03 apr. 2017
callas takes the lead once again in supporting PDF standards/New functions streamline processes
Berlin, 3 April 2017 - callas software, a leading provider of automatic PDF processing and archiving solutions, today announced that version 7 of its flagship product pdfaPilot is now available. The latest release of this long-established software solution for converting files to PDF/A and validating them is now also compatible with veraPDF. veraPDF is an EU-supported project which involves the creation of a new test data set for all standard PDF/A components, as well as an open source PDF/A validator. The expanded functionality in the new version of pdfaPilot also includes automated flexible placement of any type of content. This gives users additional options for automating their PDF-related processes.
veraPDF is an initiative led by the PDF Association and the Open Preservation Foundation. Over the course of around two years, the project first created a test corpus which was significantly more extensive than the previously used isartor test suite. The project also provides an open-source PDF/A validator with which businesses can check whether files comply with the PDF/A standard, keeping them reproducible and readable for decades to come. Both products resulting from veraPDF cover all areas and compliance levels of PDF/A, the ISO format for long-term archiving.
"For us, establishing PDF-based ISO standards has been of central importance ever since the company was founded, as they form a critical foundation for designing business-wide processes", said Dietrich von Seggern, managing director at callas software. "We therefore took a very active role in the veraPDF project, and from version 7 of the pdfaPilot onwards, we are fully compatible with the new test corpus."
The new version 7 of the pdfaPilot also enables automated flexible placement of any type of content - including images, logos, barcodes and stamps - through the switchboard, without requiring any programming knowledge. In providing this option, callas gives users more options for automating their processes. Typical applications include consecutive numbering of multi-page documents (Bates numbering), receipt stamps, watermarks on test prints, barcodes for printer controls and document classification. Users can also insert new pages thanks to support for cover and separator sheet templates.
callas software finds simple ways to handle complex PDF challenges. As a technology innovator, callas software develops and markets PDF technology for publishing, print production, document exchange and document archiving. callas software helps agencies, publishing companies and printers to meet the challenges they face by providing software to preflight, correct and repurpose PDF files for print production and electronic publishing. Businesses and government agencies all over the world rely on callas software’s future-proof, fully PDF/A compliant archiving products. In addition, callas software technology is available as a programming library (SDK) for developers with a need for PDF optimization, validation and correction. Software vendors such as Adobe®, Quark®, Xerox® and many others have recognised the quality and flexibility provided by these callas tools and have incorporated them into their solutions.
callas software actively supports international standards and has been participating in ISO, CIP4, the European Color Initiative, the PDF/A Competence Center and the Ghent PDF Workgroup. In addition, callas software is a founding member of the PDF Association and active in its board since then.
callas software is based in Berlin, Germany. For more information, visit the callas software website at: www.callassoftware.com.
Four Pees
Justine Trio
T: +32 9 237 10 00
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