24 feb. 2015
High-speed and high-quality HTML to PDF converter
Berlin, 24 February 2015 – callas software, market leader for automated PDF quality control and archival solutions, today releases a completely new product line to convert HTML into good, standards-compliant PDF. callas pdfChip is a command-line conversion tool that takes an HTML file – optionally using CSS and JavaScript – and performs a high-quality conversion to PDF that is ready for print or archival.
Crucially, callas pdfChip is built on standard technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript that are widely known and that require no dedicated development resources. “The HTML templates used by pdfChip are very similar to what would be needed for use on websites. Anyone with experience building website solutions will have enough background in HTML, CSS and JavaScript to get going with the product very quickly”, comments Dietrich von Seggern, Business Development Manager with callas software: “That sets pdfChip apart from solutions that have their own custom XML or XSL-FO based template languages”. The fact that pdfChip is a command-line tool as opposed to a development library means that its functionality can easily be integrated into all kinds of different environments without needing dedicated development resources.
“pdfChip is recommended when businesses need both flexible and automated PDF creation. Example cases include content-rich transactional printing, book and catalog creation, web-to-print applications or imposition”, further explains Dietrich von Seggern.
To meet this goal a lot of focus was put on the speed of conversion of the HTML template to PDF. And during conversion a lot of optimization happens while writing out the resulting PDF document to ensure the most robust and reliable PDF possible. Obviously the experience callas has built in both the professional publishing and the archival markets played a crucial role in this.
Because of the wide variety of workflows in which pdfChip can be integrated, a number of different flavors of the product have been created. The following is an overview of the different flavors and their limitations.
Flavor | pdfChip S | pdfChip M | pdfChip L | pdfChip XL Enterprise |
Simultaneous conversions | 1 | 4 | 8 | unlimited |
Pages per hour | 1000 | 5000 | 25000 | unlimited |
Barcode support | EAN, UPC, Code 39 & 128, ISBN, QR | all | all | all |
Number of pages per PDF document | 25 | 250 | 1500 | unlimited |
Advanced pagination | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
callas pdfChip is available immediately. The following list gives the price for each product flavor:
pdfChip S: 5.000,- Euro
pdfChip M: 10.000,- Euro
pdfChip L: 15.000,- Euro
pdfChip XL Enterprise: 25.000,- Euro
*Prices exclude VAT. A maintenance agreement (SMA contract) is required when purchasing any pdfChip flavor and is priced at 20% of the product price (per year). Upgrading between flavors is always possible for the price difference between the flavors involved. For further inquiries regarding availability, price, options or return on investment, please contact sales@fourpees.com.
To give an introduction demo of pdfChip, on March 5 David van Driessche will give an English webinar at 4 pm CET. Please register for the webinar via this link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2225433889175842305?source=calweb
Those who prefer the German webinar at 11 am can register here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/901925354542312962?source=calweb
callas software finds simple ways to handle complex PDF challenges. As a technology innovator, callas software develops and markets PDF technology for publishing, print production, document exchange and document archiving. callas software helps agencies, publishing companies and printers to meet the challenges they face by providing software to preflight, correct and repurpose PDF files for print production and electronic publishing. Businesses and government agencies all over the world rely on callas software’s future-proof, fully PDF/A compliant archiving products. In addition, callas software technology is available as a programming library (SDK) for developers with a need for PDF optimization, validation and correction. Software vendors such as Adobe®, Quark®, Xerox® and many others have recognized the quality and flexibility provided by these callas tools and have incorporated them into their solutions. callas software actively supports international standards and has been participating in ISO, CIP4, the European Color Initiative, the PDF/A Competence Center and the Ghent PDF Workgroup. In addition, callas software is a founding member of the PDF/A Competence Center and in October 2010, Olaf Drümmer became its chairman. callas software is based in Berlin, Germany. For more information, visit the callas software website at: http://www.callassoftware.com.
Four Pees
Daniela Mahlke
E-mail: daniela.mahlke@fourpees.com
Website: http://www.fourpees.com
Phone: +32 9 237 10 00
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