Release notes
décembre 20, 2024
- Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
décembre 04, 2024
- Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a
Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK
or pdfaPilot SDK
- Problem solved where Variables were unnecessarily evaluated twice [CA1033767]
- Problem solved where CF2 to PDF failed [CA1033672]
juillet 30, 2024
- Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a
Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK
or pdfaPilot SDK
- Based on pdfToolbox 15.1.639 and pdfaPilot 13.1.385 (new features and fixes)
- PTB_MergePDF2: added flags (to handle different aspects like optimized or no optimized saving) into the C-API [CA1033271]
avril 04, 2024
- Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
- Problem solved where OutputIntent file created with incomplete naming [CA1032330]
- Problem solved where the JVM crashes at the end of the processing (in certain situations) [CA1033143]
janvier 10, 2024
- Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
- Problem solved where trigger values cannot be obtain on document hits [CA1033015]
- Problem solved where SDK does not working in sandbox environment on macOS [CA1032951]
janvier 04, 2024
- Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
- Based on pdfToolbox 14.4.622 (new features and fixes)
- Improved performance on preflighting with huge number of hits [CA1032919]
novembre 28, 2023
- Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a
Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK
or pdfaPilot SDK
- Based on pdfToolbox 14.4.621 and pdfaPilot 12.4.372 (new features and fixes)
- PTB_Preflight: avoid progress calls with “Analyzing page x:” for pages that are excluded by used page selector
- Problem solved where PTB_DocIDDrawToBuffer crashes if render
page box is outside of the CropBox and RGBA is used [CA1032656,
CA1032643, CA1032839]
- Problem solved where generation of image
mask report could fail randomly if an other PDF report was generated
previously [CA1031731]
juillet 19, 2023
- Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
- Problem solved where PTB_Report with PTB_ePDFLayer creates no layers if page range is used [CA1032518]
mai 23, 2023
- Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a
Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK
or pdfaPilot SDK
- Problem solved where PDF/A conversion fails when more then one embedded file is involved [CA1032377]
- Problem solved where PTB_Preflight crashes if no PTB_PRCEnumDynParamCallback is used
- Problem solved where sifter based checks used as system user fails [CA1027455 CA1032317]
- Problem solved in our sample applications where invalid PDFA still claims PDF/A
janvier 31, 2023
- Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a
Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK
or pdfaPilot SDK
- Problem solved where PTB_LibRelease incorrectly released the objects too early within a thread [CA1032145]
- Problem solved where PTB_SaveBufferAsImage fails when the path to the target image file is very long [CA1032195]
- Problem solved where PTB_LibGetPath with unsupported types led to undefined result [CA1030231]
octobre 18, 2022
- Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a
Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK
or pdfaPilot SDK
- Based on pdfToolbox 14.0.597 and pdfaPilot 12.0.355 (new features and fixes)
- Added PTB_LibSetLimits to limit memory or timeout - C only [experimental]
- Added DocumentID API (ptbBuffer.h) - C only
- Binaries on macOS are universal binaries containing x86_64 and arm64
- Improved profile caching for resources [CA1031319]
- Problem solved where output file after FilePickup was wrong [CA1031844]
- Problem solved where wrong bookmarks created in the email conversion [CA1031569]
- Problem solved where attachments were ignored if they begin with dot (.) in the email conversion [CA1031784]
mai 24, 2022
- Support for the latest version of electronic invoice standards: Factur-X 1.0.06 (ZUGFeRD 2.2, XRechnung) from March 2022
avril 26, 2022
- Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a
Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK
or pdfaPilot SDK
- Based on pdfToolbox 13.1.586 (new features and fixes)
- Improved cleanup of temporary files (ThreadSafe)
janvier 26, 2022
- Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a
Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK
or pdfaPilot SDK
décembre 07, 2021
- Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a
Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK
or pdfaPilot SDK
- Based on pdfToolbox 13.0.576 (new features and fixes)
- Added PTB_LibGetPath to retrieve current temp and cache folder [CA1030857]
- Added possibility to use [CA1030975]
août 13, 2021
- Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
