal HTML converter updated to callas pdfChip (v2.2.068)
- Enhanced Profiles
- Verify compliance with PDF/X-4..: XMP metadata attached to the content stream via marked content is now also taken into account
- Verify compliance with PDF/A-2..: XMP metadata attached to the content stream via marked content is now also taken into account [FP46416; CA1028118]
- Verify compliance with ZUGFeRD: Adjusted schema file [CA1029819]
- Fixups
- Flatten transparency (and overprint)
- Problem solved, where processing resulted into a color shift caused by a RGB object above a CMYK image [CA1029728]
- Problem solved, where ICC profile was removed from OutputIntent [CA1029138]
- Issue fixed, where processing resulted in a thicker glyph in certain cases [FP51872]
- Issue fixed, where flattening caused distorted glyphs in some cases [FP28547]
- Problem solved, where an unexpected color shift occurred, when ICC v4 profile was used [CA1029182]
- Problem solved, where opening the flattened file resulted in warnings for font widths or missing glyphs in some PDF viewers [FP55011]
- Issue fixed, where drop shadows were not handled properly in certain cases [CA1029118]
- Problem solved, where processing resulted in modified page appearance in some cases [FP60056]
- Problem solved, where flattening wasn't successful and the resulting PDF could not be opened [CA1029034]
- Issue fixed, where processing resulted in an empty page with a specific PDF [FP60081]
- Problem solved, where flattening with fix glyph width information resulted in removed objects [FP27742]
- Issue fixed, where repair invalid ToUnicode values and flattening resulted in a FixFailure for flattening [FP30167]
- Problem solved, where flattening and optimization resulted in duplicated text elements [CA1028240]
- Convert spot color names to UTF-8: Several improvements for better handling of special characters (e.g. Umlauts) and encodings [CA1029140]
- Scale pages: When pages with page scaling factor are scaled to a value below the maximum page size the scaling factor (UserUnits) will now be removed [FP57818; FP58614]
- Convert colors: Improved handling for ICC profile names containing characters like "*" (Windows only) [FP60771]
- Downsample/recompress images: Problem solved, where images became modified [FP61697]
- Font embedding: Problem solved, where embedding of "MS Mincho" font resulted in Identity encoding issues [CA1029651]
- General font processing: Issue fixed, where simple encoding was added to CID fonts, although not necessary [CA1029588]
- Map spot and process colors: Adjusted interpretation of RegEx to avoid creation of doubled names [FP59771]
- Map spot and process colors: Problem solved, where spot color names were not properly corrected when RegEx was used (Linux Only) [FP60489; FP60438]
- Remove annotations: Problem solved, where removal was not successful, if boxes were set beforehand in same Profile [FP61063]
- Create and apply shapes: Issue fixed, where Asian and other non-latin glyphs were not properly handled [FP61242]
- All "Set page geometry boxes"-Fixups: Optimized handling of setting "All" in "Apply to:" to increase processing speed [CA1029145]
- Checks
- Effective ink coverage Properties: Improved detection for low ink coverage (e.g. less than 5%)
- Set overprint and knockout: Issue fixed, where generic filter for "smooth shades" did not work properly [FP61979]
- General file analysis: Problem solved, where invalid image data could result into a hanging process for specific PDFs [CA1029321; CA1029749; CA1029788]
- Sifter-based Properties: Issue fixed, where transparency softmasks were not taken into account for visibility or obliteration [FP58394]
- Actions
- MergePDF: Problem solved, where checkboxes in forms were removed [FP29681]
- ToPDF: Enhanced handling for certain alert window in MS Visio [CA1029664]
- Overlay : Issue fixed, where page scaling factors in PDFs were not properly respected
- QuickCheck: Several smaller listing issues fixed
- Split at mark: Problem solved, where the original PDF became modified
- Extract dieline: Issue fixed, where wrong unit was used for creation [FP61642]
- Extract dieline: Issue fixed, where <doctype> for SVG was not properly defined and inline tracing comments included [FP60382]
- Desktop
- Layer Explorer: Improved rendering behavior when selecting and un-selecting layers
- Libraries: "Essentials" removed and "Prepress" set as default Library
- Bookmarks pane: Issue fixed, where content was not updated after Fixup execution
- General display of pages: Reviewed highlighting of page geometry boxes in zoom mode
- Compare: Issue fixed, where "Start quick change" did not respected view and zoom level [FP61446]
- Issue fixed, where import or export Profiles did not remember the last used folder [FP60374]
- Distributed processing
- Issue fixed, where report templates were not properly transferred to the Satellite in some cases
- Reports
- Quick Check: Issue fixed, where entries for transparency groups on page level were not properly reported [FP60698]
- XML: Issue fixed, where report listed invalid plate names (Linux Only) [FP60489]
- General
- Issue fixed, where file structure optimization resulted into an error with certain files [FP60028]
- Issue fixed, where a Process plan step was not executed under certain circumstances [FP60986]
- Problem solved, where post-processing after a DeviceLink conversion resulted in an error [FP47826]
- Problem solved, where post-processing resulted in moved glyphs with a specific file [CA1026282]
- Issue fixed, where post-processing took quite long on Linux and MacOS compared to Windows [FP55096]
- Problem solved, where certain glyph optimization of flattened file resulted in damages content [CA1023107; CA1024019; CA1028839; FP27480]
- Office conversion: External application changed to LibreOffice or OpenOffice on MacOS (MS Office no longer available) [FP60779]
juli 01, 2020
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox 11 Desktop for owners of a pdfToolbox 11 Desktop license
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfToolbox SDK for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Fixups
- Map spot and process colors using script variables: Issue fixed, where Fixup did not work properly [CA1029385, FP60291]
- Create and apply shapes: Problem solved, where using a page-range Check via "Include other Check" resulted in an improper result [FP59766]
- Create and apply shapes: Issue fixed, where "suppress rendering outside shape" caused an invalid result in certain cases [FP59897]
- Subset fonts: Problem solved, where glyph became invisible in some special cases for Type 1 Simple fonts [FP26748; FP36978; FP59430]
- Conversion to PDF/A: General font handling: Fonts will be converted to CFF in most cases for non-symbolic TrueType fonts to avoid several issues in post processing [CA1029282]
- Conversion to PDF/A: Issue fixed, where annotations were not properly handled in certain cases [CA1029390]
- Checks
- Problem solved, where combined "Include other Check" Properties with "Fire if any condition is met" didn't work properly, e.g. when used in a Fixup [FP59870; FP60064, FP57904; FP59766]
- Problem solved, where a combination of 2 "Include other Check" Properties did not find the intersection of both Checks [FP57904; FP59870]
- Actions
- ToPDF: Issue fixed, where a random unstable behavior during conversion of PostScript occurred (Windows only) [CA1028342]
- ToPDF: Problem solved, where a defined bounding box in PostScript was not honored properly [CA1028811]
- ToPDF: Problem solved, where TIFF images with certain layer configurations from Photoshop were not properly converted [CA1029386]
- ToPDF: Improved handling for multiple, parallel executed LibreOffice conversions [CA1029433 CA1029224]
- ToPDF: Improve handling of SVG files without explicitly defined page size (viewBox is used if existing) [FP53757; FP60300]
- Extract dieline: Moved "transformation matrix" into a SVG group element to ensure compatibility with older devices [FP60217]
- Desktop
- Process plan: Issue fixed, where "Rename PDF" if used as last step lost its transition to the "End" [FP59983]
- Profile import: Issue fixed, where a hash error was displayed, although not necessary [FP60018]
- ToPDF: Issue fixed, where a --topdf_parameter had to be written in upper case [CA1029391]
- Profile processing: Improved error handling for certain processing issues (CLI and SDK only) [CA1029390]
- Reports
- XML: Problem solved, where XML version 1 and text reports were not created [CA1029383]
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Converter integrated (PostScript to PDF conversion; v1.1PlusP3c)
mei 19, 2020
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox 11 Desktop for owners of a pdfToolbox 11 Desktop license
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfToolbox SDK for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- General
- Process Plans: Support for HTML-based template reports in Process Plan steps
- Support for ZUGFeRD 2.1
- New Fixup
- Remove separations: Removes objects in the specified separations, but keeps the effects of the objects in the remaining separations [CA1029073]
- Desktop
- Standalone: New zoom functionality, page navigation and unit selector for page dimensions in footer
- Variables: JavaScript-Editor with enhanced functionalities like highlighting of errors for exceptions during script evaluation
- Impose: Text-based logging/debugging function for testing of imposition schemes
- Split or reorder: New option "Replace original" for Actions using "Merge again" to replace original input file in Process Plans [FP52850]
- New Action
- New --addbookmark option to add a bookmark structure from a XML file
- Distributed Processing
- Support for files sizes larger than 4 GB [FP59049]
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Library integrated (v15.0.4PlusP7d)
- Internal HTML converter updated to callas pdfChip (v2.2.066)
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Converter integrated (PostScript to PDF conversion; v1.1PlusP3a)
- Desktop
- Visualization of tagging structure as HTML: Issue fixed, where URLs starting with "https://" were extended with "http://" [CA1029313]
- Reviewed and revised handling of window tiling, page zooming and the compare mode
- Improved behavior and new logging functionality for cases when a Library contained invalid references [FP59002]
- Ask-at-runtime for Variables: Revised and improved error handling [FP58831]
- Process Plans: Problem solved, where new user interface for creating and editing Process Plans did not work properly in Acrobat Plug-In using MacOS
- Process Plans: Issue fixed, where a password could not be pasted into respective field [FP58794]
- Problem solved, where Chinese language was no more available using Windows [FP58443]
- Layer explorer: Issue fixed, where usage of Layer settings resulted in an unstable behavior in certain cases (MacOS only) [FP58027]
- Manage Libraries: Problem solved, where a Profile could not be added into a newly created Library [CA1027535]
- PDF Standards
- All PDF/A-2 and PDF/A-3 conversions: Added Fixups "Convert spot color names to UTF-8" and "Convert font names to UTF-8" to ensure conversion
- All PDF/X-4 and PDF/X-5 conversions: Added Fixups "Convert spot color names to UTF-8" and "Convert font names to UTF-8" to ensure conversion
- All PDF/X-4 and PDF/X-5 conversions: Added Fixup "Fix glyph width information" [CA1029105]
- All PDF/X-4 and PDF/X-5 conversions: Issue fixed, where a mismatch of the Creation date caused by invalid entries in DocInfo and XMP was not repaired [FP53968]
- All PDF/X-4 and PDF/X-5 validations: Adjusted recognition of JPEG 2000 images using more than 1 color space [FP53585]
- Enhanced Profiles
- All "GWG 2015"-based Profiles: Removed Custom Fixup "Fix glyph width information" (is part of PDF/X-4 conversion now)
- All "Digital printing" Profiles: Checks for "White object is not set to knock out" adjusted to ignore registration color [FP58849]
- Enhanced Process Plans
- Check and fix bleed: Issue solved, where bleed for facing pages was not properly determined
- Fixups
- Flatten annotations and form fields: Completely reviewed and revised integration to solve several issues [CA1022908; FP54968; FP57888]
- Prepare annotations for PDF/A-2: Issue fixed, where annotations with no defined size got a size entry [CA1029035; CA1028573]
- Place content: Problem solved, where certain special characters in the kfpx or template file name resulted into an error (Linux only) [FP59599]
- Place content: Issue fixed, where positioned PDFs were losing contained link annotations [CA1028214]
- Discard hidden layer and flatten visible layers: Issue fixed, where processing resulted in missing resource in certain cases [CA1025441; FP59567]
- Put objects on layer:
- Issue solved, where unmatched operators in contents stream could be created under certain circumstances
- Issue fixed, where separating objects did not work for imposed PDFs [CA1025261]
- Problem solved, where processing resulted in an unnecessary complex and big file in certain cases [CA1029073]
- Extract spot colors from DeviceN one by one:
- Problem solved, where objects vanished in specific cases, e.g. with filled vector objects, using a SmoothShade as Pattern [CA1028305; CA1028620]
- Problem solved, where processing took rather long on a certain, quite simple file [CA1028305]
- Problem solved, where resulting file had a high increase in file size in certain cases [CA1029152]
- Extract all colors from DeviceN one by one: Problem solved, where resulting file has missing objects in certain cases
- Set page geometry boxes (page box dimensions): Issue fixed, where UserUnit was changed to a whole number but the dimension was changed for the first setting only [CA1028467]
- Create and apply shapes:
- Problem solved, where sharp angles could result in unnecessarily long pinnacles [CA1029213]
- Problem solved, where deriving shapes from certain kinds of vector objects did not work properly [FP55279]
- Issue fixed, where similar inside/outside settings for page boxes resulted in different results [FP55598]
- Problem solved, where "reduce to outer borders" triggered the creation additional unnecessary lines [FP54492; FP55279]
- Problem solved, where page scaling factor ("user units") were not taken into account [CA1029154]
- Create bleed for irregular shapes: Issue fixed, where shape was not properly created for contours with very sharp angles [CA1029122]
- Create bleed for irregular shapes: Problem solved, where spot alternates of created bleed were different than the original spot color [CA1028962]
- Outline page geometry boxes: Problem solved, where page scaling factor ("user units") were not taken into account [CA1029154]
- Create content entry for link annotations: Issue fixed, where TOC bookmarks were not regarded for creation [FP58469]
- Flatten transparency: Problem fixed, where certain glyphs became corrupted and an error warning occurred in PDF viewers [FP56785]
- Flatten transparency: Problem fixed, where outlined text became malformed if file was imposed afterwards [FP27204]
- Create bleed by upscaling: Problem solved, where page scaling factor ("user units") were not taken into account [CA1029154]
- Remove invisible image data: Problem solved, where images were not handled properly in certain cases [FP55921; CA1028998; FP58231; FP27921]
- Remove XMP Metadata compliant with PDF/X-4: Issue fixed, where removal was not successful in some cases [FP57149; FP58137]
- Set overprint and knockout: Problem solved, where Smooth Shades were converted with default filters (e.g. for text) [FP54135]
- Font processing: Issue fixed, where font embedding failed on a system with non-latin characters [CA1028656]
- Font processing: Problem solved, where conversion resulted into an invalid 2-Byte value entry in bfrange in certain cases [CA1029174]
- Embed missing fonts: Problem solved, where processing resulted into shifted glyphs in special cases [CA1028940]
- Embed missing fonts: Issue fixed, where processing resulted in shrunken capital glyphs with specific font [CA1028989]
- Set line width: Added inch as possible unit [CA1029039]
- Convert colors: Issue fixed, where advanced settings were not shown, if Profile was exported from Preflight [FP55987]
- Convert spot color names to UTF-8: Reviewed and improved handling of non-compliant spot color names with umlauts [CA1029140]
- Convert colors using n-channel: Issue fixed, where ICC profile was not shown in edit dialog, when the ICC profile had no description [FP57843]
- Convert font names to UTF-8: Problem solved, where invalid UTF-8 names were not repaired in certain cases [FP52034]
- Checks
- Sifter-based Properties:
- Issue solved, where stacking of objects was not properly derived in certain cases [CA1028919]
- Issue solved, where logging the execution resulted in an unstable behavior (MacOS only) [FP53306]
- Problem fixed, where analysis took very long under certain circumstances [FP57033]
- Issued solved, where some thin lines were not properly detected [FP50812]
- Problem solved, where certain complex Vector objects where not properly classified regarding the overlapping of page boxes [CA1029034]
- Issue fixed, where Processing Steps objects were not properly detected when part of a Form XObject [FP55706; CA1029073]
- Actions
- ToPDF:
- Images:
- Support for TIFF using 16Bit with Big Endian [FP55012; FP57008]
- Problem solved, where certain PSD files resulted into an invalid PDF [CA1028898]
- Office:
- New --topdf_parameter "NoBitmapMissingFonts" for MS Office, which do not rasterize fonts if embedding is not possible (fonts will be substituted by another font then) [FP44692]
- New --topdf_parameter "CSV_IMPORT" for LibreOffice to define field separator, text delimiter and character set (as ASCII values) for CVS file import [CA1029054]
- Problem solved, where office conversion wasn't successful on Windows 2008 Server R2 SP1 64bit [CA1029298]
- Issue fixed, where conversion in MS Excel failed due to missing external pivot sources [CA1029253]
- Issue fixed, where an Excel file could not be converted when --topdf_useexcelpagelayout was used (caused by empty pages) [CA1029061]
- Problem solved, where office conversion failed due to a missing .dll file [FP57863; FP59621]
- Issue fixed, where a Unicode encoded string indicating an error from Office was not properly displayed in the STDOUT (e.g. on a Japanese system) [CA1029175]
- PostScript:
- Problem solved, where processing was not successful randomly when converting PostScript to PDF (Windows only) [CA1028903; CA1029121]
- Problem solved, where Chinese, Japanese and Korean fonts were not properly handled in certain cases (might affect conversion of PostScript files which extract internal resources during processing like reported by [CA1027902]) [CA1029251]
- Pre-separate pages: Registration color is now also included in the generated separations [FP52265; FP52942; FP56488; CA1026318]
- Pre-separate pages: Issue fixed, where an image mask was not properly handled [CA1029073]
- Render to buffer: Issue fixed where annotations were not rendered (only for SDK) [CA1028834]
- Impose:
- Problem solved, where calculations could not exceed values bigger than 1.000.000
- Crop marks will now get a clipping to avoid overlapping of content in certain cases [FP35510]
- New slot definition parameter in SheetConfig "ClipMode" to define basis for crop mark positioning (page or slot) [FP52916]
- New slot definition parameter in SheetConfig "TrGroupMode" to create a slot as a non-isolated transparency group [FP42398]
- Reports
- Mask reports: Fixed issue, where the "hide" option had no effect on created bookmarks for the respective severity [CA1029302]
- QuickCheck: Issue fixed, where reported info about embedding status was not correct for Type3 font [FP58737]
- QuickCheck: Problem solved, where file could not be parsed although it had no syntax issues [FP57608]
- XML report: Problem fixed, where report creation with ink coverage was not successful on PDFs with non UTF-8 compliant spot color names [FP57743]
- Server
- Process Plans: If output from "Save PDF copy" is in a subfolder, this subfolder is now created in the output folder as well
- Variables: Improved error reporting when referenced DeviceLink profiles do not exist
- General
- Problem solved, where some types of processing could result in unnecessarily extensive memory usage [CA1029088]
- Problem solved, where order of Properties in a Check could cause different results if "Fire if any condition is met" is active [FP57904]
- Issue fixed, where file structure optimization resulted into an error with certain files [FP58088]
- Issue fixed, where resources dictionary was not fixed when --nooptimization was used [CA1029052]
- Problem solved, where internal optimization of the file structure resulted in an unstable behavior [CA1028988]
- Issue fixed, where logging file was not properly filed in certain cases (e.g. with "Convert pages with very complex page descriptions into CMYK images") [FP57546]
- Problem solved, where certain structures of signed PDFs could not be properly validated [CA1028730]
- Problem solved, where images using a specific "JPEG2000 Codestream Format" could not be analyzed [CA1028930
juni 27, 2019
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox 10 Desktop for owners of a pdfToolbox 10 Desktop license
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfToolbox SDK for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Fixups
- Map spot and process colors: Issue fixed, where a defined Check in "Apply to" was not respected anymore [FP53896; FP53340; FP54009]
- Substitute characters using .notdef glyph: Problem solved, where Type0 font characters resulted in doubled text [FP52469]
- Create Content entry for Link annotations: Problem solved, where content entries were not created for all missing entries [FP54389]
- General: Fixed issue, where executing Convert colors and DeviceLink Conversion in a ProcessPlan resulted in Missing XObject for certain Type 3 fonts [FP53816]
- General: Fixed issue, where font processing and Convert colors within one Profile resulted in a missing Extended Graphic State for certain uncolored Type 3 objects [FP54129]
- Checks
- Dash array of a stroked path object: Issue fixed, where analysis resulted in an unstable behavior [FP54316]
- Difference between colorant channels: Problem solved, where processing resulted in unexpected result for a specific PDF [FP54005]
- General: Problem solved, where analyzing a certain TrueType structure in a PDF resulted in an unstable behavior [FP53817]
- Actions
- SplitLayers: Problem solved, where resulting PDF with text also contained inline images in certain cases [FP53160]
- ToPDF: Issue fixed, there import from Tiff resulted in a wrong size for the created PDF [FP33813]
- Installer: Added "Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable (x86)" to installation package (Windows only) [CA1028423]
- Distributed Processing
- Compare: Problem solved, where processing was not successful [FP41110]
- SplitPDF/MergePDF: Problem solved, where wrong output path was created when --outputfile was used [FP54308]
- General
- Apply Layer view setup: Problem solved, where Layers were no more visible in Acrobat afterwards [CA1028370]
- Issue fixed, where the office conversion component reported an older version number than in previous versions [CA1028384]
- Internal HTML converter updated to the latest version of callas pdfChip (v2.1.060) [CA1028415]
mei 07, 2019
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox 10 Desktop for owners of a pdfToolbox 10 Desktop license
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfToolbox SDK for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Desktop
- Edit Profiles: Problem fixed, where removing a Check from a Profile (which was switched with a Variable) resulted in the loss of the Variable assigned to other Checks (if the same Variable was used) [FP53760]
- Problem solved, where certain Libraries could not be opened in French version [FP53686]
- Switchboard: Issue fixed, where Batch processing resulted in empty folders [FP53713]
- Test mode: Changed default displayed PDF from initially for Test mode used file to the currently open file [FP53615]
- Actions
- ToPDF: Office: Support for file formats .wmf, .emf, .pcx, .bmp and .pgm to be converted using LibreOffice [CA1027903]
- Reports
- Profile execution: Identical Checks (e.g. contained as Custom Check and via Standard validation) will not be merged anymore but reported separately
- Server
- Edit jobs: Problem solved, where editing a job with a "Remote" Profile resulted in the loss of defined report settings [FP51919]
- Profile execution: Identical Checks (e.g. contained as Custom Check and via Standard validation) will not be merged anymore but reported separately
- Updated translations for non-major languages (cz, da, fi, ko, nl, no, pl, pt, sv, zh_CN, zh_TW) [CA1028207]
- General
- Variables: Problem solved, where multiple identical Checks (switched by a Variable) could result in improper results [FP53726]
april 16, 2019
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox 10 Desktop for owners of a pdfToolbox 10 Desktop license
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfToolbox SDK for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Desktop
- Test mode: Several enhancements (optional page geometry box view, result of QuickCheck is displayed, visualization of generated shape for Checks) [FP52010]
- Compare PDF: Origin of page positioning can be defined
- Object inspector: Some minor improvements related to information about overprinting [FP52425]
- Switchboard: Batch-processing of Profiles with Variables in Workspace: New option to ask for Variables for each file during runtime [FP52981]
- Standalone now shows an indicator in the footer areas if PDF is encrypted
- QuickCheck: Available QuickChecks are now available in a separate menu item in the QuickCheck editor
- Switchboard: Batch processing for Process Plans if linked into Workspace [CA1025609; FP21963; FP36198; FP37937; FP44284; FP49498; FP51444]
- Profile
- New option "PDF Version 2.0" in Document group to check if a PDF contains features which require this PDF version
- New Fixups
- Set PDF version in header: Sets the PDF version independent from what features are used in the PDF
- Actions
- ToPDF: Added support for page scaling factor (UserUnit) in resulting PDF, if input image exceeds the maximum dimension of a PDF page [CA1027771; FP21635; CA1026629]
- Enhanced Fixup
- Convert fonts to outlines: Extended scope to Type 3 fonts [CA1022867; FP37894; FP47760; FP49088; CA1027964; FP52417]
- Flatten transparency: New option to set a timeout, after which the whole page gets rasterized [CA1027633; CA1027399; CA1025453; FP52925]
- Flatten transparency: Some conflicting settings will be handled in a more intelligent way (e.g. "JPEG" compression and "lossless" quality) [FP52633]
- Outline page geometry boxes: Multiple settings for different configurations (e.g. for even and uneven pages) enabled [FP52651]
- Convert colors using n-channel: Support for .icm profiles as destination profile added [FP53305]
- Remove actions: New option "With invalid destination" [CA1027518]
- Convert page into image: New option to take layer visibility into account and to preserve invisible layers [FP52513]
- Create invisible text copy for all text: When deactivating the new checkbox "Merge all font resources", the existing fonts will be reduced and used with empty glyphs [FP51573]
- Set PDF version if compatible: Has been renamed from "Set PDF version" and sets the PDF version in the PDF header only if all features in the PDF are defined in that version.
