
PDF/A in a click with pdfaPilot Desktop


Checking for PDF/A compatibility When opening the software, you will immediately find a window which will allow you to check documents for compatibility with the PDF/A standard of your choice. Just drag-and-drop your file(s) on the pdfaP...
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Export PDF as image PDF as content softproof


PDFs often have to be reviewed both for overall appearance as well as for correct content. PDF content may look different in different PDF programs. Exporting a PDF to an image PDF where each page is simply an image will guarantee correct a...
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Use own DeviceLink-Profiles


For callas pdfToolbox there are two DeviceLink-Addon packages with numerous, specially generates profiles available as a separate purchadeable license to perform color conversion between different printing conditions. More information to ...
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Merging PDF contents


Add a letter head draft to pdfToolbox, so that any letter may then be combined with the letter head in order to being sent as PDF file. Open Letter.odt Letter.odt is converted into a PDF file Open pdfToolbox "Document" Select "Let...
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Add new printing condition (Output Intent) for PDF/X export


This lesson explains how to set up custom Output Intents which can be used e.g. for PDF/X conversion. PDF/X-1a Switchboard action The drop down list shows lot of printing conditions, but the needed one is not listed. Setting up a pro...
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Make a brochure ready to print


This unit explains how to turn a PDF file containing a brochure into a print ready PDF that can be output on a digital printing machine or printing press. Several aspects of inspection and optimization are highlighted. Launch callas pdfToo...
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Export an Ad as CMYK image PDF


Especially newspaper producer are familiar with the occasional display that is causing nothing but headache. All parts of the workflow get a hiccup when processing a problematic file. The file is either not processed at all or its output ap...
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