- Problem solved where PTB_SaveAsPDF crashes when font files with ressource forks are present (macOS) [CA1030687]
- Problem solved where SaveAsPDF aborts with EError.MemoryErr when an empty array is passed as argument (.NETCore) [CA1030762]
juillet 01, 2021
- Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
- Problem solved where result file was not properly closed/released when Action is used [CA1030561]
- Problem solved where Variables are not evaluated for QuickFix and Actions [CA1030606]
- Problem solved where PTB_PRCEngineImportPackage crashes in ThreadSafe variant [CA1029852]
- Problem solved where pdfebe.exe was not signed on Windows [CA1030664]
avril 29, 2021
- Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
- Based on pdfToolbox 12.2.562
- PTB_SaveAsPDF: added flag PTB_ePDFExportSaveOptimized
- PTB_SaveAsPDF7: fixed 'logfile' parameter [CA1030434]
- PTB_LibAddPath: improved usage and fixed handling to clear internal list
mai 21, 2019
Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
- Problem solved, where the flags parameter from PTB_Preflight / PTB_ConvertPDFA was not considered (eg. PTB_epfNoOptimization) [CA1028302]
mai 08, 2019
Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
- Improved error handling if invalid Fixup configuration is used [CA1028211]
- Improved Variable evaluation - type safety [CA1028049]
- Updated language dictionaries: cz, da, fi, ko, nl, no, pl, pt, sv, zh_CN, zh_TW [CA1028207]
février 06, 2019
Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
- Problem solved where PTB_ConvertSysToUTF8 and PTB_ConvertUTF8ToSys incorrectly convert strings containing special characters (such as umlauts) [CA1027992]
- Improved stability (ThreadSafe extension) [CA1027990]
janvier 21, 2019
Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
- Problem solved where conversion failed when file path contains unicode characters [CA1027889]
décembre 14, 2018
Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
- Based on pdfToolbox 10.1.484 + pdfToolbox 10.1.482
- Improved PTB_PRCEngineImportAcroRepos and PTB_PRCEngineImportAcroReposFromUser2 [CA1027175]
- Improved performance on Variable evaluation [FP51750]
- Problem solved where PDF reports displayed wrong characters (special characters such as umlauts) [FP51757, CA1027738]
- Problem solved where dirty PDF files were not saved before corrections were applied when identical to the input file [CA1027752]
août 31, 2018
Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
Features + Fixes
- Problems solved where the URL was not compared in PTB_OIAdd [CA1027023]
- Problems solved where same Variables listed multiple times
juillet 06, 2018
Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
Features + Fixes
mai 31, 2018
Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
Features + Fixes
janvier 24, 2018
Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
Problems solved where implicit email conversion failed [CA1026835]
Problems solved where conversion failed when profile with HTML template runs twice
Problems solved where conversion failed when the current working directory contains unicode characters (ThreadSafe) [CA1026828]
Problems solved where temporary items not created or cleaned up correctly [caused by 9.4.443]
novembre 22, 2017
Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
Problems solved where interprocess shared memory file was not removed properly (ThreadSafe) [CA1026700]
Problems solved where PTB_OIAdd crashed and created unnecessary files [CA1026715, CA1026732]
novembre 07, 2017
Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
Problem solved where export of profiles with HTML template resources failed [CA1026582]
Problem solved where JavaScript variables were not evaluated correctly by using process plans [CA1026584]
Problem solved where ICC profile was missing when exporting OutputIntent [CA1026578]
Problem solved where the creation of the temporary working directory failed [CA1026578]
Problem solved where PTB_PRCEConditionLogic for a Rule was always AND [CA1026660]
Problem solved where syntax problems were not reported (hit callback) [CA1023718]
août 24, 2017
Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
Improved stability and performance (ThreadSafe extension) [CA1026447]
Problem solved where the SDK does not work on Chinese operating systems [CA1026411 CA1026039]
Problem solved where input file will be overwritten by using process plans [CA1026268]
mai 30, 2017
Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
avril 13, 2017
Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
Fixed memory leak in ThreadSafe extension where objects cannot be released in a case of an error
Problem solved where the Java wrapper does not work on Mac 10.11 with activated System Integrity Protection [CA1025662]
Improved stability and performance (ThreadSafe extension)