- New Properties
- Colored Type 3 font
- Uncolored Type 3 font
- Reports
- QuickCheck: Content stream length can be determined e.g. to detect very complex files [FP53584]
- QuickCheck: Support for DPart metadata
- XML Report: Added color space for image masks [FP48021]
- Compare: Origin of page positioning can be defined [CA1027644]
- OpenPassword: New parameter to define an "open" password for encrypted PDFs: "--openpassword=..." [CA1027735]
- License Server
- Support for activation using the callas License Server for Desktop and CLI
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Library integrated (v15.0.4PlusP5c)
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Converter integrated (PostScript to PDF conversion; v1.1PlusP2d) [CA1028034]
- Internal HTML converter updated to the latest version of callas pdfChip (v2.1.059)
- Desktop
- Edit Variables: Issue fixed, where external editing of JavaScript did not opened the assigned default application (Windows only) [FP51586]
- Compare PDF: Several adjustments to improve functionality and page display [FP36165; FP35778; FP52636; FP53407]
- Object inspector and Visualizer: Issue fixed, where displayed content was not updated after the execution of Fixups [CA1026589]
- New dialog with additional information if PostScript or Office conversion to PDF fails
- Variables: Issue fixed, where a Variable classified as "String" in editing UI, was handled as a "Number" in ask-at-runtime dialog
- Edit Fixups: Issue fixed, where Variables could be lost if list view for settings was used [FP52481]
- Acrobat Plug-In
- Issue fixed, where a PDF could not be converted to a PDF/X-Standard under certain circumstances [FP52578]
- PDF Standards
- PDF/A and PDF/X conversions: Added Fixups "Remove page level output intents" and "Remove Black Point Compensation entries" to ensure conversion of PDF 2.0 files to the respective standard
- PDF/A validation: Adjusted detection of compressed object level metadata
- Fixups
- Several Fixups to split up DeviceN colorants: Several improvements to increase processing speed and to prevent visual changes in the resulting file [CA1027850; CA1028092]
- Flatten transparency:
- Issue fixed, where certain, already embedded fonts became unembedded after flattening [FP52550]
- Problem solved, where flattening resulted in visible text, which was invisible before [FP48363, CA1027364]
- Problem solved, where processing resulted in a missing image [CA1027286]
- Issue fixed, where bookmarks lost their not destination after processing [CA1027772]
- Problem solved, where certain glyphs got damaged after processing [CA1027900]
- Issue fixed, where visible glyph defined as .notdef was removed [FP51831; FP5245]
- Issue fixed, where transparent objects remained in PDF under certain circumstances [FP53244]
- Substitute characters using .notdef glyph with space characters: Problem solved where certain Type 3 font became bullets after processing [FP53093]
- Convert page content into image: Problem solved, where invisible layers from the PDF were visible in the resulting output image
- Discard hidden layer content and flatten visible layers: Problem solved, where visible layers were removed in some cases [CA1028003]
- Map colors: Issue fixed, where defined combination of CMYK colorant values in an image was not properly mapped to a spot color
- Map spot and process colors: Issue fixed, where objects using DeviceN with multiple "None" colorants were not properly converted [FP38404; FP51529; FP52525; FP52774; FP52982]
- Map spot and process colors: Problem solved, where unnecessary conversion of pixel data resulted in an unusual long processing time [FP52553]
- Convert colors: Enhanced handling for Type 3 fonts to avoid visual changes
- Convert colors: Issue fixed, where inconsistent spot colors remained in PDF, although Fixup "Make spot color appearance consistent" was contained in same Profile [FP50429; FP37675; FP52557]
- Remove printer marks: Problem solved, where textual page content was also removed in certain cases [CA1027857; FP53028; FP53045]
- General: Automatic repair for Type 3 fonts which are using very unusual resource dictionaries introduced by certain DTP software [CA1028093]
- General: Length of Code Ranges in ToUnicode CMap Streams is now adjusted to 255 to match specification [CA1028128]
- General: Problem solved, where text got displaced, caused by positioning of vectors within text objects which is not allowed [CA1028126; CA1027936]
- General: Non-existing property resources are now be removed during the automatic optimization of the Content Stream references (by adding an empty dictionary in the BDC or DP commands) [FP52994]
- Checks
- Problem solved, where initial analysis on specific PDFs resulted in an unstable behavior or long processing time [CA1028230; CA1028157; CA1028080]
- Issue fixed, where a certain way of color space definition for Pattern resulted in an error during analysis [FP52350]
- Font is embedded: Problem solved, where a certain PDF with empty FontBBox values resulted in an unstable behavior [FP52795]
- Context aware object detection: Issue fixed, where a combination of shape definitions was not properly regarded
- Actions
- Create PostScript: Problem solved, where creation was not successful with certain PDF [CA1027780]
- ToPDF:
- PostScript:
- Problem solved, where conversion of PostScript (which extracted internal resources during processing) could not be properly processed [CA1027902]
- Problem solved, where glyph positioning changed while converting certain PostScript files [CA1027912]
- Issue fixed, where objects below a certain scaling factor were dropped in certain PostScript files [CA1027914]
- Issue fixed, where PostScript could not be converted if a specific font was installed on the system [CA1028016]
- Issue fixed, where rather large TIFF files (3 GB or more) could not be converted to PDF [CA1021439; FP25090]
- Problem solved, where conversion of certain TIFF files resulted in an un-proportionally scaled result [FP52287]
- Issue fixed, where TIFF with AlphaChannels (spot color) were not properly converted [CA1027782; CA1028201]
- Issue fixed, where 16bit TIFF images were not properly converted [FP19497]
- Issue fixed, where existing image XMP metadata was not preserved [CA1023497]
- Problem solved, where RGB TIFF with alpha channels could not be converted [CA1024806; FP39228]
- Issue fixed, where certain types of shadows resulted in striped output [FP33818]
- Problem solved, where certain TIFF resulted in a very different visual result [FP52285]
- Problem solved, where specific, ICC-tagged TIFF resulted in shifted colorants [FP52468]
- Issue fixed, where transparency in TIFF was not properly regarded [CA1027593; CA1023947; CA1027813]
- Problem solved, where CMYK TIFF with additional spot channels could not be converted [FP34428]
- Problem solved, where some JPEG compressed TIFF images resulted in un-proportionally scaled result [FP27294; FP28140; FP30095; FP39228]
- Issue fixed, where a JPEG without a proper resolution could not be converted to PDF (will be set to 72 ppi by default now)
- Problem solved, where certain very big JPEG images could not be converted to PDF [FP22503]
- Issue fixed, where PSD images with an obsolete entry for spot colors could not be converted [CA1028171]
- Problem solved, where PSD images marked as CMYK, but also included spot color data, were converted to CMYK only [CA1027298]
- Issue fixed, where certain files using n-color- or alpha-channels could not be converted
- SaveAsImage: Problem solved, where invisible layers from the PDF were visible in the resulting output image
- Slice: Problem solved, where separation of objects into 2 files did not work properly anymore [FP52354; FP52501; FP52911; FP53079]
- Reports
- HTML-based template report: Issue fixed, where default images were not properly resized
- HTML-based template report: Problem solved, where report could not be created using Linux [FP52526]
- Layer reports: Adjusted report creation if a downsampling of the report is requested to avoid false reporting for low-res images [FP30414; FP52526]
- Server
- Problem solved, where Server jobs could not be started when path was a certain type of mounted SMB Share [FP53235]
- Problem solved, where report generation failed if output PDF was already locked by another application [CA1027996]
- Issue fixed, where original PDF was moved to "Success" folder instead of "Processed" when Profile error code was "0" (= no Hit, no Fixups executed)
- Server/Dispatcher on CLI: Issue fixed, where wrong layout glyphs were shown in the command shell on first startup (Windows only) [FP52648]
- Log execution: Issue fixed, where not all resources where available in installation package [FP53365]
- Variables: Issue fixed, where name of Process Plan could not be used to set as a value in XMP metadata [FP49671]
- Improved management for temporary files to avoid remaining data in TEMP folder
- Trace: Added process ID to UUID to avoid creation of identically named logging folders [FP52561]
- Adjusted error codes in cases where report creation failed due to encrypted input PDFs [FP52526]
- General
- Problem solved, where imposed documents could not be properly rendered or saved as an image in pdfToolbox [CA1027927; CA1028035]
- Problem solved, where certain PDFs could not be rendered properly anymore [CA1027843; CA1028229]
- Windows Service: Updated to .NET 4.0 framework to avoid installation issues on latest Windows Server versions
- Installer: On Unix based systems the installer will not extract into the "basename" directory of the respective package [FP52486]
- Problem solved, where ICC profiles could not be loaded under certain circumstances [FP53438]
- Activation: Improved handling for all non-ascii glyphs
- Variables: Improved handling when "," is used as a delimiter for a numeric value
- Variables: Problem solved, where file object "File.exists" was not supported within a JavaScript Variable [FP52323]
januari 09, 2019
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox 10 Desktop for owners of a pdfToolbox 10 Desktop license
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfToolbox SDK for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Desktop
- Improved visualization of non-supported custom Checks from Acrobat Preflight Profiles
- Actions
- ToPDF: Added support for page scaling factor (UserUnit) in resulting PDF, if input image exceeds the maximum dimension of a PDF page [CA1027771; FP21635; CA1026629]
- Distributed Processing
- New option "--noshadowfiles" to suppress the creation of a place holder file (which normally reserves the intended file name in the file system) [FP50894]
- New option "--setvariablepath", which will transfer the referenced file or folder to the satellite (e.g. as additional resources)
- The log files in the shared preferences folder are now created on a daily basis and are named accordingly for Dispatcher and Satellite
- New option "--verbosity" to activate extensive logging for debugging processing problems
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Converter integrated (PostScript to PDF conversion; v1.1PlusP1m) [CA1027549; CA1027597; CA1027594; CA1027595; CA1027605]
- Internal HTML converter updated to the latest version of callas pdfChip (v2.0.056)
- Desktop
- Batch processing: Problem solved, where resulting files were not stored according to their severity in the correct output folder [FP52157]
- Visualizer: Added zoom functionality to wire frame mode [FP32420]
- Extract ICC profiles: Problem solved, where 7c n-channel ICC profiles could not be extracted successfully
- Fixed issue, where custom Fixups or Checks could not be removed from a Profile in certain cases [CA1027851]
- PDF Standards
- PDF/A conversion: Annotations with "NoView" flag will be removed [FP50434]
- PDF/A conversion: Improved handling for PDF 2.0 files [CA1027743]
- PDF/A-2u conversion: Problem solved, where errors regarding Unicode values occurred after processing [CA1027552]
- PDF/A validation: Adjusted recognition to detect invalid XMP metadata with more than one occurrence of "pdf:Producer" [FP45634]
- Fixups
- Convert colors: Existing Matte entries are now calculated into the image data to prevent color shifts in the resulting PDF [FP49499; FP52185]
- Improved resource handling for multiple used objects deactivated to avoid extensive processing time (can be activated on CLI) [FP51750; FP52090]
- Problem solved, where de-calibration of objects to DeviceCMYK left a reference to an ICC profile which caused a processing error in certain cases [FP52219]
- Adjust or remove annotations:
- Problem solved, where annotations became rotated in rare cases [FP51279]
- Problem solved, where white background rectangles for "Square" annotations appeared in certain cases [CA1027804]
- Fixed issue, where annotations became scrambled due to page rotation [CA1026832]
- Embed missing fonts: Issue fixed, where glyph widths for Latin glyphs in Asian fonts were not respected properly for CID fonts [CA1027420]
- Embed missing fonts: Possibility to map defined glyph names of a font to an Adobe glyph names using the FontSubstitution config file [CA1027497]
- Convert TrueType font to CFF: Issue fixed, where umlauts were changed to rectangles [FP38342]
- Convert TrueType font to CFF: Added support for simple TrueType fonts using rendering mode 3 [CA1027678]
- Merge adjacent headings if heading level is the same: Problem solved, where certain nesting of table fields was not properly handled [CA1025709]
- Font handling: Fixed issue, where certain .notdef glyph encodings in the Differences array were not removed [FP48002]
- Content stream analysis: Problem solved, where invalid command resulted in loss of content after processing under certain circumstances [CA1027602; CA1027220]
- Actions
- ToPDF: Problem solved, where the Exif information regarding the image orientation was not respected properly [FP51829]
- ToPDF: Issue fixed, where conversion of large images resulted in false cropping of the image content [FP51880]
- Reports
- Problem solved, where certain special characters like umlauts were not encoded properly in PDF reports [FP51757; CA1027738; FP52173]
- QuickCheck: Added escaping ("\") for values like ":" (which is normally used as a delimiter) in config file to allow access to objects using a ":" in their object name [FP52069]
- QuickCheck: Problem solved, where orientation of page boxes was not counted correctly [FP51995]
- Problem solved, where long file paths were not properly handled as destination for output file (Windows only) [CA1027806]
- Issue fixed, where a non-supported Check from a Acrobat Preflight Profile was listed multiple times on STD OUT [FP52268]
- Log execution: Issue fixed, where logging resulted in an error in certain cases [FP51641]
- Distributed Processing
- Reviewed and improved STD OUT information for running Satellite and Dispatcher
- Optimized job handling, logging and communication between Dispatcher, Satellite and Client to improve stability and performance [FP46404; FP42456]
- Issue fixed, where --password could not be used when distributing jobs [FP51676]
- Problem solved, where naming of output files was not respected in certain cases [FP40363; FP42648; FP49077; FP25217]
- Improved error message when trying to start an additional Satellite, Dispatcher or Server on the same system
- Problem solved, where very long filenames resulted in an unstable behavior of the Satellite [FP47616]
- General
- Problem solved, where processing time has increased due to unnecessary evaluation loops for JavaScript-Variables [FP51750]
- Process Plans: Reviewed internal logic for file analysis to improve processing speed for Fixup-only steps where no Checks are used within the Fixup of the respective Process Plan step [FP51750]
november 22, 2018
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox 10 Desktop for owners of a pdfToolbox 10 Desktop license
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfToolbox SDK for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Fixups
- New DeviceLink Profiles: Issue fixed, where conversion of objects was not properly executed [FP51596; FP51693; FP51702]
- Actions
- ToPDF: Implemented improved handling for certain TIFF variants (e.g. some JPEG compressions) to ensure proper conversion to PDF [CA1022291; CA1022778; FP30125; FP41742; FP51155; FP41742; CA1027636; FP31061]
- Reports
- Problem solved, where XML reports were not created with certain PDFs (MacOS only) [FP51643]
- Fixed issue, where stopping pdfToolbox (when started as a Service) was not successful (Windows)
- General
- Problem solved, where certain localized strings were not properly encoded and an error was shown [FP51717]
- Updated internal HTML converter to the latest version of callas pdfChip (v2.0.053)
- Variables: Issue fixed, where the usage of the Date formatter in JavaScript resulted in an unstable behavior [CA1027740]
november 09, 2018
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox 10 Desktop for owners of a pdfToolbox 10 Desktop license
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfToolbox SDK for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Support for conversion of the most common variants of Photoshop files (PSD) and GIF to PDF, directly as input file as well as when referenced in HTML
- Desktop
- Unchanged Profiles, Fixup, Checks and Process Plans in default Libraries will be automatically updated with latest settings in the future (can be disabled in Library settings)
- New Switchboard Action in Document group: "Remove invisible objects", which removes objects that are completely covered, clipped or outside of the page area
- New Switchboard Action in Arrange group: "Split or reorder", to split certain pages or page ranges into several or single PDF
- Various "Decorate" functions in new Switchboard group to add objects or pages:
- Place folding marks
- Text
- Page number
- Date
- Logo/Image
- Watermark
- Mail stamp
- Letter background
- Add summary page
- Add divider page
- Move objects
- Add empty pages
- Variables: Defined JavaScript objects are now available across all Libraries
- Libraries: Possibility to create a new empty Library, which includes the default resources (e.g. Output Intents, curve files etc)
