
Release notes

  • Update free of charge for all licensees of pdfChip 2 with a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)


  • Updated WebKit HTML rendering engine (similar to Safari 16): Support for many more modern CSS and JavaScript features
  • Support for Cartridge pools for CLI (–lspool; requires License Server v1.2) [FP76941]


  • Problem solved, where the attempt of converting a non-existent HTML to PDF resulted into temporarily blocked licenses [FP65795]
  • Issue fixed, where certain, external PNG image could not be loaded properly [FP73977]
  • Problem solved, where an activation on AWS was not successful [FP75307]
  • Problem solved, where an activation was reported as successful, but software wasn't activated (Linux only) [FP69642, FP75307]
  • Issue fixed, where a certain SVG could not be properly converted [FP77844]
  • Issue fixed, where HTML with a very high amount of nested <div> elements could not be converted [CA1032880]

System requirements

  • Mac: macOS 10.15 (Intel) or macOS 11 (ARM / M1 or newer)

  • Update free of charge for all licensees of pdfChip 2 with a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)


  • Support for developer licenses for CLI (–lsdev; requires License Server v1.2)


  • Problem solved, where rather small quietzone values resulted in a slightly shifted barcode [CA1032781]
  • Problem solved, where certain, decimal quietzone values could result into a damaged barcode [FP73509]
  • Issue fixed, where a certain style variant of a QR codes could not be created properly due to unsupported colorant parameters [CA1032652]
  • Problem solved, where a PDF with document restrictions could not be placed [CA1032533]
  • Update free of charge for all licensees of pdfChip 2 with a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)


  • Support for CSS property "-webkit-hyphens" to enable automatic hyphenation (languages installed by default: EN-GB, EN-US, DE, ES, FR, IT)
  • Support for "shadow DOMs" [CA1027321]


  • Problem solved, where Chinese glyphs were not placed in certain cases (Linux only) [CA1032311]
  • Issue fixed, where the :left and :right CSS pseudo-classes were not regarded
  • Problem solved, where conversion to PDF was not possible anymore in certain cases [CA1032200; FP71543]
  • Issue fixed, where a defined timeout for a license request to the License Server was not correctly regarded
  • Issue fixed, where the CSS property "font-feature-setting" for OpenType fonts was not properly respected [FP71594]
  • Problem solved, where QR code generation could result in damaged code if a --zoom-factor was used [CA1030700; CA1032211]
  • Problem solved, where vertical alignment of "Times", "Helvetica" and "Courier" fonts in HTML did not match the expected output (MacOS only) [FP52559]
  • Update free of charge for all licensees of pdfChip 2 with a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)


  • Problem solved, where an unnecessary high max zoom value for layers was added, that exceeded the implementation limits for PDF/X-4 [CA1032179]
  • Update free of charge for all licensees of pdfChip 2 with a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)


  • Updated the used Qt Webkit version to 5.15
  • Support for installation in Amazon AWS [FP61235]
  • Support for the CSS property "isolated: isolate" implemented [FP67863]
  • New CSS property -cchip-mediabox to be able to explicitly set the dimension of the MediaBox [CA1031877]
  • Deactivated automatic correction of page geometry box nesting (e.g. to allow certain unusual box nesting)


  • Issue fixed, where a changed capitalisation of internal file names resulted in an error on case-sensitive MacOS versions [CA1032102]
  • Problem solved, where an background-image was not printed if a certain zoom-factor was used [CA1031850]
  • Problem solved, where a JavaScript style.backgroundImage was not visible [CA1032047]
  • Issue fixed, where certain Australian postal barcode types were no longer properly placed [CA1031900]
  • Issue fixed, where given error message for improper barcode definitions in a HTML could be misleading [CA1031967]
  • Problem solved, where the insufficient font definitions "Roman", "Script" and "Modern" were not properly substituted [CA1031315]
  • Update free of charge for all licensees of pdfChip 2 with a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)