Fixed the custom profile parameter for PTB_ConvertPDFA [CA1025869]
novembre 15, 2016
Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
août 24, 2016
Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
mars 29, 2016
Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
- Based on pdfToolbox 8.3.371 (new features and fixes)
- Added ability to set maximum pages after this limit only pages with problems/hits will be stored
- Added ability to hide checks with severity for the report creation
- Improved performance [CA1024560,CA1024430]
- Improved memory usage for the Java wrapper [CA1024430]
Adobe PDF Library
- Updated to version 10.1.0PlusP4q for all supported operating systems
janvier 15, 2016
- Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
- Problem solved where the email conversion failed if no template (default) is specified
décembre 16, 2015
- Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
- Based on pdfToolbox 8.2.361 (new features and fixes)
- Improved Acrobat DC support (Acrobat DC Continuous and Classic are now supported) [CA1024424]
- Problem solved where PTB_LibSetPath returns PTB_eerrUnknown if called before PTB_LibInit [CA1024414]
- Problem solved where a process plan caused an abort in PTB_PreflightRelease [CA1024355]
- Problem solved in PTB_SplitPDF where input file has no extension (.pdf will be forced now) [CA1024359]
- Problem solved in the ThreadSafe extension to handle unicode strings [CA1024375]
- Problem solved in IPL_GetErrorStringFromErrorCode where empty string are returned [CA1024367]
- Problem solved where copying profile data with meta data caused a crash
Adobe PDF Library
- Updated to version 10.1.0PlusP4n for all supported operating systems
novembre 09, 2015
- Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
- Problem solved where input file will be overwritten by using process plans [CA1024339]
- Problem solved where the result after increase line width was not expected [CA1024209]
- Problem solved where increase line width with custom check was not functional [FP29816]
mai 02, 2016
Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
- Based on pdfToolbox 8.3.375 (new features and fixes)
- Problem solved where the Java wrapper does not work on Mac 10.11 with activated System Integrity Protection [CA1024834]
octobre 29, 2015
- Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
- Improved PDF/UA-1 validation
- Improved structured HTML export for tagged PDF
- Improved error code for the PDF reports where the input file was encrypted [CA1024272]
- Problem solved where a relative path for the reports fails [CA1024185, CA1024206]
- Problem solved where multichannel TIFF files cannot be opened [CA1024316]
- Problem solved where collection with HTML template fails [CA1024017]
octobre 19, 2015
- Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
- Based on pdfToolbox 8.1.354 and pdfapilot 6.0.245 (new features and fixes)
- Added ability to convert non-PDF attachements to PDF for the email conversion [CA1022965]
- Added .NET 2 wrapper for backward compatibilty on Windows [CA1024233]
- Problem solved where the result of email conversion was not expected [CA1024244, CA1024204, CA1024203, CA1023987, CA1024009]
- Problem solved in PTB_PRCEngineImportAcroReposFromUser2 with Acrobat DC [CA1024173]
Adobe PDF Library
- Updated to version 10.1.0PlusP4j for all supported operating systems
août 10, 2015
- Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
- Problem solved where email conversion was broken (no header fields and xmp metadata) [CA1024026]
- Problem solved where office conversion fails with special locale [CA1024052]
août 07, 2015
- Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
- Improved possibility to obtain information during ZUGFeRD failures that prevent the conversion (e.g. XML schema errors) [CA1023968]
- Problem solved where password protected archives could not be processed [CA1023988]
mai 27, 2015
- Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
- Problem solved where OutputIntent handling and API was broken [CA1019444]
- Problem solved where SoftMask without Resource Dict was not properly handled [CA1023878]
mai 06, 2015
- Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
- Problem solved where string values could not be converted corretly in the thread-safe SDK [CA1023815]
- Problem solved where property 'PDFVT::NumberOfTimesXObjReferenced' lead to crash [CA1023748]
- Problem solved in PTB_SaveEmailAsPDF where 'noconvert' generated reduntant entries for overview and bookmarks [CA1023836]
mars 19, 2015
- Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
Features + Fixes
Adobe PDF Library
- Updated to version 10.1.0PlusP3n for all supported operating systems
octobre 10, 2014
- Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK
Features + Fixes
Adobe PDF Library
- Version 10.1.0PlusP3c for all supported operating systems