- Compare Libraries: Included settings of the scope of a specific check (e.g. limited to boxes or including soft masks etc.) to the comparison result for checks
- New Profiles
- 53 new DeviceLink Profiles, free for use for Desktop and Server/CLI customers:
- RGB to ISO/PSO Coated (4 Profiles)
- Conversion between standards Europe (25 Profiles)
- Conversion between standards Europe / Japan (4 Profiles)
- Conversion between standards Europe / US (7 Profiles)
- Total area coverage (TAC)/Ink coverage reduction (13 Profiles)
- Updated Profiles, Fixups, Checks and Process Plans
- Fix potential font problems: Replaced Fixup "Make font name unique for all fonts" with new Fixup "Make font name unique for all fonts with same name"
- Sheetfed offset (CMYK, RGB and spot colors) (GWG 2015): Replaced previous Profile with a new one due to some misconfiguration
- New and enhanced predefined Fixups
- Make font name unique for all fonts with same name
- Set all black text and vector objects to overprint (no objects using transparency) [CA1025554]
- New and enhanced predefined Checks
- Origin of MediaBox is not 0/0 [FP48381]
- New Fixups
- Remove from Layer: Remove selected objects from a Layer
- Several new Fixups to split up components of DeviceN objects:
- Extract CMYK from DeviceN: Separate CMYK from spot colorants as DeviceCMYK
- Extract CMYK from DeviceN one by one: Split up all CMYK channels into individual Separation colorants
- Extract spot colors from DeviceN one by one: Split up all spot channels into separate colorants
- Extract all colors from DeviceN one by one: Split up all channels into separate colorants
- Extract selected color from DeviceN: Isolate single channels into a separate colorant
- Condense into single spot color: Remove all but one spot channel from the document
- DeviceCMYK to CMYK DeviceN: Convert objects using DeviceCMYK to DeviceN with CMYK as colorants
- Rotate page content: Rotates the page content by a given degree and optionally enlarge the page accordingly [CA1026711; CA1027435]
- Remove all clipping paths: Removes all clipping paths, e.g. to optimize a PDF for production on certain cutting devices [CA1026869]
- Enhanced Fixups
- Convert colors: Improved resource handling for conversion of single pages or page ranges of a PDF, e.g. to convert only inner pages to grayscale [FP46055; FP48931; FP49013]
- Remove XMP Metadata: Extended with possibility to define namespace and properties to be kept or to removed [FP50448]
- Convert fonts to outlines: Enabled page-based Checks for "Apply to" selection
- Increase line width / Increase line width for multicolored lines: New option to exclude lines drawn with a distorted transformation matrix (when this matrix is unproportionally scaled, objects appear distorted, e.g. a square becomes a rectangle) [FP41862; FP20486]
- Discard private data from other applications: Has been extended to remove private information also in the PieceInfo [FP51081]
- Insert pages: Page geometry boxes are also inserted for new empty pages [FP49025]
- Place text / Place barcode: Improved fallback for fonts if the default fonts (Arial/Helvetica, Times, Courier) can not be found on the respective system
- New Properties
- Current transformation matrix (CTM) is unproportionally scaled: When the CTM is not scaled proportionally, objects appear distorted, e.g. a square becomes a rectangle
- Enhanced Properties
- Context aware object detection (Sifter): New option if layer visibility is taken into account or not
- Reports
- QuickCheck: Several new details made available, e.g. about tagging structure, page geometry boxes, transparency and overprint, document level XMP metadata, annotations and form fields and some more
- New DeviceLink Profiles added, old Profiles have been removed from installation package
- New parameter for Profile execution "--logexecution" which creates a folder with logging information for the specific processing in the user preferences
- QuickCheck: More sample configuration files added to installation package
- General
- Variables: Current Profile name is now available as a JavaScript object [FP49671]
- Log profile execution: Contains now also intermediate result from "Place content" Fixups as well as the used template and logging information
- Log profile execution: For "Context aware object detection" based checks, a visual report will be created in the respective logging folder
- Updated internal visualizer of tagging structure to the latest version of callas pdfGoHTML (v2.0.025)
- Updated internal HTML converter to the latest version of callas pdfChip (v2.0.052)
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Library integrated (v15.0.4PlusP4e)
- Desktop
- Variables: Improved evaluation and editing of JavaScript Variables; implemented a timeout for evaluation to prevent endless loops while editing
- Variables in Checks or Fixups: Improved handling of predefined numeric values when a Variable is inserted [FP47656]
- Profile editing: "Report PDF syntax issues" option is no more active in newly generated Profiles
- Profile editing: Issue fixed, where order of dialog boxes was wrong when editing a Variable in certain cases (MacOS only) [FP50297]
- Added missing keyboard shortcut for "Object inspector"
- ToPDF: PostScript files will now use the selected PDF setting (joboption) from the Switchboard action, even when "Drag'n'Dropped" on the canvas
- Standalone: Issue fixed, where size of an opened or processed PDF was not properly adjusted to the size of the window [FP47803; FP48378]
- Layer explorer: Problem solved, where removing layer metadata resulted in an unstable behavior (MacOS only) [CA1026482]
- Fixups
- Conversion to PDF/A-2 and PDF/A-3: Improved handling to set the overprint mode (OPM) for ICCbased CMYK object also if DefaultCMYK is introduced during processing [CA1027162]
- Flatten transparency: Issue fixed, where rendering or flattening resulted in cropped image in certain cases [FP49028]
- Insert pages: Issue fixed, where multiple settings were not properly regarded
- Set Line Width: Certain line width (like "0") not properly handled [CA1027473]
- Convert colors using DeviceLink / Adjust dotgain: Issue fixed, which resulted in unnecessary long processing time in certain cases (MacOS only) [FP47587 + FP47589]
- Place content: Improved handling of existing Layer of placed PDF documents
- Remove printer marks: Problem solved, where some objects were not properly handled in certain cases [FP39789; CA1026929; CA1017847; FP32714; CA1019332; FP17475]
- Remove objects outside page area: Reviewed functionality to ensure proper handling of objects
- Set layer default to On/Off: Issue fixed, where layers remain visible in certain cases [FP51310]
- Downsample/compress color/grayscale images: Issue fixed, where processing results in visual differences due to improper handling of Matte entry [CA1027129]
- Convert colors: Problem solved where certain inline images were not properly handled when image downsampling took place in the same profile [CA1027679]
- Create bookmarks from headings: Issue fixed, where tag tree was not properly recognized [CA1027492]
- Place text: Issue fixed, where the used font was not embedded as an indirect object [FP48225]
- Discard hidden layer content and flatten visible layers: Problem solved, where text color changed during processing in certain PDF [FP50980]
- Embed missing fonts: Issue fixed, where certain fonts with Unicode characters in their font name were not properly determined (Unix only) [FP49361]
- Properties
- Number of effectively non-empty plates: Issue fixed, where the unit of the sample size was not taken into account properly
- Context aware object detection: Problem solved, where the unit for parameters was not taken into account properly [FP50378]
- Context aware object detection: Issue fixed, where clipping paths with holes were not properly interpreted when determining the visibility of objects [FP51352]
- Actions
- SplitPDF: Fixed general performance issues and avoided creation of very large temporary files [CA1027389]
- Save as image: Problem solved, where certain PDF with transparencies resulted in a very long rendering time [CA1027190]
- ToPDF: Issue fixed, where conversion of certain JPG (created by some mobile devices) resulted in a blank pages [FP49150]
- ToPDF: Issue fixed, where conversion of TIFF containing a special kind of thumbnail preview of the content resulted in a 2-page PDF [FP29704]
- ToPDF: Problem solved, where conversion from SVG to PDF resulted in an empty PDF [CA1027173]
- ToPDF: Problem solved, where certain corrupt PDFs resulted in an unstable behavior [FP49271]
- Tiling: Optimized template to avoid embedding of an Output Intent and PDF/X-1a entry
- Reports
- QuickCheck: Problem solved, where some font infos were not correctly listed in the resulting JSON report [FP48305]
- QuickCheck: Issue fixed, where Hex-coded values in the DocInfo of a PDF was not properly listed in the resulting JSON report [FP51257]
- Issue fixed, where wrong error level was given if processing was tried with expired trial license [FP51471]
- Problem solved, where processing sporadically resulted into an error (Linux only) [CA1024691]
- Problem solved, where a defined cachefolder was not properly respected [FP47604]
- General
- Variables: Reviewed evaluation of JavaScript Variables to ensure proper update of all values, especially after user interaction in ask-at-runtime dialog [FP50722]
- Problem solved, where some incomplete PDF structure of an incoming file resulted in an unstable behavior [CA1027625]
- Issue fixed, where a Process plan used as a step in a Process plan was not properly handled in certain cases [FP50380]
- Problem solved, where processing of a certain PDFs resulted in an unstable behavior [CA1027573]
- Improved setting of the transparency blend color spaces when converting to PDF/X and PDF/A when an CMYK Output Intent already exists
- Distributed Processing
- Increased default value for waiting time for free satellites by the Dispatcher to 10 seconds
System requirements
- Mac:
- MacOS X (Intel), version 10.9 or newer, 64-bit-compliant (PlugIn requires also Acrobat DC 64-bit)
- Windows:
- Windows Server 2008 R2 / 7 / Server 2012 / 8 / 10
- Linux:
- Debian 7 (and derivates like Ubuntu 12.x )
- RedHat RHEL6 (and derivates like CentOS6)
- SuSE SLES11 (and derivates like OpenSuSE11)
- Other Linux distributions are also supported as well if the version of the glibc is at least v2.12
- Solaris (Sparc and Intel):
- Solaris 11 (v5.11) or newer
- AIX (PPC):
- AIX 6.1 (oslevel 6100-09) or newer
- Recommended are at least 2 GB of free storage
augustus 31, 2018
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox 10 Desktop for owners of a pdfToolbox 10 Desktop license
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfToolbox SDK for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Library integrated (v15.0.4PlusP3w)
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Converter integrated (PostScript to PDF conversion; v1.1PlusP1g)
- Server
- The "Server.log" logfiles in the shared preferences folder are now created on a daily basis and are named accordingly [FP33277]
- Desktop
- Switchboard: Problem solved, where changed PDF wasn't marked as such, therefore no "Save as" was requested when closing the document
- Switchboard: Issue fixed, where deleting a saved Action wasn't successful [FP49208]
- Switchboard: Problem solved, where some Actions in the "Large Format" section couldn't be executed successfully anymore [FP49161]
- Variables dialog: Fixed several issues regarding the determination and the display of JavaScript Variables
- Test mode: Issue fixed, where the lock status of a Process Plan was not properly regarded [FP47859]
- Process Plans: Issue fixed, where Process Plans in Process Plans could not be properly edited in some cases [FP49114]
- Standalone
- Recently saved files are now also included in the "Open recent files" menu
- Compare: Issue fixed, where "Min/Max differences" and "Area" values were not properly updated
- Checks
- Context aware object detection: Several improvements regarding recognition of visibility or obliteration of objects
- Context aware object detection: Problem solved, where a check for visible RGB object didn't find an object [FP49322]
- Fixups
- Flatten transparency: Issue fixed, where processing resulted in shifted glyphs and other objects in certain cases [FP48007]
- Flatten transparency: Problem solved, where glyphs were changed and wrong glyph widths were created in some cases [FP43490]
- Font to outline: Problem solved, where processing resulted in missing glyphs if specific TrueType font was converted to CFF beforehand [CA1027405]
- Make Pantone spot color names consistent: Optimized handling of NChannel entries to avoid color shifts [FP48936]
- Actions
- Imposition: Issue fixed, where the PDF version entry of a PDF 2.0 was not properly handled [FP42268]
- Reports
- Issue fixed, where e.g. Names of Checks defined via Variables were extended by some additional glyphs (Linux only) [FP49522]
- Server
- The "Server.log" logfile in the shared preferences folder will now be continued and not overwritten after a server restart [FP46404]
- Issue fixed, where types of Variables were not properly detected [FP49291]
- General
- Problem solved, where rendering of certain PDFs with transparency took abnormally long [CA127190]
- Variables: Several improvements of the general handling and determination of JavaScript Variables
- Variables: Issue fixed, where Custom Fixups could not be set to on/off by a JavaScript Variable under certain circumstances [FP49104; FP49148]
juli 04, 2018
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox 10 Desktop for owners of a pdfToolbox 10 Desktop license
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfToolbox SDK for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Desktop
- Fixed issue, where editing of Fixup was not possible on a Japanese system [CA1027296]
- Server/CLI
- Problem solved, where files could not be stored on a SMB shared volume after processing (Windows) [CA1027303]
- Variables: Problem solved, where values defined by --setvariable were not properly classified as number, string, ... [FP48345]
- Actions
- ToPDF: Office files will be opened as read-only to allow conversion of files protected against editing (Microsoft Word on Windows only) [CA1027263]
- General
- Variables: Fixed issue, where one of multiple Custom Fixups in a Profile was executed even though it was switched off using a Variable in certain cases [FP49000]
mei 31, 2018
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox 10 Desktop for owners of a pdfToolbox 10 Desktop license
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfToolbox SDK for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- New Fixups
- Repair invalid or empty FontBBox values [FP32539; CA1027156]
- Enhanced Fixups
- Merge adjacent line fragments: Optional "Apply to" and multiple settings added
- Fix glyph width information: Extended scope to fix also font widths of Type 3 fonts [FP37894; CA1027057; FP47580]
- New Properties
- Embedded font file uses invalid or empty BBox values [FP32539; CA1027156]
- General
- Variables: Variables can now be deleted in the app.vars object
- Fixups
- Convert colors: Problem solved, where inline images were not properly handled if executed together with "Downsample/Recompress images" Fixups in certain cases [CA1026756]
- Create and apply shapes: Issue fixed , where Lab color space was not properly created
- Font to outline: Issue fixed, where a certain combination of invisible and clipping text objects was not properly handled [FP43980]
- Generate bleed from page content: Problem solved, where Smooth Shades on larger pages were not taken into account in certain cases [FP41771]
- Generate bleed from page content: Issue fixed, where page geometry boxes were always set, although not requested [FP41604]
- Create and apply shapes: Issue fixed, where shape was not created properly [FP41250]
- Fix glyph width: Issue fixed, where fonts were displaced when Fixup was executed together with "Embed missing fonts"
- Font to outline: Problem solved, where glyphs were displaced if executed together with "Fix glyph width" and "Embed fonts" [FP40683; FP42802]
- Embed missing fonts: Issue fixed, where font style was not properly regarded in certain cases [FP42804]
- Make font names unique: Problem solved, where already unique fonts were processed as well [CA1026408]
- Make font names unique: Issue fixed, where fonts used in SoftMask were not properly handled in certain cases [CA1026851]
- Put objects on layer: Problem solved, where objects identified by their ICC profile were not put on a layer
- Checks
- OPI: "File Name (%ALDImageFilename)": Issue fixed, where simple file specification resulted in unstable behavior [CA1026684]
- Actions
- Pre-separate pages: Problem solved, where empty colorants were not properly regarded [FP43482]
- Overlay: New option to create a non-isolated transparency group for imported content to avoid e.g. overprinting issues [FP34715; FP42398]
- SaveAsImage: Issue fixed, where transparency was not properly handled, if images were rendered as PNG with color space RGBA (transparent background) [CA1025691]
- Reports
- XML reports and Result dialog: Graphic state details for Smooth shades added [CA1027092]
- Desktop
- Variables dialog: Optimized switching between "Script" and "Value" to show correct values
- Variables: Issue fixed, where numeric values became strings after the ask-at-runtime dialog
- Plug-in
- Problem solved, where the Plug-in was not installed in older Acrobat Pro versions [FP47798]
- General
- Issue fixed, where some rare font structures resulted in an unstable behavior [FP47705]
- Problem solved, where some new PDF structures (introduced with PDF 2.0) were not properly handled [CA1027222]
- Problem solved, where a rare usage of PostScript code in a font resulted in an unstable behavior [FP44454]
- Variables: JavaScript objects can now always be assigned to the app.vars object
mei 03, 2018
- Upgrade to pdfToolbox Server 10, pdfToolbox CLI 10 or pdfToolbox SDK 10 from earlier versions of these products requires a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA).
Please contact your reseller for further information.