  • Latest version of the TEC-IT Barcode Library integrated (v11.13.0)
  • Support for font types WOFF and WOFF2 on Windows and Linux (was supported on MacOS already)
  • <rdf>-metadata from SVG files will be transferred into the respective PDF metadata structure [CA1029394]


  • Problem solved, where processing html using Chinese text resulted in errors when certain fonts were installed on the respective system (Debian Linux only) [FP65111]
  • Issue fixed, where a zoom-factor of 750 could result into a false size of a BoundingBox in some cases [CA1030955]
  • Issue fixed, where requesting an activation from a License Server without a matching cartridge took unnecessary long
  • Error codes from the used barcode Library are now reported in StdOut in the case of an error [CA1030577]
  • Problem solved, where conversion of a specific file could result into unstable behavior [CA1030132]
  • Problem solved, where a SVG file was not be properly converted to PDF when insertion of a page scaling factor was needed [CA1030731]
  • Problem solved, where layers with disabled visibility became visible after being placed [CA1029999]
  • Issue fixed, where certain layer structures in placed PDF were not properly maintained [CA1030578]
  • Problem solved, where certain values could result into an scrambled QR-Code [CA1030700; FP65307]
  • Issue fixed, where an "unset" CSS command was not regarded, which could result into slightly shifted content [CA1030745]
  • Problem solved, where an image could be placed as invisible in certain cases [CA1030468]
  • Issue fixed, where placing a SVG via an <img> tag did not respect defined layer settings for images [FP65535]
  • Problem solved, where dimensions of a "viewport" entry was not properly respected when the SVG was encapsulated in a HTML
  • Update free of charge for all licensees of pdfChip 2 with a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)


  • MacOS: Moved from application (pdfChip.app) to command line tool (Installer are available as .pkg and tar.gz now) [CA1029453]


  • Problem solved, where “cchip.getPDFPageBox” did return page boxes without taking an existing page scaling factor (UserUnit) into account [CA1029306]
  • Issue fixed, where conversion of a SVG with a Base64 embedded PNG resulted in a missing image [FP61022]
  • Problem solved, where a PDF could not be placed when the MediaBox definition was an indirect object [CA1029935]
  • Issue fixed, where multiple placements of a PDF using individual printPages calls was not merged into a single object (causing unnecessary increase in file size and processing time) [FP60812]
  • Problem solved to match requirements of Apple AppStore policies (MacOS only) [CA1029453]
  • Update free of charge for all licensees of pdfChip 2 with a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)


  • Page size of a PDF created from a plain SVG file will now be derived from the height and width attributes of the SVG
  • Page size of a PDF created from a plain SVG file will use the "viewport" entry if no height and width attributes exist in the SVG [CA1029038]


  • Issue fixed, where swapping foreground/background of barcodes resulted in lines indicating the matrix of the QR code [CA1028218]
  • Problem solved, where unnecessary transformation matrix combinations avoided a successful conversion to PDF/A-1b afterwards [CA1028488]
  • Problem solved, where the area of a link annotation for text was unnecessary large [CA1028997]
  • Issue fixed, where parallel processing with a higher number than allowed by the license type was not properly handled in certain cases [FP60623; FP60642]
  • Improved handling for Code-128 barcodes to support the extension for Latin-1 glyphs [CA1029284]
  • Update free of charge for all licensees of pdfChip 2 with a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)


  • MediaBox and CropBox are now set to 0/0 by default, even if the defined pagesize is bigger (can be deactivated by the CSS property "-cchip-media-and-crop-box-at-origin: off")


  • Problem solved, where positioning of objects resulted in an unexpected offset in certain cases (caused by rounding issues) [FP55337]
  • Problem solved, where high zoom-factor values results in invisible or shifted text in some cases [CA1028764; CA1028840]
  • Issue fixed, where a certain type of structure in a referenced PNG resulted in a missing image [CA1028799]
  • Issue fixed, where remote content could not be loaded caused by a wrong OpenSSL version (Linux only) [FP54536]
  • Problem solved, where an identical image resource became embedded multiple times when page boxes were defined [FP566448]
  • Update free of charge for all licensees of pdfChip 2 with a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)


