
Export PDF to PostScript Level 2 EPS


Especially in some newspaper workflows, files still have to be processed as EPS PostScript Level 2 files at least in parts of the workflow. pdfToolbox offers a very easy way to convert PDF files to EPS with the click of a button. Open pdfT...
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Prepare Ad with rich black and high TAC for print


callas pdfToolbox 4.5 offers a very easy way to visualize rich black text (mostly original black text that was converted to 4C unintentionally) and areas with ink coverage too high for the desired printing condition. Open our example Ad "2...
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Split brochure pages in half


If you receive a PDF that has left and right page of a brochure on just a single PDF page you would want to cut it in the middle in order to prepare it for imposition. First page of a brochure Second page, note that it are actually two ...
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pdfToolbox - Prepare handouts for a presentation


Convert a presentation file into PDF and generate a handout file from it. In a second step, convert this handout PDF into black and white in order to save ink or toner on the printing device. Open "PDFA Presentation.odp" A PDF file is c...
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Organizing pages using pfdToolbox


Open a document Open a document (or multiple documents) where the pages need to be re-arranged (or merged). Open Switchboard In the Tools-menu, open Switchboard. Pages Go to the Pages-section. Organize pages Select the "Organ...
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Embed missing fonts using a searchpath


Work with variable font search paths. Open the Fixups Window Create a new Fixup Give the fixup a name Click "Additional search path - Choose" in order to create a variable. Create the variable Enter a useful path, e.g. to your...
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pdfToolbox Visualizer - Visually inspect your PDF and identify potential problems


When using a preflight profile and checking PDF files for issues, there is often the question whether a possible problem flagged by the preflight check is really an issue. In addition, there are often aspects of a PDF file that cannot only ...
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Refine colors for converted Office files


A spreadsheet "Eventplan" has three tables on two sheets, some images and a diagram with saturated colors. This spreadsheet document is converted by pdfToolbox to PDF and the colors are perfectly prepared for the printing process: Saturated...
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Create print ready PDF from Office file


This lesson shows a convenient way to convert an OpenOffice document into a print ready PDF that is in conformance with a PDF/X standard and has bleed where needed. Start callas pdfToolbox pdfToolbox canvas allows to drag and drop PDF f...
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Cropping pages and making use of dynamic variables


pdfToolbox offers a very flexible fixup to adjust the crop box, as well as other geometry aspects, of pages in a PDF file. This lesson explains how to use the fixup, and how to create a fixup with dynamic variables, so that the same pre-con...
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