- Standalone
- Reviewed and improved zoom functionality
- General
- Checks can now be a part of other Checks using the Property "Include other check"
- New option in Checks: "Invert check result"
- Process Plans
- New Sequence step type "Process Plan" to include other Process Plans as sub-parts
- New Sequence step type "Save PDF copy" allows to save intermediate results, optionally with suffix, prefix or in a sub-folder of the output path
- New Sequence step type "Quick Check" allows for high-speed determination of a custom set of PDF details as a JSON expression
- New Sequence step type "File pick up" allows for getting back to a previous state of the processed file and for using this version for further processing [CA1026498]
- Profiles: Severity for generic syntax checks can be defined
- Variables:
- Licensing details are now listed in JavaScript object app.env [FP47319]
- Created files from Sequence steps are logged in the app.doc.result.resultfiles JavaScript object
- Results for all Sequence steps are stored in the app.doc.result.fixups JavaScript object
- Page scaling factor (UserUnits) is available in the app.doc.pages JavaScript object
- Create a checkbox in the ask at runtime dialogue (via the app.requires object) [FP46975]
- Reports
- Template based PDF reports can be used as an overview page in all PDF reports
- Bookmarks have been added to all PDF report types
- License Server: Manages activation of pdfToolbox in cloud environments
- New Profiles and Process Plans
- Verify compliance with Processing Steps (ISO 19593-1) for packaging and label
- Packaging Flexo (GWG 2015) [FP33523]
- Packaging Gravure (GWG 2015)
- Packaging Offset (GWG 2015)
- Uses PDF 2.0 Features
- Quick Check example
- Bring 100% black text to front
- Enhanced Profiles and Process Plans
- Convert to CMYK and spot colors and generate images of pre-separated pages
- List page objects, grouped by type of object: annotations are now also listed
- List Processing Steps metadata information
- Convert spot to CMYK (for transparency flattened PDFs)
- Prepare PDF for specified page size
- Analyze pages for effectively used plates
- New Fixups
- Bring to front
- Send to back
- Set line width now adds a stroke if not present beforehand
- Convert Type 1 and CFF fonts to CID [FP44018]
- Disjoin graphics objects
- Merge adjacent line fragments
- Enhanced Fixups
- Create and apply shape: Tracing can be limited to a single or a combination of separations
- Create and apply shape: New option to create a shape based on the print surface (Processing Steps)
- Adjust or remove annotations can now create appearance streams for annotations
- Place content: Optional content (layers) in placed PDF files will be maintained
- Place content: Page scaling factor (UserUnits) is available in cals_doc_info.js
- New and enhanced predefined Fixups
- Convert alternate color space for spot colors to CMYK (PSO Coated v3 (ECI))
- Duplicate all pages
- Insert empty pages as 2nd and last but one page
- Re-encode images with Indexed color space to base color space
- Convert DeviceN CMYK to DeviceCMYK
- All "Place content"-based Fixups: New templates and utility functions (available in new Libraries)
- Convert colors: New sample configuration file added, which avoids changes to the transparency blend color space during conversion of the alternate color space of spot colors [CA1025949]
- New setting will be used in new Prepress Libraries for the following Fixups:
- Convert alternate color space for spot colors to CMYK (PSO Coated v3 (ECI))
- Convert alternate color space for spot colors to CMYK (Coated GRACol 2006)
- Convert alternate color space for spot colors to CMYK (ISO Coated v2 (ECI))
- Convert alternate color space for spot colors to CMYK (ISOnewspaper26v4 (IFRA))
- New Properties
- Various new Properties in the new Group "Context aware object detection" (Sifter)
- Context aware object detection (Sifter)
- Object below other object
- Object covered by other object
- Object covers other object
- Object crosses other object
- Object crosses shape
- Object inside other object
- Object inside shape
- Object is completely clipped
- Object is completely obliterated
- Object is invisible
- Object is partially clipped
- Object is partially obliterated
- Object is visible
- Object not below any other object
- Object not on top of any other object
- Object on top of other object(s)
- Object outside other object
- Object outside shape
- Object reaches into edge area of a shape
- Shape definition
- Various new Properties to determine different details of path objects
- Stroked but not filled
- Filled but not stroked
- Filled and stroked
- Number of sub paths
- Number of open sub paths
- Number of closed sub paths
- Number of points in path object
- Smallest number of points in sub path
- Largest number of points in sub path
- Number of straight lines in path object
- Number of curved lines in path object
- Number of rectangles in path objectStroked path object is solid line
- Stroked path object is dashed line
- Stroked path object is dotted line
- Stroked path object is line with dashes and dots
- Dash array of a stroked path object
- Effective length of shortest dash in stroked path object
- Effective length of longest dash in stroked path object
- Effective average length of dashes in stroked path object
- Effective length of shortest gap in stroked path object
- Effective length of longest gap in stroked path object
- Effective average length of gaps in stroked path object
- Number of hits in this check in document
- Various new properties to determine values of text and character spacing [CA1026843]
- Character spacing of text
- Word spacing of text
- Text leading
- Text rise
- Unicode of ligature (via ToUnicode CMap) does not match PDF encoding [CA1026930]
- Various new properties for Processing Steps:
- Document has Processing Steps metadata
- Page has Processing Steps metadata
- Processing Step layers missing on page
- Processing Step does not have type entry
- New and enhanced predefined Checks
- 100% black text below other objects
- Small text or thin line knocking out background
- Text crosses edge of rendered non-text content
- Text too close to edge of rendered content
- Text too close to line using spot color "Cutline"
- Gray objects using CMY or RGB
- Size of black filled vector object larger than 5 by 5 cm
- Aspect ratio of TrimBox does not correspond to European standard sizes (A4, A3, ...)
- Uses ICCbased RGB
- Reports
- HTML-based template reports:
- Optional creation of more than one page preview image
- Variables from executed Profile are now available in cals_params.js
- Pages with hits from executed Checks are now listed in cals_params.js
- Server
- Server jobs from pdfToolbox 9 can now be imported at first startup of the Server component for pdfToolbox 10
- New high-speed functionality to determine a custom set of information of the PDF file (--quickcheck)
- Creating and using custom dictionaries for Profiles to use custom translations for Profiles, Fixups, Checks etc. in reports (--createcustomdict, --customdict)
- Multiple reports can be created using different languages in a single CLI call [FP27467]
- New report type: VARDUMP: Dumps the app.vars object of used Variables into a JSON file
- New option to create JSON log files for Profile execution during runtime (--trace)
- Tiling: New option to use a custom template to define the visual appearance of the created output (--template)
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Library integrated (v15.0.4PlusP3e)
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Converter integrated (PostScript to PDF conversion; v1.1PlusP1c) [CA1026884]
- Profiles
- Fixed issue, where generic check "Font is not embedded" was not properly executed
- Fixups
- Flatten transparency:
- Fixed issue, where softmask objects were removed in certain cases [FP38452]
- Problem solved, where vector objects vanished in some cases [FP32906; CA1025031; CA1026758; FP34801; CA1025815; CA1026873; CA1025940; CA1026726]
- Problem solved, where image objects vanished in certain cases [FP32811]
- Problem solved, where resulting PDF was visually changed [CA1025706; CA1026257]
- Fixed issue, where objects were slightly shifted after processing [FP26401]
- Problem solved, where processing resulted in an unstable behavior [CA1023301]
- Problem solved, where link destinations were not properly maintained [CA1026663]
- Fixed issue, where glyphs from a Helvetica font were not properly handled in a specific case (MacOS only) [CA1026810]
- PlaceContent: Fixed issue, where processing was not successful when ink info in template was requested [CA1027004; FP46174]
- Font to outline:
- Fixed issue, where diacritical marks were shifted after processing [FP28166; FP28721; FP42886; FP43814]
- Problem solved, where text was not properly handled in some cases [FP46991]
- Fixed issue, where some text operators ("BT") remained in content stream after font to outline [CA1027019]
- Map spot and process colors: Added Checks using Properties of group "Images" to "Apply to" filter
- Map spot and process colors: Fixed issue, where multiple settings for different pages were not properly regarded [CA1026675]
- Convert colors using DeviceLink: Problem solved, where a "Matte" entry of images was not properly regarded [FP44990]
- Problem solved, where .notdef glyphs were not properly handled [CA1026671]
- Fixed issue, where PDF/A-2b conversion using a Profile resulted in width information problems [FP28837; FP45489]
- Fixed issue, where glyphs were replaced with .notdef glyphs in certain cases [CA1026995]
- Checks
- Image is not valid: Fixed issue, where a corrupt image was not properly detected [FP42196]
- Number of hits in this check: Fixed issue, where "0" as value was not properly handled [FP46339]
- Size of page geometry box: Variables enabled for "Measurement unit" and "Ignore orientation" [FP34885; CA1025372]
- Output condition (of Output Intents): Fixed issue, where Output Intents could not be properly added to the list [FP46093]
- Actions
- To PDF:
- Problem solved, where text from PostScript files was not properly rendered after conversion [CA1026689]
- Problem solved, where PostScript could not be processed in certain cases [CA1026984]
- Added handling for "Unsupported formula" warning in Microsoft Excel files [CA1026918]
- Create PostScript:
- Fixed issue, where created PostScript was not valid [FP42852]
- Problem solved, where objects were missing in resulting PostScript file [FP27516]
- Problem solved, where created PostScript resulted in shifted glyphs on certain output devices [FP42850]
- Fixed issue, where visual appearance of some objects was changed after processing [FP23626]
- ReDistill
- Fixed issue, where images were not properly handled in certain cases [FP35975]
- Problem solved, where spot color images were not properly converted[FP24553]
- Optimize PDF
- Problem solved, where data after the end-of-file marker in the file structure were not properly handled in certain cases [FP43293]
- Fixed issue, where some invalid references in the file structure were not repaired and resulted in an error [CA1026538]
- SaveAsImage: Problem solved, where some shadings were not properly rendered in high resolutions [FP41649]
- N-Up / Step and repeat: Fixed issue, where files were not placed properly in certain cases [FP41839]
- Add grommets: Added support for PDFs using a page scaling factor (UserUnits) [FP42478]
- EnumerateLayers: Fixed issue, where not all spot color objects were put on the respective layer [CA1024551]
- Compare/Visualizer: Fixed issue, where PDF as image format was not properly handled [FP45556; FP47709]
- Impose: Problem solved, where positioning of text also resulted in embedding of "Courier" font, although not used for the positioned text [FP45224]
- Pre-separate pages: Fixed issue, where empty or grayscale pages resulted in wrong page labels [CA1027170]
- Reports
- XML Report: Added trigger values for generic syntax Checks [CA1027097]
- Desktop
- Variables:
- Order of Variables in ask-at-runtime is now derived from the KEY value (in alpha-numerical order) [FP20130; FP47024]
- Problem solved, where Variables stored in a JSON file could not be loaded [FP43762]
- Fixed issue, where a Variable could not be used properly in the "When check does not fire" field [FP45401]
- Fixed issue, where a Library could not be imported [CA1026209]
- Problem solved, where a JavaScript encoded as "UTF8 with BOM" was not properly handled (MacOS only) [FP43026]
- Deactivation of a Server license will now also remove the Desktop activation (if Desktop was activated via the Server license) [FP45399]
- Default values for number of displayed hits result dialog increased
- Improved reporting, when the limit of parallel processes allowed by license is exceeded so that processes have to wait [FP47312]
- General
- Process Plans: Fixed issue, where processing could not be executed successfully in certain cases [FP47321]
- Fixed issue, where processing a password-protected file resulted in a wrong error code [CA1027122]
- Problem solved, where in certain cases changes from Fixups were not taken into account by the "Flatten transparency" Fixup when part of the same Profile [CA1026737]
- Optimized generation and analysis of ToUnicodes CMaps to improve performance [CA1026591]
- Process Plans: Fixed issue, where special diacritical characters in an imposition configuration were not properly encoded [FP41047]
- Problem solved, where certain rare function operators in the content stream resulted in unstable behavior [FP45295]
januari 24, 2018
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox 9 Desktop for the owners of a pdfToolbox 9 Desktop license
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfToolbox SDK for the owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Desktop
- Display of activation status: Only activated components will be shown
- Standalone
- Go to page: Jump to entered page number in current document
- General
- Save as image: PDF files, where the permission setting "Copying content" is set to "allowed" can now also be saved as images [FP44878]
- ToPDF: Added support for WordPerfect (.wpd) as input files [CA1026745]
- Fixups
- Convert to PDF/A-1: Problem solved, where recompression of JPEG2000 to JPEG resulted in a color shift in some cases
- Convert to PDF/X-4: Problem solved, where result PDF was displayed with scrambled glyphs and an error warning in certain PDF viewers [FP44306]
- Remove objects completely outside ...: Optimized handling of objects in Form XObjects [FP7329; FP41579; FP44796]
- Convert colors using DeviceLink: Fixed issue, where color space of ICC profiles defined using Variables was not properly determined [FP44629]
- Convert colors: Adjusted handling for objects, where the source ICC profile is identical to Output Intent ICC profile: OPM will not be changed in such constellations to avoid visual differences [FP42762]
- Place content: Fixed issue, where using a Variable to define the template path was not properly working
- Desktop
- Explore Metadata: Fixed issue, where preview images were not properly displayed (MacOS only)
- Switchboard - Standards - Digital printing: Fixed issue, where outdated Profiles were used for conversion or the conversion was not successful at all
- Plug-in
- Compare: Support for the latest Acrobat DC version [FP44987]
- ToPDF: Fixed issue, where conversion of non-PDF formats failed for certain licensing types [CA1026877; FP44840]
- ToPDF: Fixed issue, where HTML files with a "#" character in their name could not be processed [CA1026885]
- ToPDF: Problem solved, where empty Excel sheets resulted in an error in certain cases [CA1026819]
- General
- Fixed issue, where Profile property "Font is not embedded" was not properly regarded [CA1026813]
- Problem solved, where editing Profiles was not possible in certain cases [CA1026887; CA1026797]
- Fixed issue, where special characters in Variables were not properly handled [CA1026785]
november 21, 2017
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox 9 Desktop for the owners of a pdfToolbox 9 Desktop license
- A free of charge update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfToolbox SDK for the owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Desktop
- Explore PDF: Unique indicators for font issues (to avoid confusion) [FP43221]
- ToPDF for PostScript: Font substitution is now reported on CLI StdOut and in SDK [CA1026670]
- Fixups
- ConvertColors: Fixed issue, where RGB-stroked objects were not converted in rare cases
- Desktop
- Switchboard - Document - PostScript to PDF: Fixed issue, where selected joboptions settings were not properly respected [FP43042]
- Manage Libraries: Fixed issue, where certain user actions resulted in unstable behavior [CA1026708]
- Visualizer: Fixed issue, where certain special characters in spot color names resulted in an error [CA1026696]
- Reports
- HTML-Template based report: Problem solved, where report was not created in certain cases [FP43304; CA1026729]
- General
- Fixed issue, that increased processing time in certain cases having to do with bookmark structures [CA1026703]
november 02, 2017
- Update of pdfToolbox 9 Desktop free of charge for owners of a pdfToolbox 9 Desktop license
- Update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfToolbox SDK free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Standalone
- Compare Libraries and Profiles
- Explore PDF: New views of PDF structure and possibility to export selected objects into a new PDF
- Output Intents on page level will be listed in the footer of the standalone and in the result dialog (PDF 2.0 Feature)
- New Fixups
- Insert pages: Insert empty pages or duplicates from previous or following page
- Remove measurement properties (Viewport) [FP34538]
- Several new Fixups for PDF 2.0:
- Embed Output Intent on page level
- Embed Output Intent with specified parameters on page level
- Remove page level Output Intents
- Remove all Black Point Compensation entries
- Set Black Point Compensation
- New Checks and Properties
- Size of filled vector object [CA1026362]
- Uses ICCbased RGB
- Difference between colorant values: To determine the maximum difference between colorant values to identify e.g. gray objects in RGB color
- Page uses measurement properties (Viewport) [FP34538]
- Several new and extended Properties for PDF 2.0:
- Has halftone origin entry (HTO)
- Value of the Black Point Compensation entry
- Requirements array in Catalog requires PDF 2.0
- Output Intent has Mixing Hints entry
- Printing Order entries in Mixing Hints dictionaries consistent across document
- Solidities entries in Mixing Hints dictionaries consistent across document
- Has Black Point Compensation entry
- Has page level Output Intent
- Set PDF version: Added "2.0" as possible version entry
- Suppress generic syntax checks or define a specified severity with new parameter: --syntax checks
- General
- Support for PDF 2.0 [FP42268]
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Library integrated (v15.0.4PlusP2p)
- PDF Standards
- PDF/A-2 + PDF/A-3 conversion: Fixup "Reduce bit depth for 16 bit images to 8 bit" removed
- PDF/A-1 validation: Adjusted analysis for Type3 font with empty ResourceDict to avoid unnecessary hits [CA1026094]
- PDF/UA-1 validation: Fixed issue, where untagged images were not properly recognized [CA1026588]
- PDF/VT-1 validation: Adjusted recognition of nesting of encapsulated XObjects and their respective graphic states
- PDF/X conversion: Fixed issue, where setting in Custom Fixup "Embed Output Intent" did not overrule the PDF/X conversion settings [CA1026544]
- PDF/X-5n conversion: Fixed issue, where multichannel Output Intent from Custom Fixup was not respected in color conversion for PDF/X [CA1026361]
- Fixups
- Embed Output Intent with specified parameters: Added missing PDF/X-5n entry [CA1026575]
- Flatten transparency: Fixed issue, where rotation of graphic was not properly respected [CA1026519]
- Flatten transparency: Fixed issue, where processing was not successful with certain PDF [FP40660]
- Flatten transparency: Problem solved, where bookmarks became invalidated [CA1022850; CA1023146; CA1023301]
- Font to outline: Problem solved, where resulting file could not be properly handled in some viewers and RIPs [FP42385; FP42660]
- Generate bleed from page content: Fixed issue, where resulting images became tagged with an ICC profile, even when option is disabled if color space was set to "Use Output Intent" [FP42310; FP40948]
- Put objects on layer: Problem solved, where objects were no more properly assigned to a layer [FP42224; CA1026579; FP42628; FP42783]
- Create and apply shapes: Problem solved, where endings of created lines were not created as expected [CA1026547]
- Create and apply shapes: Fixed issue, where enlargement of contours were not properly created [CA1026481]
- Convert TrueType to CFF: Fixed issue, where resulting file could not be properly displayed in viewers [CA1026574]
- Convert TrueType to CFF: Problem solved, where glyphs exceeding the allowed size were nor properly handled [CA1026488]
- Repair invalid ToUnicode CMap information in fonts: Fixed issue, where processing resulted in missing glyph after processing in some cases [CA1026445]
- Make font name unique: Problem solved, where hyphen or softhyphen were not properly displayed in certain viewers [CA1026329]
- Set XMP Metadata: Improved handling of empty settings in Fixup to avoid unstable behavior
- Merge adjacent headings if heading level is the same: Problem solved, where redundant entries in Role Map were not properly handled in certain cases [CA1024489]
- Map spot and process colors: Fixed issue, where mapping of separation colors using process color names was not successful [FP42603]
- Map spot and process colors: Problem solved, where mapping of one SmoothShade color to an existing color resulted in a rendering error with resulting PDF [CA1025948]
- Map spot and process colors: Added Checks using Properties of group "Pages" to "Apply to" list [CA1026675]
- Uncompress XMP Metadata objects: Problem solved, where processing resulted in an unexpected result if "Remove XMP Metadata" were contained in same Profile [FP42113]
- Added optional "Apply to" to several Fixups (and/or made multiple settings available):
- Remove objects outside page area
- Add marks [FP28206]
- Remove printer marks