  • Support for activation using the callas License Server
  • Latest version of the TEC-IT Barcode Library integrated (v11.8.0)
  • Rendering mode for text can be defined (using a pdfChip-specific CSS property)


  • Problem solved, where loading of remote content failed, caused by a wrong version of OpenSSL (Linux only) [FP54536]
  • Issue fixed, where positioning resulted in a very small shift due to rounding issues in certain cases [CA1027387]
  • Problem solved, where wrong font style was used when stroke text was painted via SVG (Windows only) [CA1026074]
  • Problem solved, where a dashed line was not properly created when using SVG [CA1026030]
  • Update free of charge for all licensees of pdfChip 2 with a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)


  • Problem solved, where performance was insufficient when a high --zoom-factor value was used [CA1027841]
  • Problem solved, where content became truncated when a high --zoom-factor value was used [CA1027260]
  • Update free of charge for all licensees of pdfChip 2 with a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)


  • Problem solved, where hyperlinks in HTML were not properly converted to link annotations in the resulting PDF
  • Update to pdfChip 2.0 free of charge for all licensees of pdfChip 1 with a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA)
  • This update requires a new license and a new activation


  • Support for referencing PSD (Photoshop file format) and TIFF files in HTML
  • Optimized handling of referenced image and PDF data to avoid high memory consumption [CA1027026; CA1027354]
  • Improved handling of CSS parameter "mix-blend-mode" for PDF BlendModes [CA1026548]
  • Support for PDF 2.0 features e.g. in the PDF Header or for the Black Point Compensation entry
  • New option to disable access to remote content: --remote-content=on|off (Default: Off = no loading of external content)
  • Latest version of the TEC-IT Barcode Library integrated (v11.7.4)
  • Windows version is now available as 64-bit
  • SVG Viewport entry is automatically set to page size minus margins in PDF


  • Problem solved, where referenced GIF image could not be opened due to a missing trailer in the image data [CA1027560]
  • Issue fixed, where positioning resulted in a very small shift due to rounding issues in certain cases [CA1027387]
  • Improved handling of temporary files to avoid remaining files being saved in TEMP folder [CA1027487]
  • Problem solved, where Chinese characters were not properly encoded in QRCodes [CA1027191]
  • Update to pdfChip 1.4 free of charge for all licensees of pdfChip 1


  • Page scaling factor (UserUnits) is used, if result PDF exceeds the maximum dimensions of PDF (200x200 inch)
  • UserUnits can be defined in HTML/CSS [CA1026402]
  • Support for defining Layers (optional content) for content objects incl. Layer groups and information for Processing steps in CSS
  • New option: --zoom-factor, the precision of placements can now be increased using the --zoom-factor parameter for applications that need very high calculation accuracy when positioning objects


  • Fixed issue, where invisible layers of positioned PDF were visible in result PDF [CA1024260]
  • Problem solved, where file type recognition for images resulted in an unstable behavior in certain cases [CA1026566]
  • Fixed issue, where result PDF showed an error when opened in certain PDF viewers [CA1026820]
  • Optimized error handling if keycode is not valid for current operating system [FP41724]
  • Update to pdfChip 1.3 free of charge for all licensees of pdfChip 1


  • Fixed issue, where referenced images, which are using a wrong suffix of supported image format, were not properly handled [CA1026339]
  • Problem solved, where valid licenses were not properly recognized [FP35667]
  • Update to pdfChip 1.3 free of charge for all licensees of pdfChip 1