- Add white background
- Set|Remove page scaling factor
- Increase line width of multicolored lines
- Convert colors using DeviceLink profiles [FP42305]
- Checks
- Set PDF Version: Automatic check for PDF version was executed, although Fixup was disabled using a Variable [CA1026297; FP42998]
- Smallest distance from TrimBox: Optimized recognition of objects [FP40299]
- Actions
- SaveAsImage: Problem solved, where page scaling factor (UserUnit) was not take into account for created image [FP42862]
- SaveAsImage: Optimized listing of created files during runtime on StdOut [CA1023383; CA1026634]
- ToPDF: Fixed issue, where umlauts or unicode characters in filename of jobsetting or logfile were not properly handled [CA1026563]
- ToPDF: Added dialog handling for invalid references in Excel files to default dialog handling [CA1026571]
- Optimization: Problem solved, where processing resulted in shifted glyphs [CA1026434]
- EnumerateProfile: Fixed issue, where invalid path in Variable resulted in an error [FP42450]
- Desktop
- Switchboard - LFP - Grommets: Fixed issue, where grommets were not properly positioned in certain cases [FP42195]
- Variables: Added "artBox" property to list of available boxes for app.doc.pages [CA1026601]
- Edit Profiles dialog: Fixed issue, where button for Profile export became grayed out after export (MacOS only) [CA1026531]
- Fixed issue, where resulting file could not be stored on a mounted device with high nesting depth of folders [FP41631]
- Reports
- Layer reports: Problem solved, where hits were no more assigned to respective layer [FP42114]
- XML: Fixed issue, where specified number of "hitsperdoc" and "hitsperpage" were not properly respected [FP42663]
- General
- Problem solved, where processing of specific file resulted in an error [CA1026630]
- Logging: Fixed issue, where umlauts in Profile name were not properly handled [FP42032]
- Logging: Fixed issue, where JSON was not written in case of errors [FP42393]
- Updated signing of pdfToolbox installer for MacOS [FP42382]
augustus 23, 2017
- Update of pdfToolbox 9 Desktop free of charge for owners of a pdfToolbox 9 Desktop license
- Update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfToolbox SDK free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Fixups
- Reduce bit depth for 16 bit images to 8 bit: Issue fixed, where image was not properly converted
- Place content: Problem solved, where processing was not successful, if generated overlay PDF contained less pages than base PDF
- Pre-separate pages: Issue fixed, where page labels were not properly set for multi-page input documents [FP41612]
- Actions
- EnumerateProfiles: Issue fixed, where values of variables were not properly listed [CA1026454]
- Plug-In
- Issue fixed, where the Plug-In was not installed in Acrobat Pro 2017 [FP41726]
augustus 09, 2017
- Update of pdfToolbox 9 Desktop free of charge for owners of a pdfToolbox 9 Desktop license
- Update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfToolbox SDK free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- New in Switchboard
- Prepress - Pre-separate pages: Creates a separate page for each CMYK or spot color used in the PDF [CA1026318]
- Standards - GWG based Actions: Target for conversion can now be selected ("GWG 2008" or "GWG 2015")
- Fixups
- Re-encode images using Indexed color spaces to their base color space [CA1021547; CA1022910; CA1022911]
- Remove objects + Remove all objects except: Property "Sequential page number" can now be used in "Apply to" filter [FP41361]
- Checks and Properties
- Aspect ratio of CropBox|BleedBox|TrimBox|ArtBox: Determines the aspect ratio the respective dimensions [FP]
- Font is not valid/Font is not valid (strict): Extended scope to find glyphs with corrupt data [CA1025806]
- Desktop
- Variables: Values in Ask-at-runtime dialog will now be remembered during one session and can be exported/imported as JSON to be used on command line or with the library [CA1025547]
- Standalone
- More recently opened files are available at the corresponding menu item [FP40629]
- Organize pages: Multiple pages can now be selected by using the "Shift"-key [FP27341; FP36065]
- --setvariable: Support for values as JSON added, e.g. for values exported from Desktop [CA1025547]
- Distributed Processing
- Enhanced display of status and details when components are started using CLI
- General
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Library integrated (v15.0.1PlusP2f)
- Analysis
- PDF/A: Fixed issue, where a certain kind of duplicate XMP metadata resulted in an unnecessary hit [FP39255]
- PDF/A-3: Adjust Validation for embedded files (will now accept an "array of file specifications")
- Fixed issue, where analysis resulted in an error due to certain, corrupt structures within the PDF [FP39060; CA1026245]
- Validation of ZUGFeRD: Problem solved, where Names entry using UTF-16 encoding resulted in a hit [FP41113]
- Fixups
- Flatten transparency: Fixed issue, where content became clipped in certain cases [CA1026118; CA1026184]
- Effective ink coverage for separated plates: Fixed issue, where option "Evaluate all pixels" was not properly respected [FP39210]
- Create any apply shapes: Problem solved, where an error was shown, when "Apply to" was set to "None" [FP41147]
- Create and apply shapes: Problem solved, where shape was not properly created in certain cases (MacOS only) [FP]
- Convert colors: Corrected usage for configuration parameter "Using Destination-CompressionMethod" [FP39515]
- Convert colors: Fixed issue, where images (using only some CMYK channels as DeviceN) were not properly converted [CA1025702; CA1025916; CA1026389]
- Convert colors: Optimized handling of SMask Matte entries to reduce color shifts [FP39118]
- Convert colors to n-channel: Fixed issue, where spot colors in DeviceN became converted, although "Any colors except spot colors" was selected [CA1026144]
- Font to outline: Problem solved, where text was moved, when certain filter settings were used [CA1026197; CA1026394; CA1025775]
- Font to outline: Fixed issue, where selective outlining of certain fonts resulted in missing glyphs of other fonts [CA1025636]
- Generate bleed from page content: Fixed issue, where result PDF was not properly created [FP37676; FP41179]
- Remove all objects except: Fixed issue, where certain objects were not removed
- Set page geometry boxes (based on page content): Problem solved, where processing was not successful if no custom check was defined [FP39852; FP40062; FP40657; CA1026368]
- Remove invisible image data: Problem solved, where contours of clipped images were not properly handled [FP37577; FP41086]
- Set halftone dictionary: Fixed issue, where Angle and Frequency were not accurately interpreted as set up in the user interface [CA1026248]
- Map spot and process colors: problem solved, where importing ASE files containing spot color alternates with 3 values were not properly handled [FP39694]
- Set transparency blend color space: Fixed issue, where an ICC profile from the system was used although there was one attached to the Profile [CA1025748]
- Place content: Problem solved, where unused spot colors in the PDF resulted in an improper behavior [FP32353]
- Remove transfer curves: Fixed issue, where transfer curves were not removed [CA1025753]
- Convert TrueType to CFF: Problem solved, where glyphs were missing after conversion in certain cases [CA1026170; FP38874]
- General font handling:
- Fixed issue, where glyphs were not properly handled in some cases [FP26860]
- Fixed issue, where an empty composite glyph could not be properly processed [FP40205]
- Problem solved, where certain not well formed glyph charstrings for Type3 fonts resulted in a modified visual appearance [CA1026312]
- Problem solved, where a specific encoding with a wrong encoding table entry resulted in invisible glyphs [CA1026193]
- PDF Standards
- Remove glyphs with invalid encoding definition: Optimized handling to exclude symbolic fonts [CA1025348]
- General
- Fixed issue, where some unnecessary coordinate values were not properly handled [CA1026366]
- Problem solved, where a wrong syntax in the PDF was not properly corrected so that the result file contained empty pages [CA1026313]
- Actions
- Impose: Fixed issue, where certain text was not placed as defined (Linux only)
- ToPDF: Fixed issue, where TIFF file names containing double bytes resulted in missing pages in generated PDF [CA1026378]
- SaveAsImg: Problem solved, where certain resolution/dimension combinations resulted in an error [CA1026272]
- EnumerateLayers: Fixed issue, where not all objects were put on the respective layer [CA1024551]
- Desktop
- Activation: Fixed issue, where request could not be sent to the activation server (MacOS only) [FP41216]
- Edit Variables: Improved evaluation handling for JavaScript variables that already contain all required values
- Manage Libraries: Fixed issue, where searching for e.g. Curve files did not properly work
- Problem solved, where a certain Process Plan could not be deleted [FP39772; FP41461; CA1026071]
- ToPDF: Location for log files created during conversion of PostScript files changed to user preferences
- Edit Process Plans: Fixed issue, where moving the first sequence step resulted in an unstable UI behavior in certain cases [FP38177]
- Log Profile execution: Intermediate results for "Place content" (HTML-Template, calsDocInfo.js and PDF) are saved as well
- Variables in Process Plans: Fixed issue, where Variables set by 1st step were overwritten by default values of identically named Variables in the 2nd step [FP40740]
- ToPDF for Office files: Improved error message, if no Office application is installed on the respective system [FP38812]
- Overlay: Fixed issue, where processing was not successful [FP38945]
- Standalone
- Problem solved, where parts of the PDF became cropped [FP35374]
- Plug-In
- Fixed issue where processing was not successful for some functions with the latest Acrobat DC update [FP39995; FP41161; FP40402]
- ToPDF for PostScript files: Fixed issue, where sub-folders of additional search paths for fonts were not taken into account [FP38112]
- ToPDF for PostScript files: Fixed issue, where font folders of the system where taken into account, although "--topdf_psfontsonly" was used
- ExtractContent: Added extractcontent.xsd to installation package [CA1026230]
- Tiling: Fixed issue, where missing values for --tilesvertical or --tileshorizontal resulted in an error [CA1026169]
- Distributed Processing
- Compare: Problem solved, where resulting PDF report was not properly transferred back to client [FP41110]
- Problem solved, where "/" or "\" in values of variables where not correctly transmitted to the satellite [FP41110]
- Reports
- XML report: More accurate trigger values for "Effective ink coverage" checks (if properly configured in a new checkbox)
mei 26, 2017
- Update of pdfToolbox 9 Desktop free of charge for owners of a pdfToolbox 9 Desktop license
- Update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfToolbox SDK free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Convert colors using DeviceLink: Improved processing speed [FP27136; FP26846; FP27692; FP28305; FP31041; FP32837]
- Fixups
- Generate bleed from page content: Improved handling for PDFs with larger dimensions [FP24673; FP27298]
- Remove invisible image data: Problem solved, where images were not properly handled when used in patterns [CA1025812; CA1025671]
- Set page geometry boxes (based on page content): Problem solved, where settings were not properly respected anymore [CA1026146, CA1024826; FP38902; CA1026081]
- Outline page geometry boxes: Result is a single path if possible to better support cutting devices [FP39424]
- Outline page geometry boxes: Fixed issue, where area was not filled after processing [FP38902; CA1026081]
- Convert colors: Fixed issue, where the alternate color values of a DeviceN "Black" were not properly set for the resulting Separation "Black" in certain cases [FP22079]
- Font to outline: Problem solved, where glyphs were not placed correctly [FP23209]
- Font to outline: Problem solved, where fonts with extensive use of division commands were not properly handled [CA1026142]
- Rotate pages: Problem solved, where Fixup was not executed if performed together with a PDF/X conversion [FP39038]
- Set MediaBox to origin: Fixed issue, where Fixup was not properly executed when processed together with another Fixup to set page geometry boxes [FP22485; FP22583]
- Desktop
- Problem solved, where Korean characters were not properly handled in some input fields [FP38525]
- Fixed issue, where Checks could not be edited in the Japanese version [FP39714]
- Actions
- Enumerate Layers: Problem solved, where objects using spot and process colors were not properly enumerated onto layers [CA1022332; CA1026011]
- Impose: Fixed issue, where certain text was not placed as defined
- Impose: Fixed issue, where brackets used in variables for placing text were not properly handled [FP39073]
- General
- Process Plans: Fixed errorlevel reporting for hits for embedded files [CA1026135]
- Optimization: Problem solved, where text was not visible after conversion to PDF/X-1a and post-processing optimization [FP25218; FP25913]
april 13, 2017
- Update of pdfToolbox 9 Desktop free of charge for owners of a pdfToolbox 9 Desktop license
- Update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfToolbox SDK free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- PDF Standards
- PDF/A-1 validation: According to veraPDF real numbers too close to zero are not a problem, check removed
april 10, 2017
- Update of pdfToolbox 9 Desktop free of charge for owners of a pdfToolbox 9 Desktop license
- Update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfToolbox SDK free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Desktop
- Cross-Library-Search
- Explore Fonts with more information
- Use external Text-Editor for JavaScript-Variables
- Improved Handling Keyboard Shortcuts in Ask-as-runtime and Variables Editor
- Switchboard: Dynamic button to corresponding help article
- Standalone application on Windows is now also available as 64-Bit [FP34993]
- PDF Standards
- PDF/A validation: Compatibility with veraPDF Test Corpus
- PDF/A-1 validation: Adjusted validation and correction for form fields u.a.
- PDF/A-1 conversion: Improved creation of appearance streams for PDF/A-1
- PDF/A-1 conversion: Improved "Prepare forms" to cover hidden form fields as well
- PDF/A-1 conversion: Improved "Prepare annotations" to avoid removal of file attachment annotations
- PDF/A-2 and PDF/A-3 conversion: New Fixup: Set Supplement entry in CIDSystemInfo of CIDFont to corresponding entry in CMap
- All PDF/A conversions: Improved "Remove actions" to cover more types of actions (e.g. hidden ones) [CA1025903]
- All PDF/A conversions: StemV entry for fonts will be added automatically if missing (and if insertion is possible)
- All PDF/X conversions: Added Fixup "Remove all view and print area settings in ViewerPreferences dictionary"
- All GWG 2015 validation Profiles: Adjusted recognition of used transparency blend color spaces
- Fixups
- Place text/page number: optional white background
- Outline page geometry boxes: selective outline of edges
- Rotate pages: multiple configurable [FP33043]
- Insert empty page: multiple configurable
- Enlarge page: new settings for top/bottom, left/right, all; multiple configurable
- Embed OutputIntent with specified parameters
- Set Supplement entry in CIDSystemInfo of CIDFont to corresponding entry in CMap
- Set page zoom for bookmarks
- Remove all view and print area settings in ViewerPreferences dictionary [FP36867]
- Convert colors: New set of policy parameters (e.g. "RGBImage-R_eq_G_eq_B_is_Black_ExcludeBlendModes") to suppress special rules for white/gray/black objects using specified bland modes, but apply regular CMYK conversion instead [CA1025230; CA1025554; CA1025637]
- Place date (YYYY-MM-DD)
- New Checks and Properties
- Font is not valid (strict): To determine problems that are usually not critical in embedded fonts
- Blend mode (cumulative): To determine effective blend modes objects nested in Form XObjects
- Blend space in Luminosity soft mask [CA1024860]
- Color values for fill/stroke: Operators "is contained in list" and "is not contained in list” are now available [CA1025514]
- Actions
- Impose: Overprinting for placed text in runlists can be defined
- ToPDF: Support for LibreOffice v5.x (Linux + MacOS) [CA1025782]
- Reports
- XML: Details of OutputIntent are listed
- General
- Updated engine for conversion of content for all "Place ..."-Fixups
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Library integrated (v15.0.4Plus2a)
- Desktop
- Switchboard: Colors: Optimized processing duration for spot color conversion (Problem on MacOS only) [FP28629; FP34237; FP38054]
- Switchboard: LFP: Add grommets by distance/by number: Option to open respective folder added [FP34486]
- Unsupported Checks from Adobe Acrobat Profiles are no more shown in imported Profiles
- Manage Libraries: Several smaller improvements
- Profile edit dialog: New Filter: "Uses same Fixup type"
- Profile edit dialog: Default filter in Custom Checks/Fixups is now "Not referenced from current profile"
- Profile window:
- Fixed issue, so that "Most recently/frequently used" can be used across multiple sessions
- Fixed issue, where ProcessPlan could not be exported [FP38062]
- Fixed issue, where locked Profiles could not be imported into another system in certain cases [FP37531]
- ServerUI: Fixed issue, where editing Process Plans did not worked as expected [FP34298]
- ServerUI: Problem solved, where an external Profile could not be used [FP37903]
- Improved text color for locked Process Plans and Profiles for better readability [FP34272]
- Checkpoint: Fixed issue, where "List Checkpoint Files" needed an activated version [FP36675]
- Standalone
- Object inspector: Improved visualization of ClippingBoxes and BoundingBoxes
- Problem solved, where analysis of certain PDF files resulted in an unstable behavior [FP38081]
- PDF Standards
- PDF/A-1 conversion: Problem solved, where processing was not successful due to invalid font
- PDF/A-1 conversion: Fixed issue, where annotations became visually changed during conversion
- PDF/A-2 conversion: Fixed problem, where the Subtype of embedded files was changed, although not necessary
- PDF/A-2 conversion: Solved issue, where the ModDate of EF entry was set 2 hours earlier than actual time
- PDF/A-1, PDF/A-2 and PDF/A-3 conversion: Automatic correction of bitmap filter shortcuts like "CFF" to "CCITTFaxDecode"
- PDF/A validation: Optimized recognition for invalid ICC profiles to avoid additional hits for wrong ICC profile version
- Checks
- Table evenly structured: Optimized recognition for tables using certain combinations of rowspan and colspan
- Adjusted recognition of certain font issues to avoid unnecessary warnings
- Result file different from original (visual comparison): Problem solved, where non-painting spot colors resulted in false hits [FP37365]
- Color values for fill/stroke: Fixed issue, where certain usage of thresholds didn't result in the expected hit [FR35448]
- Fixups
- Repair invalid bookmark hierarchies: Problem solved, where valid bookmarks became removed [CA1023352; CA1023146]
- Repair invalid bookmark hierarchies: Fixed issue, where bookmark structure was not properly handled in certain cases
- Discard/Flatten hidden layer content: Problem solved, where processing resulted in an unexpected behavior [CA1025057]
- Flatten visible layers: Problem solved, where flattening resulted in an unexpected behavior in certain cases [FP35445]
- Fix glyph width information:
- Fixed issue, where glyph width problems were not solved
- Problem solved, where resulting PDF triggered a warning in various PDF viewers [FP36895]
- Problem solved, when used in conjunction with “Font to Outline” [FP28635]
- Optimized font embedding to avoid problems with .notdef glyphs after creating an invisible text copy [FP26551]
- Embed missing fonts: Fixed issue, where the order in the FontSubstitution config file was not properly respected
- Font to outline:
- Problem solved, where glyphs were removed, if some tables in the font were improperly formatted [CA1025632]
- Fixed issue, where text was not properly handled in certain cases [FP28898]
- Fixed issue, where text positioning was changed in specific PDF files [CA1025463]
- Convert TrueType fonts to CFF: Problem solved, where visual appearance was changed after processing [CA1025464]
- Flatten transparency: Problem solved, where quality setting for image compression was not properly respected [FP35459]
- Flatten transparency: Fixed issue, where the ICC source profile of objects was not taken into account [CA1025535]
- Crop to BoundingBox: Problem solved, where content was in certain cases not properly cropped when the background was a SmoothShade [CA1025793]
- Convert colors:
- Fixed issue, where decalibration was not performed when a Custom Check was used [CA1025173]
- Problem solved, where a "Matte" entry in a SoftMask was not properly handled [FP35619]
- Problem solved, where a SoftMask of type Luminosity was not properly converted [FP28131; FP32521]
- Fixed issue, where a Radial SmoothShade (used as filling pattern) became a gray rectangle after conversion [CA1025611]
- Fixed issue, where processing was not successful, if downsampling was performed in the same Profile on specific PDF [CA1025459]
- Map colors: Fixed issue, where images became inverted when opened in Adobe PhotoShop [FP28663]
- Map spot and process colors:
- Improved consideration if an OutputIntent exists, changed alternatively used Profile to PSO Coated V3 [FP35048]
- Improved color management: If an OutputIntent exists, this ICC profile will be used for simulation; alternatively PSO Coated V3 will be used [FP35048]
- Problem solved, where images became invalidated when CMY were mapped to Black [CA1025755]
- Fixed issue, where processing together with "Make spot color appearance consistent" resulted in unexpected output [FP34658; FP37686]
- Make Pantone spot color names consistent: Fixed issue, where processing was not successfully executed [CA1025718; CA1025189]
- Make spot color consistent: Problem solved, where a parallel adjustment of colors resulted in improper results
- Normalize spot color names: Fixed issue, where Fixup was not successful after Convert colors on specific PDF [FP33025]
- Convert registration color to black: Problem solved, where conversion of vector objects resulted in an error [FP32866; FP37434]
- Set page label: Fixed issue, where the Fixup UI only allowed numbers for input [FP27217]
- Create and apply shapes:
- Fixed issue, where region inside was not clipped [CA1025656]
- Fixed issue, where very large formats were not handled properly [CA1025458]
- Problem solved, where objects defined by "apply to" were not excluded from generated shape
- Remove objects outside page: Fixed issue, where images inside page area became removed in certain cases [FP35565; FP37704]
- Remove objects outside page: Problem solved, where text inside page area became removed [FP35565; FP35812]
- Flip pages: Problem solved, where result was not flipped if processed together with "Rotate pages"-Fixup [CA1025231]
- Put objects on layer: Fixed issue, where the Property "Belongs to a layer" could not be used as a Custom Check [CA1025626]
- Place text: Problem solved, where small text was not properly handled [FP35471]
- All predefined, template-based "Place content"-Fixups: Problem solved, where positioning was not correct if MediaBox didn't start at 0/0 [FP]
- "Place content"-based templates have now an entry for meta charset in UTF-8 [FP33009]
- Actions
- Export to HTML: Fixed issue, where PDF could not be exported properly
- Impose: Problem solved, where custom sheet sizes were not respected [CA1025944]
- Impose: Fixed issue, where runlist Variable "ShinglingValue" did not worked as expected
- ToPDF:
- Fixed issue, where converting office files using Libre/OpenOffice was not successful in certain cases (Problem on MacOS only) [FP32686]
- Fixed issue, where a time limited activation prevented the conversion of Office files [FP34517]
- Dialog handling for "Deactivate Macros" in Word 2016 (Windows only) [CA1025868]
- Problem solved, where special characters in office file names prevented conversion (MacOS only) [FP22084]
- Added support for CJK for PostScript to PDF conversion [CA1025018]
- Problem solved, where an indexed PNG or certain JPEG resulted in white page [FP37476]
- SaveAsImage:
- Fixed issue, where the simulation profile was not respected in certain cases [CA1025582; CA1025824]
- Problem solved, where output could become scaled, if origin destination was not 0/0 [CA1024771]
- Fixed issue, where smoothing was not performed [FP35415; FP37540]
- Reporting of Variables: Improved error message when Variables in Fixups are pointing to non-existing external resources [CA1025163; CA1025633]
- Tiling: Problem solved, where --overwrite could not be used properly [CA1025501]
- ExtractText: Fixed issue, where not all characters were extracted [CA1025537]
- Improved handling for PDF with corrupt document structure (will result on CLI in Error 1013 with exit code 107) [CA1025209]
- Distributed Processing
- Fixed issue, where a simulation profile for SaveAsImage was not transferred to the Satellite [FP38409]
- Fixed issue, where the imposition SheetTemplate was not transferred to the Satellite [FP38376]
- Problem solved, where the specified cachefolder of a Satellite was not used for saving Profiles
- Reports
- XSLT based reports: Calculation of ink amount enabled [FP36329]
- Yellow color adjusted for highlighting of "Warning" in reports to be easier visible [FP33543]
- General
- Problem solved, where processing resulted in an error due to an invalid color space
- Improved recognition of illegal content streams and parameters
- Problem solved, where wrong header in font was not properly handled
- Fixed issue, where linearization of a PDF was not terminated properly [CA1025653; FP36439; CA1025448]
- Problem solved, where content was displayed clipped in certain cases [CA1025775; FP35374]
- Fixed issue, where ICC-Profiles in JPG2000 images were not handled properly in certain cases [CA1024861]
- Log profile execution: Better reporting for used Variables and errors for actions in Process Plans
- Variables in Process Plans: Variables from previous steps are now available for use in Action steps as well
- Optimized trigger reporting for objects which are causing an "Missing extended graphic state" error for easier analysis [CA1025324]
januari 03, 2017
- Update of pdfToolbox 9 Desktop free of charge for owners of a pdfToolbox 9 Desktop license
- Update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfaPilot SDK free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Fixups
- Map colors: Fixed issue, where Smooth shade objects became converted, although not covered by a check [FP35961]
- Convert colors using DeviceLink: Fixed issue, where conversion of Smooth shade objects resulted in an unexpected strong visual differences [FP35996]
- Create and apply shapes: Problem solved, where color space of created shape could not be set to "RGB (0..255)" or "Lab" [FP36003]
- Create and apply shapes: Fixed issue, where a Variable in a popup menu for units could not become unassigned [CA1025608]
- Create and apply shapes: Problem solved, where a created shape was not properly positioned under certain circumstances [FP35826]
- Convert colors: Fixed issue, where a filter for spot color names in the "Conversion settings" was not properly respected [FP34982]
- Convert colors: Problem solved, where some objects remained RGB after conversion [FP35158]
- Convert colors: Fixed issue, where inline images were not converted in certain cases [FP34259]
- Set page geometry boxes: Problem solved, where UserUnits were not properly regarded in some cases [FP35602]
- Generate bleed from page content: Problem solved, where some PDF viewers reported missing resources for resulting PDF [FP34607]
- Checks
- Font is not valid: Adjusted recognition to avoid unnecessary hits [CA1025557; CA1025574; CA1025595; FP35771]
- General
- Improved recognition and handling of modified resources (like HTML templates) in Fixups
- Visualizer: Problem solved, where multiple occurrences of identically named spot colors were not properly respected [CA1025548; CA1025630; CA1025596]
- Problem solved, where processing resulted in an invalid result in certain cases [CA1025658]
- Desktop
- Fixed issue, where no multiple Variables could be added to a text input field [FP35940]
- Fixed issue, where a Profile could not be exported when a Variable was used for certain resource files [FP35364]
- Fixed issue, where the attempt of editing a Variable in a locked Profile was not properly handled [FP35375]
- Problem solved, where Variables window for Parameters was not in the front [FP35460]
- Switchboard: LFP - Add ink layer: Fixed issue, where created shape was not created in correct size [FP35687]
- Library manager: Fixed issue, where Libraries could not be saved after a specific way of several changes [CA1025492]
- Problem solved, where processing resulted in an error if system log was completely empty (Windows only) [CA1025398, CA1025552; FP35464]
- Improved listing of variables used in a Profile or Process plan to those which are really used
- New parameter "--novariables" to suppress listing of Variables on CLI output (stdout) [FP35685]
- Reports
- Fixed issue, where no report could be created if a Variable was used in certain cases [FP35836]
november 15, 2016
- Update of pdfToolbox 9 Desktop free of charge for owners of a pdfToolbox 9 Desktop license
- Update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfaPilot SDK free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Actions
- EnumerateProfiles: Fixed issue, where Process plans using a “Variable” process steps could not be enumerated successfully [CA1025486]
- Reports
- XML: Problem solved, where Variables became listed, although not used in respective Check [FP35115]
november 03, 2016
- Update of pdfToolbox 9 Desktop free of charge for owners of a pdfToolbox 9 Desktop license
- Update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfaPilot SDK free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Fixups
- Insert empty page [CA1025309]
- Move objects
- Create and apply shapes: New options to reduce or enlarge non-rectangular shapes and to merge overlapping shapes
- Place content on page: Support for SVG as input format
- Processing Steps:
- Put objects on Processing Steps layer
- Add Processing Steps layer metadata
- Modify layer name for Processing Steps layer metadata
- Various other existing Fixups for Layers extended to limit execution to Layers with Processing Steps metadata
- Flatten transparency: Several compression methods added for images, which are created during transparency flattening
- Place Barcode: A quiet zone for barcodes will now apply add space if required for the barcode type
- Flip pages: Extended with an optional "Apply to" to limit to specified pages [CA1025240]
- Convert page content into image: "Maximum" and "High" now use Chroma Subsampling to enhance quality [FP34979]
- Properties/Checks
- Rotation of text [CA1024092]
- Is in custom area
- Processing Steps:
- Processing Steps metadata present
- Same Processing Steps metadata used for more than one layer
- Processing Steps
- Processing Steps metadata uses custom values
- Layer metadata (existing): Does now also analyze Processing Steps metadata
- Actions
- SaveAsImg: "Maximum" and "High" will now use Chroma Subsampling to enhance quality [FP34979]
- Desktop
- Explore Layers: Metadata for Processing Steps can be defined
- User interface: Improved recognition and notification when changing Fixups and Checks which are referenced in Profiles or ProcessPlans [FP32491]
- Debugging functionality to store intermediate results and processing details
- CxF-Support: Details of embedded CxF data are listed in the Result dialog in Output Intent details
- Variables
- Several improvements for Variables:
- Default value for simple Variables visible now in the UI controls [FP34258]
- Option to duplicate Variables [FP34267]
- Define a list of permitted values for Variables defined via app.requires [FP34880]
- Value of a trigger value from a previous ProcessPlan step can be assigned to a Variable
- Reports from a previous ProcessPlan step can be used in JavaScript Variable
- XML files can be imported into JavaScript Variables and values can be derived via XPath expressions
- Arrays and objects remain such objects when transferred via app.vars
- Support for sidecar files (XML and JSON) by reading their contents in a JavaScript Variable
- Extended scope of app.var.results to Profiles, Checks and Fixups (and not just Variable steps) in Process plans
- The "Edit JavaScript Variables" dialog includes a Console window for debugging
- Search added to list of Variables in user interface
- JavaScript object to determine the current operating system
- JavaScript Variables can now be used for ICC profiles [FP]
- Improved display if a Severity is controlled by a Variable
- New options to exclude certain severities in reports (see usage or CLI manual for details)
- Option to define a path for external resources for PDF/VT-2 and PDF/X-5 [CA1024832]
- EnumerateProfiles: Lists Profiles and Variables and generates a Profile summary report as XML or JSON [CA1023576]
- General
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Library integrated (v15.0.1PlusP1e)
- Support for rendering documents with more than 27 spot colors [CA1024100]
- Checks
- PDF/X-4 validation: Adjusted recognition of transparency blend color space if a Default color space exists
- PDF/X-4 validation: Enhanced recognition of identical ICC profiles as source profiles and in Output Intent
- Problem solved, where multi-line input fields were not properly handled [CA1025415]
- Problem solved, where unusual formatted Type 1 fonts resulted in an unnecessary error
- Fixups
- Flatten transparency:
- Problem solved, where pure black (in RGB) became rich black in CMYK after processing [CA1025173]
- Fixed issue, where text was not properly handled in certain cases [CA1022817]
- Fixed issue, where images were not properly handled [FP26060; FP33275]
- Problem solved, where processing could not be finished successfully [FP27418; CA1023201]
- Problem solved, where processing resulted in an improper behavior [FP30860; FP33746; FP33975]
- Fixed issue, where objects became distorted [FP23236; FP26368]
- Fixed issue, where smooth shades were repositioned [FP24224; FP27187]
- Fixed issue, where text vanished in certain cases [FP26950; CA1025395]
- Fixed issue, where visual appearance of vector objects changed [CA1024814; FP29085; FP32493]
- Problem solved, where text that was converted into outlines during flattening resulted in malformed glyph contours when imposed [FP27204]
- Problem solved, where colors of images shifted [FP32740]
- Fixed issue, where flattening of overprint resulted in a changed visual appearance [CA1025065]
- Problem solved, where page content was not properly handled [FP22621]
- Create and apply shapes:
- Fixed issue, where the set option for overprint was not respected [CA1025192]
- Fixed issue, where processing was only successful with the second attempt [CA1025360]
- Fixed issue, where Outside/Inside Shape was not accurately listed in the user interface [FP34580]
- Fixed issue, where correction was not executed due to insufficient Fixup configuration [CA1025192]
- Convert colors:
- Problem solved, where a colored pattern using a second color space was not converted [FP34296]
- Fixed issue, where page content was downscaled after processing [FP34250]
- Fixed issue, where Fixup was not executed for images, if downsampling Fixup was also included in the Profile [FP33921]
- Convert colors using DeviceLink:
- Fixed issue, where using any DeviceLink profile via a path in a Variable required a DeviceLink license [CA1025163]
- Problem solved, where result file could not be opened in certain cases [FP34709]
- Problem solved, where files with large dimensions or large images could not be successfully processed [FP25798; FP27564; CA1024821; CA1025078]
- Downsample images: Problem solved, where Fixup was not executed, if "Remove invisible image data" was contained in Profile as well [FR35123]
- Map colors: Fixed issue, where using the filter "Apply to:" was not properly respected [FP33788]
- Map colors: Problem solved, where processing could not be executed successfully [FP34674]
- Map spot and process colors: Problem solved, where mapping of CMYK to None resulted in an improper result [FP34678; CA1024811]
- Map spot and process colors: Fixed issue, where mapping of a single process colorant to another process colorant resulted in wrong colorants [CA1025294]
- Place barcode: Fixed issue, where the dimension of the generated barcode were not properly taken from settings [FP]
- Remove objects outside/Remove objects: Fixed issue, where also objects inside were removed [CA1024468]
- Create invisible copy for all text: Problem solved, where result file showed an error when opened in Acrobat in certain cases [FP35082]
- Fix glyph width information: Fixed issue, where glyphs were not properly placed after conversion [FP30712]
- Substitute characters using .notdef glyph with space characters: Fixed issue, where glyphs became repositioned [CA1024178]
- Actions
- ReDistill: Problem solved, where a redistill resulted in an error in certain cases [FP23969]
- CreatePS: Problem solved, where overprint of black changed to knockout [CA1024212]
- CreateEPS: Fixed issue, where no EPS file was created [CA1019055]
- ToPDF: Fixed issue, where conversion of HTML to PDF failed, if certain fonts were installed [CA1025428]
- ToPDF: Problem solved, where conversion of Office files failed with Office 2016 on MacOS [FP34821]
- Tiling: Problem solved, where grommets were not properly positioned [FP34780]
- ListVariables: Fixed issue, where Variables introduced by app.requires() were not listed
- Impose: Changed default encoding to UTF16 to avoid errors with rare glyphs
- ExtractContent: Fixed issue, where not all content was extracted [CA1025215]
- SaveAsImage: Problem solved, where rendering large dimensions into PNG was not successful [FP30788; FP33106]
- Desktop
- Variables:
- Several minor issues in configuration dialogs fixed [CA1025194]
- Variables defined with app.requires in a Variable step of a Process plan will now show up in an Ask at Runtime dialogue [FP34977]
- Variables in name or comments of Process Plans will now show up in an Ask at Runtime dialogue
- Problem solved, where a JavaScript Variable was evaluated twice [CA1025277]
- Fixed issue, where predefined values of various Variables were summarized [FP34837]
- Help references online documentation instead of Reference manual
- Switchboard - Spot colors: Problem solved, where an error was shown for spot colors (Acrobat Plug-In only) [FP34348]
- Switchboard - Replace fonts: Fixed issue, where ligatures resulted in an error in certain cases [FP34361]
- Fixed issue, where dimension of a PDF was shown wrong, caused by large dimension and a page scaling factor [FP35050]
- Problem solved, where a content stream could not be analyzed [FP23121]
- Fixed issue, where file extension of reports was not properly set [FP19906]
- Explore PDF: Problem solved, where searching for non-existing content resulted in an error [FP16978]
- Fixed issue, where a corrupt PDF resulted in an unstable behavior [CA1025209]
- Server/CLI
- Predefined Profile for CLI: "Acrobat PDF version compatibility" added to var/Profiles
- Changed internal configuration to relative paths, so settings can be easier transferred
- General
- Libraries: Improved handling for Libraries from previous versions to increase loading time
- Problem solved, where analysis could not be successfully executed due to fatal errors in the content stream [FP26817]
- Process plans: Improved reporting of additionally created files in result tree and logs
- Process plans: Error code for Fixup failures is now "8" [FP34673]
- Problem solved, where a very unusual font structure resulted in an unstable behavior [FP34879]
- Activation: Fixed issue, where the content of an email was not in the language of the UI [FP34867]
- Reports
- XML: Listing of Variables in rules added [FP32115]
- XML: Problem solved, where IDs of Checks changed with each processing [FP]
- XML: Fixed issue, where DictKeys were listed
- XML: Problem solved, where IDs of Fixups got merged when used multiple times in a Process Plan [FP35101]
augustus 23, 2016
- Update of pdfToolbox 9 Desktop free of charge for owners of a pdfToolbox 9 Desktop license
- Update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfaPilot SDK free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Desktop
- Problem solved, where Office documents could not be converted with a time limited full version [FP34517]
- General
- Problem solved, where the end page of a defined page range was not properly respected
- Distributed Processing
- Problem solved, where Satellite or Dispatcher could not be started
- Improved logging of the Satellite [FP33635]
- ListVariables: Problem solved, where labels of variables were not more listed [CA1025121]
augustus 09, 2016
- Update of pdfToolbox 9 Desktop free of charge for owners of a pdfToolbox 9 Desktop license
- Update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfaPilot SDK free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- Desktop
- User interface: Problem solved, where the stacking of multiple modal dialogs were not properly handled [FP34257; CA1025138]
- User interface: Several improvements for displaying Variables and usability [FP34269; CA1025102; FP34258; FP34256]
- Variables: Problem solved, where some variables were not properly saved in certain cases [CA1025152]
- Export of Fixups and Checks: Problem solved, where Variables were not properly exported [CA1025123]
- Switchboard: Fixed issue, where selected unit was not remembered properly [FP34321; FP34371]
- Set page geometry boxes: Removed unit "point" as "pt" was already available [CA1025105]
- General
- Variables: Fixed issue, where path to external resources could not be used properly [CA1025163]
- Problem solved, where an empty BleedBox or TrimBox definition in a PDF resulted in an error [FP33061]
- Problem solved, where color conversion and downsampling of images resulted in an improper result in some cases [CA1023613; FP25896; FP30349]
- Fixups
- Create and apply shapes: Problem solved, where certain objects were not clipped properly [CA1025075]
- Fix glyph width information: Fixed issue, where processing resulted in a changed appearance [FP28699; FP30712]
- Font to outline: Problem solved, where additional dots appeared after processing in certain cases [FP28103]
- Flatten annotations into page contents: Problem solved, where some PDF viewers showed an error after opening the processed PDF [FP28242]
- Checks
- Width of page geometry box (mm/inch): Problem solved, where unit was not properly respected [FP34347]
- Base color space for transparency group: Adjusted recognition of current Default Device-ColorSpace
- Color space of outermost transparency group: Adjusted recognition of current Default Device-ColorSpace
- ToPDF: Fixed issue, where processing an encrypted PDF became not unencrypted, although correct password was used [CA1025046]
- ListVariables: Problem solved, where simple variables were not listed [CA1025121]
- Activation: Fixed issue, where activation in certain container environments were not successful (Linux only) [FP32362]
- SplitPDF: Problem solved, where invalid PageLabels resulted in an improper behavior [FP33843]
juli 26, 2016
- Update of pdfToolbox 9 Desktop free of charge for owners of a pdfToolbox 9 Desktop license
- Update of pdfToolbox Server, pdfToolbox CLI or pdfaPilot SDK free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
- General
- Problem solved, where Variables in imported Libraries from previous versions were not handled properly [FP34255; FP34262]
- Problem solved, where conversion of embedded files into PDF standards were not executed with fresh exported profiles
- Standalone
- Some stability issues regarding zoom and loupe solved [FP34240]
- PlugIn
- Problem solved, where using the menu entry "About Third-Party Plug-Ins" could result into an unstable behavior
juli 14, 2016
- Upgrade to pdfToolbox Server 9, pdfToolbox CLI 9 or pdfToolbox SDK 9 from earlier versions of these products requires a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA). Please contact your reseller for further information.