  • Creation of barcodes: Problem solved, where unit feet ("ft") was not properly handled [CA1025920]
  • Creation of barcodes: Fixed issue, where barcodes of type "maxiCode" were not properly scaled in certain cases [CA1025848]
  • Embedding of fonts: Fixed issue, where a specified, symbolic font was not used for text (Windows only) [CA1025974]
  • Problem solved, where links without any content resulted in an error [CA1025928]
  • Problem solved, where TrueType Collections (.ttc) were not correctly handled on Windows [CA1025974]
  • Update to pdfChip 1.3 free of charge for all licensees of pdfChip 1


  • Pass through for PNG and GIF images
    • ICC Profiles attached to the original images are maintained in the result PDF
    • Optimized performance
  • Rasterization of objects disabled (e.g. for Porter/Duff Compositing, certain Drop Shadows and some Blend Modes)
  • Enhanced pdfChip S features: “QR-Code 2005” added to range of supported barcodes [FP35667]


  • Problem solved, where font names became mingled (Windows only)
  • Improved file handling (cleanup) in case of processing errors [CA1025615]
  • Update to pdfChip 1.2 free of charge for all licensees of pdfChip 1


  • Debug Plug-In for Chrome: Emulates pdfChip specific objects and functions to allow for using Chromes debugging features for pdfChip templates
  • Extended support for barcodes: Support for numerous parameters (approx. 150 different ones [CA1025431]
  • More coloring options for barcodes: Support for arbitrary content like images as “background” color for barcodes or matrix codes
  • InDesign template generator: Export filter for Adobe InDesign for converting an InDesign document into a pdfChip template incl. positioning, colors and styles
  • New method to wait for resources (images, barcodes): "cchip.onPrintReady()"
  • Links between merged HTML templates are transferred into the PDF result
  • Direct conversion of SVG files into PDF
  • New command line option for Debugging: --dump-static-html


  • Problem solved, where an umlaut in the file name was not properly handled (Linux only)
  • Fixed issue, where improper defined color values in Lab resulted in unstable behavior [CA1024885]
  • Fixed issue, where a SVG file in conjunction with SMasks was not properly converted
  • Problem solved, where a certain SVG could not be positioned [CA1023256]
  • Problem solved, where a pattern contained in a SVG was not properly converted
  • Fixed issue, where an embedded font did not contain a CIDSet (as requested by PDF/A-1b)
  • Problem solved, where font names were not PostScript compliant
  • Fixed issue, where fonts were embedded with a name prefix, although not necessary
  • Fixed issue, where a SVG mask resulted in an unnecessary transparent mask [FP28897]
  • Problem solved, where creation of a PDF was not successful, if a PDF was used as an image within a link tag
  • Problem solved, where no link was created for Form XObjects created by pdfChip
  • Fixed issue, where certain HTML structures could not be processed successfully [CA1024862]
  • Problem solved, where processing with a "homeless" user account was not possible (Linux only)
  • Fixed issue, where "visible" attribute in SVG was not respected properly, so that text was clipped [CA1025051]
  • Update to pdfChip 1.1.030 free of charge for all licensees of pdfChip 1


Main features

  • Support for DeviceN color spaces
  • Possibility to define the maximum number of created pages
  • Command line parameters can be passed through to the HTML template
  • Improved error reporting especially for JavaScript and placing bar codes [CA1024293]
  • Implemented a "list collector", which stores CSS marked content in a JSON file e.g. for building a table of content
  • Information about placed PDF is provided (number of pages, dimension of page geometry boxes)

Additional improvements

  • Path to activation output file can be specified [FP30305]
  • Place PDF support for Adobe Illustrator files (.ai)


  • Improved placement for PDF files to ignore minor syntax issues [FP30320]
  • Update to pdfChip 1.0.023 free of charge for all licensees of pdfChip 1


  • Several problems regarding activation, user permissions and similar topics solved (only Linux)
  • Update to pdfChip 1.0.022 free of charge for all licensees of pdfChip 1


  • Several problems with SVG (regarding masks, transparency etc.) solved
  • Initial release to the public