- General
- Extended Variable features: Variables on Profile level and as step in Process Plans, access to metadata and other information via JavaScript, calculating and propagating values using JavaScript, using Variables for Pop up controls (like ICC profiles)
- Various new Fixups to create shapes or to set page geometry boxes based on rendered page content
- New, PDF-based activation process also for pdfToolbox SDK
- Support for CxF (spectral data): Embedding, extracting, display of CxF
- Desktop / PlugIn
- Wireframe mode in Object inspector
- Zoom functionality
- All Profiles have been reviewed and arranged into 5 new Libraries:
- Essentials
- PDF Standards
- Prepress, Color and Transparency
- Shapes, Variables, JavaScript, Place content
- DeviceLink (requires AddOn)
- New Switchboard area: Large format printing
- Tiling
- Adding grommets
- Generate bleed
- Add ink layer
- Add borders
- New in "Prepress"-area of Switchboard:
- Embed, extract and remove CxF data
- New and enhanced Profiles
- Library: Shapes, Variables, JavaScript, Place content
- Viewing Distance related checks
- Downsample image resolution to specified value
- Generate 3 mm bleed (pixel repetition on pages with text objects close to TrimBox, else mirroring) (Process Plan)
- Scale to page size from first 7 characters in file name, print error messages (Process Plan)
- Library: Essentials
- Convert all pages into CMYK images and preserve text information
- Convert all pages into RGB images and preserve text information
- Convert to PDF/A-1b /A-2b
- Library: Prepress, Color and Transparency
- Find CxF issues
- Online publishing
- Convert to PDF/X-1a (PSO Coated v3 (ECI))
- Convert to PDF/X-4 (PSO Coated v3 (ECI))
- Convert pages into CMYK images if page content is too complex (Process Plan)
- List potential printing problems
- Library: PDF Standards
- Convert to PDF/A-1b /A-2b /A-3b
- Convert to PDF/X-1a (PSO Coated v3 (ECI))
- Convert to PDF/X-3 (PSO Coated v3 (ECI))
- Convert to PDF/X-4 (PSO Coated v3 (ECI))
- Check for PDF/A-2b compliance and convert if not compliant (Process Plan)
- New and enhanced Fixups
- Library: Shapes, Variables, JavaScript, Place content
- Place CMYK color bar
- Place gray color bar
- Place spot color bar
- Place registration marks
- Place dimension arrows
- Place fold marks (letter)
- Create partial varnish for images
- Create varnish for printed content (excl. white areas)
- Create varnish for printed content (incl. white areas)
- Generate bleed by specified method
- Set TrimBox based on visible content
- Create Dieline with rounded corners from TrimBox
- General
- Create and apply shapes: Add shapes based on rendered content [CA1024841]
- Set page geometry boxes (based on page content): Sets the respective box based on rendered content [CA1024826]
- Generate bleed from page content:
- New methods: "Mirror as objects" and "Repeat last pixel"
- Selection of edges [FP23500; FP28060; FP28375; CA1024069; CA1023144]
- Option to set BleedBox to dimension of just created bleed added [CA1024317]
- Filter for limited scope using "Apply to:" and possibility for multiple settings added [FP28206; FP23197]
- Discard hidden layers [FP26617; CA1023906; FP29825]
- Repair missing "Properties" resources [FP32810; FP33598]
- New Checks and Properties
- Several new properties related to CxF validation
- Number of hits in this check: Allows for defining a minimum number of occurrences per pgae before a hit is generated [FP32837; FP32911]
- Number of components in ICC profile dictionaries N entry does not match ICC profile
- PDF standards
- PDF/A-1 validation: Adjusted validation and correction for form fields
- PDF/X-4 validation: Adjusted analysis of insufficient defined Layers ("Optional content groups" OCG in OCCDs missing) [FP]
- Conversion to PDF/X-4: Problem solved, where XMP metadata was falsely handled as not compliant and removed [CA1024720]
- Fixups
- Repair invalid bookmark hierarchies: Fixed issue, where bookmarks became removed due to improper formatting [CA1023352 + CA1023146]
- Downsample images: Problem solved, where "Unsharp masking of images"-Fixup were reported although not executed [CA1024381; FP31407; FP31749; FP32664; FP32920]
- Make spot color appearance consistent: Problem solved, where processing together with a "Convert colors"-Fixup resulted in remaining inconsistencies [FP33579]
- Generate bleed from page content: Problem solved, where page scaling factor was not respected properly [FP28937; FP28943]
- Convert page content into image: Changed compression library to reduce resulting file size [FP33481]
- Uncompress XMP metadata objects: Fixed issue, where uncompressed XMP metadata remained [FP32810]
- Font to Outline: Problem solved, where non-painting starting points of glyph contours became visible [FP29707]
- Embed missing fonts: Support for PostScript Type 0 CID-keyed fonts
- Add missing SPACE glyphs: Problem solved, where ligature glyphs were not properly handled in certain cases [FP25791; FP25829; FP28771]
- Actions
- Duplicate pages: Problem solved, where page scaling factor was not properly copied for all duplicated pages [FP33498]
- General
- Problem solved, where processing resulted in an improper behavior caused by an damaged font in the PDF [CA1024235]
- Wrong "N" entries (number of colorants) in ICC profiles will be corrected automatically
- Problem solved, where internal optimization resulted in vanishing objects in certain cases [CA1024758]
- Fixed issue, where file could no longer processed successfully, although successful in pdfToolbox 7 [CA1024880]
- Optimized handling for self-referencing Role Maps to avoid unnecessary long processing time [CA1024838]
- Problem solved, where content could not be analyzed, caused by empty "name" objects [FP33469]
- PDF/A conversion
- Updated font substitution to cover more naming varieties of "Arial" fonts [CA1024937]
- Standalone
- Explore Metadata: Enhanced flexibility for handling multiple entries of same property
- Explore Layers: Enhanced display of optional content groups [FP]
- Problem solved, where files from network paths were not properly handled [CA1024764]
- Distributed Processing
- Problem solved, where defined output naming for reports was not respected [FP33758]
- Reports
- Fixed wrong French translation in summary reports [CA1024840]
- Problem solved, where reports using masks were not properly created due to large page scaling factors [CA1024534]
- Updated translation repository of additional languages for Profiles, Checks and Fixups [CA1023799]
mei 04, 2016
- Update of pdfToolbox 8 Desktop free of charge for owners of a pdfToolbox 8 Desktop license
- Update of pdfToolbox Server or pdfToolbox CLI free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfToolbox Server or pdfToolbox CLI
- Fixups
- Convert colors: Fixed issue, where bitmaps using JBIG2 compression were not properly converted in certain cases [FP32886; CA1024128]
- Desktop / PlugIn
- Problem solved, where user preferences could not be created after first installation of pdfToolbox on the respective system [FP32949; FP32947; FP32887; FP32938; FP32975; FP32978; CA1024865; FP32983; FP32992]
- Distributed Processing
- Problem solved, where a defined output file name was not properly respected [FP32956; FP32994]
april 28, 2016
- Update of pdfToolbox 8 Desktop free of charge for owners of a pdfToolbox 8 Desktop license
- Update of pdfToolbox Server or pdfToolbox CLI free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfToolbox Server or pdfToolbox CLI
- Enhanced Profiles
- Conversion to PDF/A-1 and PDF/X-4
- "Uncompress XMP Metadata objects" correction added [FP32620; FP32731; FP32810; FP32731; FP32620; FP32812; FP32810]
- New Fixups
- Uncompress XMP Metadata objects
- Actions
- ToPDF: Support for Prologue and Epilogue files for conversion of PostScript files [FP29825]
- Profiles
- Improved stability for PDF/VT files with referenced, external resources [CA1024809]
- Fixups
- Remove all object level XMP Metadata: Problem solved, where certain files had missing resources after processing [FP32613; FP32643]
- Convert colors/Map spot and process colors: Improved handling of certain, unusual definitions of spot color alternates used in DeviceN objects [FP27096; CA1022864; FP30079; FP30817; FP32703]
- Impose
- Improved stability for runlists with invalid operations
- General
- Conversions based on HTML-Templates: Problem solved, where processing was not successful due to missing runtime (Windows only) [FP31121]
- Compare: Optimized to create reports only for files with differences
- Distributed Processing
- Optimized handling for processing with large number of output files (e.g. SaveAsImage) [FP32755]
- Problem solved, where distributed files could not be opened on a Satellite (Windows only) [FP28513]
- Fixed issue, where additional files created by a ProcessPlan were not transferred back to the Client [FP26750]
- Reports: HTML-Template from Client will now be used on Satellite, even when identically named Template exists on Satellite [FP25424]
maart 22, 2016
- Update of pdfToolbox 8 Desktop free of charge for owners of a pdfToolbox 8 Desktop license
- Update of pdfToolbox Server or pdfToolbox CLI free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfToolbox Server or pdfToolbox CLI
- Enhanced Profiles
- PDF/X-4 and X-5 validation:
- "Has non plain text XMP Metadata" added [FP]
- "Registration or process color representations are inconsistent" added [FP]
- All "GWG 2015"-based profiles for Sheetfed, Newspaper/Newsprint and Web offset:
- Removed check for recommended destination profiles
- Fix problems in PDF tagging structure
- "Remove CIDSet if incomplete" added
- "Add unique ID to Note elements in tagging structure" added
- New Fixups
- Remove all objects except [FP]
- Convert spot color names to UTF-8
- Convert font names to UTF-8
- Open/Close all bookmarks [CA1024348]
- Set miter limit [CA1024500]
- Add unique ID to Note elements in tagging structure
- Enhanced Fixups
- Generate bleed from page content: Support for spot colors and grayscale [CA1023145; CA1024363; FP30868; FP31016]
- Make spot color appearance consistent: Added scope to separation colors "All", "None" and CMYK colorants
- Adjust dot gain: Filter "Apply to" added to limit scope of Fixup and allowed multiple settings [FP22030; FP24591; CA1023381]
- New Checks and Properties
- Registration or process color representations are inconsistent (for page and document level)
- 4 new properties to find colorant values of alternate color spaces [FP23194; FP27300; FP29575]Page is rotated
- Enhanced Checks and Properties
- Blending color space: Extended to find variants of ICCbased color spaces
- Desktop/PlugIn
- PlugIn: Improved stability for parallel usage of Acrobat Preflight and pdfToolbox PlugIn [FP23201; FP28842; FP21575; FP27677; FP24334; FP27893; FP27834; FP28095; FP28842; FP31375]
- Update notification: Possibility to deactivate notifications added (Standalone only)
- Update notification: Manual check for updates added to "Help" menu (Standalone only)
- Result dialog: Display of currently processed page added
- XML-Report: Maximum number of pages to be contained as resources in report can be defined [CA1024710]
- Option to suppress listing of severities in reports
- Duplicate pages: Option added for multiple copies even when used with option --pageorder [FP29670]
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Library integrated (v10.1.0PlusP4q)
- Updated signatures of audit trail for preflight certification
- Profiles
- PDF/X-1 and X-3 validation: Removed check for PDF 1.3 entry as it is not explicitly requested by the respective PDF/X standards
- PDF/X conversion: Problem solved, where some Fixups were not successful in certain cases [FP22180]
- Fixups
- Generate bleed from page content: Problem solved, where created bleed was not properly scaled and positioned [FP20949; FP22781]
- Merge adjacent headings if heading level is the same: Fixed issue, where headings were not merged in all cases [CA1024489]
- Convert colors: Improved handling of resources for DeviceN objects with a "None" colorant [FP32427]
- Map spot and process colors: Problem solved, where DeviceN objects became invalidated when colorant was set to "None" [FP32427]
- Convert colors using DeviceLink: Fixed issue, where visual differences after processing on certain files [FP31386]
- Convert colors using DeviceLink: Problem solved, where processing was not successful caused by certain bitmaps and --uncompressimg parameter was set [FP31671]
- Embed missing fonts: Fixed issue, where "nbspace" and "softhyphen" were not properly handled if used in simple fonts [CA1024564]
- Embed missing fonts: Problem solved, where wrong CMap encodings resulted in false glyph replacement of certain glyphs in Asian languages [CA1024007; CA1024543]
- Put objects on layer: Optimize handling for vector objects [FP31129]
- Remove objects outside ...: Problem solved where also objects inside were affected [CA1024024; FP30870; CA1024461]
- Problem solved, where conversion of inline bitmaps resulted in an improper behavior [CA1024600]
- Convert colors: Fixed issue, where ICC-based objects were not tagged with another ICC profile [FP31000]
- Convert colors: Problem solved, where certain inline images were not properly handled [CA1024091]
- Font to outline: Fixed issue, where not all glyphs were properly converted in certain cases [CA1024629; FP31750]
- Font to outline: Problem solved, where encoding mismatch resulted in removed text in some cases [FP31648]
- Font to outline: Problem solved, where glyphs were moved after processing [CA1024501]
- Remove printer marks: Problem solved, where remaining objects resulted in problems during post processing [FP31845]
- Repair invalid ToUnicode CMap information in fonts: Problem solved, where processing resulted in invisible glyphs and damaged font [CA1024595]
- Repair invalid bookmark hierarchies: Fixed issue, were color of bookmarks was not retained [CA1024492]
- Fix glyph width information: Enhanced processing to correct special structures as well [CA1024251]
- Discard hidden and flatten visible layers: Problem solved, where resulting PDF had visual changes due to not respected OCMD setting [CA1024399]
- Font related Fixups: Problem solved, where text was missing after PDF/A conversion in certain cases [CA1023859]
- Internal optimization: Problem solved, where processing did not found an end [CA1024624]
- Checks
- Problem solved, where analysis could not be finished successfully [CA1020522]
- Fixed issue, where values in percentage were not always properly regarded depending on the operator [FP]
- Fixed issue, where unusual structure of structure information could not be analyzed successfully [FP31708]
- Actions
- Save as image: Problem solved, where creation of low-res images from files with protection for high-resolution export was not possible [FP29123]
- Desktop/PlugIn
- Activation: Problem solved, where some special characters in customer name or company resulted in a failed activation (MacOS only) [FP30970; FP31009; FP31103; FP31667; FP31404; FP31370; FP31678; FP31696; FP31703]
- Activation: Improved handling for instable or missing Internet connection
- Save as dialog: Fixed issue, where changed destination file name was not properly displayed [FP30295; FP31644]
- PlugIn: Problem solved, where usage of organize pages resulted in an unstable behavior (Windows only) [FP31140]
- PlugIn: Improved behavior if Acrobat is run in a language which is not supported by pdfToolbox [FP30849]
- PlugIn: Fixed issue, where sample files could not be opened [FP31564]
- PlugIn: Problem solved, where wrong language keys were displayed after creation of new preferences (Windows only) [FP31103]
- PlugIn: Problem solved, where the Quicktool icon was not visible after restart of Acrobat [FP31147]
- Inspect objects: Fixed issue, where some vertical lines could not be selected
- Library: Enhanced behavior for missing resources during export [FP30972]
- Reports
- Overview: Problem solved, where page numbers of hits in reports in Chinese language were not properly placed [CA1024719]
- XML: Optimized reporting of processing duration within report
- XML: Problem solved, where non existent bookmarks resulted in an invalid XML structure [FO30962]
- Activation: Improved reporting and handling of insufficient folder permissions (Linux only) [FP29616]
- Impose: Optimized handling of pages to be positioned to reduce processing time and temporary storage space [FP31145]
- General
- Improved handling for files with a extreme high number of recursions [CA1024508]
- ToPDF: Extended scope to convert shape-only Excel spreadsheets as well [CA1024727]
- ToPDF: Problem solved, where images with various color-related syntax errors were not properly handled when referenced from HTML files [CA1024124]
- ToPDF: Fixed issue, where certain filter in TIFF files resulted in an improper output [FP31030]
- ToPDF: Optimized handling of certain structures in TIFF files to avoid varying results [FP31061]
- Improved handling of resources for document-only Fixups to increase processing speed [CA1024430]
- Problem solved, where improper handling of image filter resulted in an improper behavior [FP32400]
- Improved merging of Custom Fixups and identical Fixups from Standard conversions [CA1024476]
december 15, 2015
- Update of pdfToolbox 8 Desktop free of charge for owners of a pdfToolbox 8 Desktop license
- Update of pdfToolbox Server or pdfToolbox CLI free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfToolbox Server or pdfToolbox CLI
- New Profiles
- Added 14 new Profiles for validation and conversion accordingly to the "Ghent PDF Workgroup Specification: GWG2015"
- New Fixups
- Convert color to PSO Coated v3 (ECI) (keep spot colors)
- Convert color to PSO Coated v3 (ECI) (convert spot colors to CMYK)
- Convert CMYK colors using DeviceLink ISO Coated v2 (ECI) to PSO Coated v3 (ECI) (can be used without a DeviceLink Add-on license)
- Convert CMYK colors using DeviceLink PSO Coated v3 (ECI) to ISO Coated v2 (ECI) (can be used without a DeviceLink Add-on license)
- Enhanced Fixups
- Downsample/Recompress images: New setting to retain current compression during processing [CA1024311]
- Remove objects: Support for multiple settings [CA1024031]
- Outline page geometry boxes: New option to define a tint value for spot colors [CA1024049]
- New Checks and Properties
- Page is rotated
- PDF/X Output Intent not CMYK
- Several new checks to match the new requirements of the GWG 2015 specification
- Actions
- Impose: Sheet sizes can be modified and new slots can become created during runtime
- Reports
- XML reports: Bookmarks now also include the "Name" entries to PageObjects (for GoTo actions) [FP30725]
- Office to PDF: New option for high resolution images and markups in resulting PDF (MS Word only) [FP27584
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Library integrated (v10.1.0PlusP4n)
- Profiles
- PDF/X-1 and X-3 validation: Removed check for PDF 1.3 entry as it is not explicitly requested by the respective PDF/X standards
- PDF/X conversion: Problem solved, where some Fixups were not successful in certain cases [FP22180]
- Fixups
- Subset fonts: Fixed issue, where glyphs were scrambled in some special cases [CA1024377, CA1024463]
- Flatten transparency: Problem solved, where glyphs became replaced [FP24853]
- Flatten transparency: Fixed issue, where processing was not successful [FP27069, FP24704, CA1023891]
- Increase line width: Problem solved, where not only width of line were taken into account [FP17425]
- Remove objects outside ...: Problem solved, where glyphs were moved during processing [FP30032]
- Remove objects outside ...: Problem solved, were also objects inside were removed [CA1024377, FP29342, CA1023946, FP28968, CA1023683]
- Downsample/Recompress bitmaps: Fixed issue, where bitmaps were not properly handled in certain cases [CA1024452]
- Convert colors: Problem solved, where bitmap image became invisible in some cases [CA1024230]
- Increase line width: Problem solved, where lines were not properly increased [FP29519, FP29816, CA1024209, FP30387]
- Increase line width of multicolored lines: Improved handling to ensure successful processing for all kind of lines [FP30847]
- Remove objects: Problem solved, where objects disappeared when applied together with "Convert colors"-Fixup [CA1022887]
- Fix problems in PDF tagging structure: Fixed issue, where processing took an unusual long time [CA1023822]
- Embed missing fonts: Problem solved, where a not properly encoded glyph caused a failure for font embedding [CA1024269]
- Place job ID in gutter: Improved JavaScript in template to avoid wrong placement [CA1024256]
- Checks
- Smallest distance inside from TrimBox: Problem solved, where also objects with bigger distance created a hit [CA1017873]
- Blend color space doesn't match OutputIntent: Fixed issue, where objects using DeviceCMYK resulted in unnecessary hits [FP20341]
- Actions
- CreateEPS: Problem solved, where PDF could not be converted (Linux Ubuntu 14.04 only) [CA1024344]
- Impose: Problem solved, where character escaping did not work for some special characters [CA1023481]
- Color convert: Fixed issue, where objects using spot color were not properly converted [CA1019221]
- SaveAsImage: Problem solved, where visible area of PDF became cropped [FP30745]
- SaveAsImage: Problem solved, where TIFF was not created properly if CMYK + spotcolors were used [CA1024316]
- ToPDF: Problem solved, where invalid ICC-profiles in images resulted in improper displayed PDF [FP28526, FP29935]
- Desktop/PlugIn
- Fixed issue, where activation could not be performed successfully (MacOS only) [FP]
- Problem solved, where PDF could not properly become rendered caused by some invalid function resources [FP23530]
- Library export: Fixed issue, were ICC-Profiles were not properly exported in some cases [FP30777]
- Fixed issue, where checks, used in ProcessPlans, became duplicated were not properly referenced within the ProcessPlan afterwards [CA1024441]
- Visualizer: Problem solved, where color conversion on a file displayed in visualizer mode resulted in a improper behavior [FP30724]
- Server
- Problem solved, where an export of content from a ProcessPlan was not moved into respective output folder [FP30284]
- General
- MacOS: Added support for LibreOffice [FP23008]
- PostScript handling: Fixed binary compatibility issues with RHEL5/CentOS5 (Linux only) [FP30180]
oktober 16, 2015
- Update of pdfToolbox 8 Desktop free of charge for owners of a pdfToolbox 8 Desktop license
- Update of pdfToolbox Server or pdfToolbox CLI free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfToolbox Server or pdfToolbox CLI
- Library function added to organize sets of Profiles, Fixups and Checks in separate Libraries
- Rendering of PDF/X-5n files with correct preview of multichannel process colors
- Support for PDF/UA-1 validation
- Support for HTML-based templates for overview pages of collections [CA1024017]
- New Profiles
- Verify compliance with PDF/UA-1 (syntax checks only)
- New Fixups
- Remove PDF/UA information
- Remove all signatures entries and flatten signature page objects into page content
- Generate 2mm bleed from page content
- Set suffix of all Pantone spot colors to “C” [CA1024044; FP28495]
- Make negative line dash phase value positive [FP29385; FP29765]
- New Checks and Properties
- Negative line dash phase value [FP29385; FP29765]
- Several new properties related to PDF/UA-1 verification
- Actions
- Impose: Support for UserUnits added, to allow larger dimensions for destination file [FP28937]
- Reports
- XML report: Bookmarks and their destinations became included [CA1023865; CA1024022]
- Desktop/PlugIn
- Special result dialog for PDF/UA to add result of semantic validation into report
- Visual marker if file contains tagging structure
- Results dialog: Enhanced listing of relationship entry for embedded files
- Visualizer: Added complete overview of ink coverage for all colorants into several views
- Improved display in Fixup edit dialog, if imported Profile did not contained configuration or resource files (especially for Profiles from Adobe Acrobat Preflight) [CA1023688]
- QuickPDFinfo: Information for page geometry boxes added [FP29496]
- General
- Several standard ICC profiles added to installer to ensure stable processing even on operating systems with a limited number of pre-installed ICC profiles
- Unix only: Installer now follow common Unix conventions and extract to a "versioned" directory
- Unix only: Autostart script for systemd services added [FP28609; FP28841]
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Library integrated (v10.1.0PlusP4j)
- Profiles
- Convert to PDF/X-4p: Fixed issue, where an error for "URL is not a file specification" remained [FP29814]
- Fixups
- Set values to implementation limits of PDF/A if possible: Enhanced processing time for bigger documents [CA1013657]
- Conversion to PDF/A-2: Problem solved, where certain PDF structures resulted in an unstable behavior [CA1024043]
- Conversion to PDF/A: Enhanced handling for Unicode values of certain Chinese characters to avoid unclear mapping [CA1023886]
- Fix font encoding (CIDSet): Fixed issue, where 2 identical, embedded fonts used the same ID for different glyphs [CA1024040]
- Embed missing fonts: Problem solved, where processing took very long in certain cases [FP29683]
- Add missing Space Glyph: Problem solved, where glyphs vanished in some cases [FP25829; FP29369]
- Flatten transparency: Problem solved, where spot color vectors changed from "stroked" to "filled" [CA1023462]
- Flatten transparency: Fixed issue, where resulting file contained a small amount of color in previously white areas [FP22584; FP26049]
- Map spot and process colors: Problem solved, where parallel mapping of all process colors to "None" resulted in an improper result [CA1023407]
- Increase line width: Problem solved, where lines using registration color were not increased in some certain cases [FP29816]
- Place content: Fixed issue, where special characters used in JSON expressions were not escaped properly [CA1024160]
- Substitute characters using .notdef glyph with space characters: Problem solved where glyphs were not properly handled if Simple-CFF-Font is embedded as CID-Font [FP30031]
- Checks
- Check for used colorants: Fixed issue, where shading pattern with no colorant values present resulted in unnecessary hits [FP28857]
- Validation for PDF/A: Improved recognition of certain syntax issues [CA1023622]
- Actions
- CreatePS: Problem solved, where PostScript files could not be created due to negative dash phase values insie the PDF [FP29385; FP29765]
- ToPDF: Problem solved, where fonts replaced by Microsoft Word were no longer reported in certain cases
- ToPDF: Problem solved, where a Microsoft Excel file using a chart could not be processed in some cases [CA1024188]
- Switchboard: Fixed issue, where certain settings became not properly respected when saved as Action for ProcessPlan [FP29585]
- Impose: Problem solved, where umlauts could not be used for placing text (Linux only) [CA1023764]
- MergePDF: Fixed issue, where merging of PDFs were not successful in certain cases [FP25481; CA1023133]
- MergePDF: Problem solved, where glyphs of became mixed if identical fonts with different encoding were used in input PDFs [FP29663]
- Desktop/PlugIn
- Fixed issue, where repeating editing of Fixups within a ProcessPlan resulted in an unstable behavior (MacOS only) [FP29318]
- Problem solved, where missing Fixup ressources resulted in improper behavior [FP29648]
- Problem solved, where Coldspare or Developer licenses for Server/CLI could not be used for activation in UI [FP29337; FP39346]
- Switchboard - Outline page geometry boxes: Problem solved, where lines were not created as spot color when used with batch processing [FP29094]
- Deactivation: Fixed issue, where a deactivation was not successful due to some delay during online connection to activation server [FP29460]
- New chapter "Backreference" to RegEx help added
- General
- Problem solved, where post-processing optimization resulted in an improper behavior [FP26918; FP26212; FP28098; CA1023961; FP29643; FP29613]
- Fixed shared library packaging issues (Linux only) [CA1024240]
- Certification: Fixed issue, where negative time zone could result into an unexpected behavior [CA1024206]
- Upgrade to pdfToolbox Desktop 8 requires upgrade fee for owners of a pdfToolbox 6 or 7 Desktop license
- Upgrade to pdfToolbox Server 8, pdfToolbox CLI 8 or pdfToolbox SDK 8 from earlier versions of these products requires a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA). Please contact your reseller for further information.
- Fixups
- Discard hidden layer content and flatten visible layers: Problem solved, where processing resulted in an unexpected result in some cases [FP28646]
- Actions
- Visualizer: Fixed issue, where report parts were not created as separate images [CA1023970]
- Upgrade to pdfToolbox Server 8, pdfToolbox CLI 8 or pdfToolbox SDK 8 from earlier versions of these products requires a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA). Please contact your reseller for further information.
- Several new Fixups for placing pagenumbers, barcodes, text of content based on HTML on existing PDF documents
- Inspect functionality for in-depth analysis of objects in PDF documents (Standalone only)
- Color conversion to multichannel using n-Channel ICC profiles
- Support for PDF/X-5n
- Added scope optional to execute Fixups for current file, embedded files or both [CA1022809]
- Retina and Windows HighDPI support
- Improvements for memory usage when processing big files or files with high amounts of objects
- Optimized usability of RegEx in supporting Fixups
- New Profiles
- Convert to PDF/X-5n (7C Indigo TAC370 (ColorLogic))
- Verify compliance with PDF/X-5n
- Verify compliance with ZUGFeRD
- New group "Place content" with several new Fixups (listed in section "New Fixups")
- New Fixups
- Place QR-Code with specified value
- Place EAN 13 barcode with specified value
- Place specified text at the center of each page
- Place page number in left or right corner
- Place document name in gutter
- Place job ID in gutter
- Create additional colorants Green, Orange and Violet for 7C devices
- Remove all tagging information
- New Checks and Properties
- DeviceN contains same separation name more than once
- Has private Illustrator information
- Uses indexed color space
- Page is an even page
- Page is an odd page
- Several new properties related to PDF/X-5n verification
- Enhanced Profiles
- All "GWG 2008"-based Profiles
- New Fixup “Set black text below 12 pt to overprint” replaces “Set black text below 12 pt and black vector objects to overprint”
- All "GWG 2012"-based Profiles
- Minor adjustments to thresholds used in checks for resolution of color and grayscale images as well as for bitmaps
- Convert to PDF/A-2a, -2b, -2u
- New Custom Fixups with extended scope for embedded files for:
- Embed missing fonts
- Remove XMP metadata if not compliant with PDF/A-2
- List potential font problems
- Added check: "No 'cmap' entry in Simple TrueType font"
- Enhanced Checks
- Resolution of color and grayscale images is less than 150 ppi inside BleedBox
- Resolution of color and grayscale images is between 150 and 225 ppi inside BleedBox
- Resolution of bitmap images is less than 550 ppi inside BleedBox
- Resolution of bitmap images is between 550 and 800 ppi inside BleedBox
- Enhanced ProcessPlans
- Convert spot to CMYK (for transparency flattened PDFs)
- Optimized handling for files which already contains transparency
- Fixups
- Convert colors: Fixed issue, where the predefined filter for text did not worked as expected [CA1023688]
- Map spot and process colors: Problem solved, where renaming of spot color resulted in invisible spot color in certain cases [FP28682]
- Map spot and process colors: Problem solved, where created result could not become redistilled afterwards [FP27367; FP27494; FP28445]
- Map spot and process colors: Problem solved, where mapping to None was not successful more more than 1 color in some cases [CA1023407; CA1022834]
- Map colors: Fixed issue, where mapping of colors was not successful in some cases [CA1023847]
- Increase line width: Problem solved, where line width was not increased [CA1023861]
- Increase line width: Fixed issue, where very thick short lines were not handled properly [FP28575; FP28270]
- Smallest distance from box: Problem solved, where wrong distances were reported [FP]
- Font to outline: Fixed issue, where some kind of transformation matrix was not properly respected and resulted in changed visual appearance [FP28625; FP28886; FP28720]
- Downsample/recompress images: Problem solved, where corrupt XMP metadata in images were not properly handled [FP28138]
- Make font names unique: Problem solved, where execution results in error during postprocessing [CA1023888]
- General optimization of file structure: Problem solved, where an improper defined clipping path was not properly handled [FP27392]
- Checks
- Problem solved, where setting for page scaling factors was not persistent
- Object uses CMYK only (no spot colors): Problem solved, where clipping path objects were regarded as well [FP28857]
- Length of name object / Longest name used: Adjusted behavior, so that only resolved hex values are counted [FP27755]
- ProcessPlans
- Problem solved, where some layer-based fixups were not properly executed on CLI [CA1022163]
- Actions
- Save as image: Fixed issue, where layers were not properly respected when set during ProcessPlans [FP26769]
- Impose
- Problem solved, where processing was not successful if only text was positioned, but not PDF pages
- Server
- Problem solved, where hotfolders were created in /volumes folder during startup when network volume was not mounted yet [FP28549]
- General
- Improved listing of used operating system (Unix only)
System requirements
- Mac:
- MacOS X (Intel), version 10.7 or newer, 64-bit-compliant
- Windows:
- Windows Server 2008 R2 / 7 / Server 2012 / 8
- Linux:
- Distributions with at least GCC 3.4-compatible system libraries are supported. Reference platform is Debian 6 (Squeeze)
- Solaris:
- Solaris SPARC: Solaris 8 (Solaris-Sparc v5.8) or newer
- Solaris x86: Solaris 10 (Solaris-Intel v5.10) or newer
- AIX:
- AIX 5.3 (oslevel 5300-07) or newer
- Recommended are at least 2 GB of free storage
- Upgrade to pdfToolbox Desktop 7 requires upgrade fee for owners of a pdfToolbox 4, 5 or 6 Desktop license
- Update of pdfToolbox Desktop 7.6 free of charge for existing version 7 customers
- Update of pdfToolbox Server 7.6 or pdfToolbox CLI 7.6 free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfToolbox Server 4, 5, 6 or 7 or pdfToolbox CLI 4, 5, 6 or 7
- Fixups
- Problem solved, where umlauts in external config files were not handled properly [CA1023786]
- Adjust or remove Image Interpolate entry: Problem solved, where Interpolate entries used in image masks were not discarded [FP28303]
- Map spot and process colors: Problem solved, where multiple settings within one Fixup were not respected [CA1023817]
- Actions
- Save as image: Problem solved, where PNG with transparent background were not created properly [CA1023672]
- ProcessPlans
- Problem solved, where import of ProcessPlans resulted in an unstable behavior in certain cases [FP27803]
- Reports
- XML-Reports: Added listing of fallback conversion steps for profile-based PDF/A conversion [CA1023662]
- Upgrade to pdfToolbox Desktop 7 requires upgrade fee for owners of a pdfToolbox 4, 5 or 6 Desktop license
- Update of pdfToolbox Desktop 7.6 free of charge for existing version 7 customers
- Update of pdfToolbox Server 7.6 or pdfToolbox CLI 7.6 free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfToolbox Server 4, 5, 6 or 7 or pdfToolbox CLI 4, 5, 6 or 7
- Enhanced Profiles
- All “Convert to PDF/A…”-Profiles
- New Fixup “Replace glyphs without Unicode to SPACE characters” [CA1023466; CA1023522]
- New Checks
- Has private Illustrator information [FP23244; FP26833]
- Radial smooth shade without radius
- Several new properties related to embedded files (especially for PDF/A-3)
- Enhanced Checks
- Possibility to use negation of regular expressions in those checks added, where values can be defined
- Remove object level metadata: Option to remove XMP metadata from structure elements added
- New Fixups
- Replace glyphs without Unicode to SPACE characters
- Enhanced Fixups
- New function to switch between normal and table view in certain Fixups [FP27603]
- Set relationship entry for embedded files: “Apply to” added for more flexibility
- Actions
- ToPDF: Added support for OpenOffice using 64Bit JavaVM
- UncompressImg: Extended scope, works now also for images-based Checks used in Fixups [FP27168]
- Improve reporting of additionally created files from ProcessPlans
- Reports
- XML-Reports: Page label is listed in page information
- General
- Deactivation of licenses using Desktop and CLI
- Introduced a validity period for activation with generated license file
- License files used in CLI-only environments needs to be activated before deployment
- Improved reporting if a Fixup is not successful for all objects (especially on CLI Fix and FixFailure will become reported now)
- Most recent version of Adobe PDF Library integrated (v10.1.0PlusP3n)
- Profiles
- Verify compliance with PDF/X-4p: Problem solved, where the trailing space for RGB was not properly regarded [CA1023556]
- Fixups
- Fix glyph width information: Fixed issue, where positioning of glyphs changed in certain cases [FP25990; FP26244; FP27795; CA1023570]
- Fix glyph width information: Problem solved, where glyphs are distorted in some cases [FP24435]
- Flatten transparency:
- Problem solved, where text was not properly formatted after processing [FP24371]
- Problem solved, where text vanished in certain cases [FP25667; FP27233; FP27270; FP27639]
- Problem solved, where glyphs were displaced [FP26089]
- Make XMP metadata compliant: Problem solved, where multiple creator entries were not respected
- Make XMP metadata compliant with PDF/X-4: Fixed issue, where unusual DocInfo entry was not properly removed [FP27145]
- Convert SMask to image mask: Problem solved, where processing resulted in an unexpected result [CA1023528]
- Convert colors using DeviceLink profiles: Problem solved, where colorspaces in DefaultRGB or DefaultCMYK were not properly handle in some cases [CA1023656]
- Remove objects outside of page area: Fixed issue, where certain cases of text placement was not properly respected [FP27658]
- Make font names unique: Problem solved, where processing resulted in an improper behavior during postprocessing [FP20693; CA1022294]
- Set MIME type entry for embedded files: Fixed issue, where entry was not properly set in certain cases
- Set page label: Adjusted handling to enable modification of complete page ranges [FP27217]
- Embed missing fonts: Problem solved, where font was not embedded due to missing Subtype-entry [FP27498]
- Convert TrueType to CFF: Problem solved, where conversion was not successful in certain cases [FP26772]
- Problem solved, where Smooth Shades were not properly handled in some cases [CA1022421]
- Problem solved, where invalid UTF-8 font names were not corrected [CA1023559]
- Checks
- Number of effectively non-empty plates: Fixed issue, where selected units for aperture was not properly respected [CA1023646]
- Effective Ink coverage:
- Fixed issue, where result was not properly determined if aperture was identical to sample size [CA1023392]
- Optimized handling to avoid unnecessary internal rendering [CA1023410]
- If custom area is defined, it will be corrected to stay inside of CropBox if original dimension exceeds this box [CA1023392]
- Fixed issue, where certain PDF structures resulted in false hits [FP27559; FP27939]
- Fixed issue, where some kinds of Smooth Shades were mistakenly flagged as invalid [CA1023332]
- Actions
- ReDistill: Fixed issue, where processing special PDFs files causes an error [FP27494; FP27635]
- Impose: Problem solved, where umlaut characters used in PlaceText resulted in an unexpected font [CA1023435]
- ToPDF: Fixed issue, where the print area of XSLX-Excel-documents were not properly respected [FP27328]
- ToPDF: Problem solved, where Unicode file names of TIFF files resulted in an unexpected behavior [CA1023605]
- Save as image: Fixed issue, where overprint was not respected in some cases [CA1023059; FP27495]
- Process Plans
- Problem solved, where reports created by sequence steps did not contained annotations [FP27963]
- Problem solved, where removing of steps resulted in an improper behavior in certain cases [FP27757]
- Desktop
- Reports: Problem solved, where custom PDF reports were not properly created in certain cases [FP27718; FP27979]
- Variables dialog: Problem solved, where quotation marks became replaced by operating system (MacOS only) [FP27547]
- Compare: Problem solved, where custom settings could not be used for reports [FP26947]
- Server
- Checkpoint: Problem solved, where preview did not work for PDF with Japaneses characters in filename [FP26938]
- Reports: Fixed issue, where overview reports were not properly created [FP27966]
- Fixed issue, where not convertible non-PDF files were moved into “Processed”- instead of “Error”-folder [FP26835]
- General
- Fixed problem, where special characters in name of Output Intent avoided a proper profile export [FP28111]
- Desktop: Fixed issue, where text was not properly displayed (MacOS Retina only)
- Improved handling of hotfolders when user “nobody” is used (Linux only)
- Problem solved, where no template based PDF reports were created if ProcessPlans has been used [FP27087]